Dear all
Here is chapter- 17 from the book Ram Vijaya. Readers who have missed out any chapter can read them by clicking on the link provided below this chapter . Jai Sai Ram
Ram Vijaya-Chapter -17.Lakshuman having seen the people,thought that Kayakayi had sent them to kill Rama and began to let off arrows at them. But Rama stopped him, saying that they were not his enemies. Shortly after, they all reached the paranakutika of Rama, when the prince embraced them very affectionately and asked his mother how the king was doing.
Kausalya, overwhelmed with grief, could not utter a word, when Vashista broke the sad news to him. He deeply mourned for his father and remained mute for a while. Vashishta condoled him to perform the last ceremony of his father. Whereupon he went to the river, Gaya, and performed the ceremony.
Kausalya, Sumitra, Vashishta, and all the people persuaded Rama to return to Ayoclya and take charge of the kingdom, when lie said, " I am always true to my promise, faithful to my wife, and of a firm resolution. I cannot, therofore, break the promise given by me to my mother, Kayakayi, in fulfilment of the promise given by my father to her and return to Ayodya under any circumstances."
Bharat said, 'If you do not corne to Ayodya, I will go somewhere else and pass my days there until you return to the city." Rama stroking his head, replied, "Bharat do not be disheartened. I shall return to Ayodya in fourteen years and fourteen days. I, therefore, wish you to go back to the city and rule there on my behalf."
Bharat said, " I am very glad to obey you, but I shall not feel there well without your company. I therefore, beg that you will kindly let me go to Nandigram and stay there for fourteen years and fourteen days." Rama replied, " If you will not be happy in Ayodya in my absence, I shall let you go to Nandigram."
" But " said Bharat, "if you do not return from the forest within fourteen years and fourteen days, I shall commit .suicide. " Rauia, having been pleased with his brotherly feelings, gave him his padukas and sent him to Nandigram where he lived as a Joyi [an ascetic] for fourteen years and fourteen days. Rama also gave his padukas [wooden shoes] to Shatrughana and made him go to Ayodya and rule there on his behalf. Shatrughana returned to Ayodya with Kausalya, Sumitra, and all the people who had accompanied him.
Previously Posted Chapters:
- Ram Vijaya -Introduction and Chapter 1.
- Ram Vijaya -Chapter 2.
- Ram Vijaya-Chapter 3.
- Ram Vijaya -Chapter 4.
- Ram Vijaya-Chapter 5
- Ram Vijaya-Chapter 6.
- Ram Vijaya-Chapter 7.
- Ram Vijaya-Chapter 8.
- Ram Vijaya -Chapter 9.
- Ram Vijaya -Chapter 10.
- Ram Vijaya-Chapter 11.
- Ram Vijaya -Chapter 12.
- Ram Vijaya -Chapter 13.
- Ram Vijaya -Chapter 14.
- Ram Vijaya-Chapter 15.
- Ram Vijaya-Chapter 16.
