Ram Vijaya-Chapter 13.Dear all
Here is chapter- 13 from the book Ram Vijaya. Readers who have missed out any chapter can read them by clicking on the link provided below this chapter . Jai Sai Ram
Viranchi,[Lord Brahma] one of the gods, therefore, sent one Vikalpa to go to Ayodya and prejudice Kayakayi and all the subjects of the king against Rama and put an obstacle in the performance of the ceremony, so that the prince might go to the forest of the demons and kill them all.
Vikalpa tried his utmost to prejudice them against Rama; but they were all so good and pious that they remained faithful to the prince. There was only one wicked woman, Mantra, a favourite maid-servant of Kayakayi, whom he prejudiced against Rama.
She hated the prince ; and with a view to deprive him of the throne of Ayodya, she went into the room of Kayakayi and, throwing herself on the ground, began to beat her breast with tears in her eyes, when Kayakayi asked her what the cause of her grief was. Mantra replied, "You, unfortunate woman! Your husband is going to install Rama in the throne of Ayodya, and as soon as he is placed on the throne, he will kill your both the sons. I shall be very glad, if your Bharat is installed in the throne.
Kayakayi said, " I have no objection to the installation of Rama whom I love. as my son, Bharat." Mantra got exceedingly enraged and began to cry violently. Kayakayi went to quiet her when Vikalpa also prejudiced her against Rama.
Mantra, seeing a sudden change in her mistress, was mightily pleased with her and kissed her. Kayakayi said, "My dearest, just tell me what I should do to get rid of Rama."
" Any how," replied Mantra, " we must send him away and have our Bharat placed on the throne of Ayodya. I, therefore, tell you with pleasure that if the king come to see you, ask him to fulfil the promise given by him to you during the battle he had fought with the demons in heaven . Do you remember the promise given by him to you. He promised you that he would give you whatever you would ask from him as a reward for helping him in the battle. You should, therefore, ask the king to send Rama to the forest of the demons for fourteen years and place Bharat on the throne of Ayodya. And another thing is that if the prince goes to the forest, the king will soon die of grief for his son ; and it will be then a very good thing for you and your sons to pass your days in happiness."
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