Happy Thursday to all,
Yesterday I had posted Invitation from Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan for Chavadi's Centenary Celebration .This signifies that on December 10, 2009, the tradition of Chavadi procession will be completing 100 years.To make this occasion memorable Sansthan had started unique celebration by taking Baba's portrait and Paduka on 10th Dec 2008.To mark this great occasion I am publishing a post on various details about Baba's most revered place 'Chavadi'.Many of has visited Shirdi and our visit to holy land is complete only when we visit Dwarkamai and Chavadi after having darshan in Samadhi Mandir .
There are many places of importance which are also must see but pilgrimage to Shirdi is incomplete without taking darshan of Baba in Darwakami and Chavadi.Keeping in mind the importance and divinity of these places I am bringing a complete write up on all the places in Shirdi where Baba lived,moved and spent His life.These details shall be followed in coming post .
Content of the post is the extract of various details about Chavadi available from various resources devotees are welcome to contribute more information on this if they have by mailing me at this ID.I have also tried to gather old and rare pictures of Sai Baba's Chavadi .
Yesterday I had posted Invitation from Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan for Chavadi's Centenary Celebration .This signifies that on December 10, 2009, the tradition of Chavadi procession will be completing 100 years.To make this occasion memorable Sansthan had started unique celebration by taking Baba's portrait and Paduka on 10th Dec 2008.To mark this great occasion I am publishing a post on various details about Baba's most revered place 'Chavadi'.Many of has visited Shirdi and our visit to holy land is complete only when we visit Dwarkamai and Chavadi after having darshan in Samadhi Mandir .
There are many places of importance which are also must see but pilgrimage to Shirdi is incomplete without taking darshan of Baba in Darwakami and Chavadi.Keeping in mind the importance and divinity of these places I am bringing a complete write up on all the places in Shirdi where Baba lived,moved and spent His life.These details shall be followed in coming post .
Content of the post is the extract of various details about Chavadi available from various resources devotees are welcome to contribute more information on this if they have by mailing me at this ID.I have also tried to gather old and rare pictures of Sai Baba's Chavadi .
Old and Rare Picture of Chavadi.

History of Chavadi :
Baba used to always spend most of the time in Dwarkamai but after one particular incident Baba started spending alternate nights in Chavadi. There are two Chavadis in Shirdi one south facing and the other north facing, right chavadi is now the Nagar Palika reading room .South Chavadi is where all the Sai devotee go for Baba's darshan.

On entering this south facing Chavadi, one can see a plaque on which is written "Shri Sai Nath Babanchi Lakshmi Bai Damodar Babre, Chinchanikar Chavadi, Saka 1859".

"Has it happened so, that whenever anybody has asked me for any thing, I have not given to him "?Baba being Antaryami saw that the son, would only continue the name of Anna for one generation. While Baba wanted Anna's name to last for a very, very, long time.
A civil suit regarding his fields was then in progress at Dhanu. Anna time and again asked Baba about the outcome.Baba always used to say "Allah Bhala Karega". A famous lawyer, Achyut Narayan Khare, was handling his case. Once someone wrote to Anna saying that he had lost the case. Anna ran to Kaka Dixit and informed him, so, both of them came to Baba at Dwarakamai. As they were entering the Dwarakamai, Baba shouted "This old man has no faith in Me, throw away that letter".
Later the lawyer informed him that he had won the case and Rs. 1,8007- along with the court costs was awarded to him. Anna and Kaka went to Baba with the letter in hand. Baba simply said
"Have you got faith in Me now?"Anna placed the letter at Baba's feet and said "Baba this is all yours, I do not want it". Baba refused to accept the money saying that He was a Fakir. Anna begged Baba to accept it. This conversation went on for some time. Ultimately Kaka suggested that the sum could be used to repair the Chavadi, and it should be named after Anna and his wife Lakshmi Bai. The sitting platform along the outside of the front wall is a later addition.
Inside Chavadi:
Large Portrait of Baba:
On the left of the painting is a plain, wooden bed on which Baba was given his last bath after he passed away in Dwarkamai. These days, the bed is taken out each Thursday and the palanquin is placed on it. In the same corner next to the bed is a wheelchair which was presented to Baba when he was suffering from asthma, but which he never used.These items are now kept in Museum and are not in Chavadi.
Raj Upchar Photo:

Every Thursday after the noon Aarti it is brought out and kept on the wooden cot for darshan .Than it is taken to Samadhi Mandir ,where after the “Raj Upchar “ it is taken in the Palki along with Baba’s Paduka and Satka Aarti is done in the Chavadi and chillum is offered to Baba in this portrait. Than it is taken back to Samadhi Mandir for Sej Aarti .It is brought back to Chavadi after Kakad Aarti the next day. Chavadi is opens from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Wooden Cot.

This cot was previously in Dwarakamai now it is housed in the Chavadi. Every Thursday it is taken out and placed in front of the Chavadi and Baba's palki is placed on it. After Arati this cot is placed along the western wall of the Chavadi.
Wheel chair:
In 1886 Baba made an attempt to cross the borderline. He suffered from a severe attack of Asthama, and to get rid of it He took samadhi for 72 hours. Mahalsapathi guarded His body well (Chapt 44). Baba coughed off and on. This chair was presented by a devotee, for Baba to use, and move about in His old age. However, Baba moved freely and occasionally with the help of His devotees. Baba did touch this chair, and kept it, but never made use of it. This chair is placed on the north-western corner of the Chavadi and now it is placed in museum.
Glass lamp shades.
Around the time when Dwarkamai was renovated, Chavadi was also upgraded. The mud walls were neatly plastered, huge mirrors were hung, glazed tiles replaced the mud floor and glass chandeliers were suspended from the ceiling.
Procession to Chavadi During Sai Baba’s Time:

In describing the scene a few moments before the procession Hemadpant in Sai Satcharitra hints at Baba’s response. People were singing bhajan, some were decorating the palanquin, rows of oil lamps were burning, Shyam Sunder stood waiting fully decorated, then "Tatya Patil came to Baba with a party of men and asked him to get ready. Baba sat quiet in his place till Tatya came and helped him to get up by putting his arm under Baba’s armpit”.
Baba wore on his body the usual kafni, took His satka (short stick) under His arm-pit and after taking His chillum (tobacco-pipe) and tobacco and placing a cloth over His shoulder became ready to start. Then Tatya threw a golden-embroidered beautiful Shela (Shawl) over His body. After this Baba, moving a little the bundle of fuel-sticks lying behind with His right toe and then extinguishing the burning lamp with His right hand, started for the Chavadi.
Then all sorts of muscial instruments, tashe, band and horns and mridang, gave out their different sounds; and fire-works exhibited their different and various coloured views.

On the two sides of Baba stood persons, who held chavaris and others who fanned Baba. On the way were spread folds of cloth on which Baba walked on, being supported by devotees' hands. Tatyaba held the left hand and Mhalasapati the right and Bapusaheb Jog held the chhatra (umbrella) over His head. In this fashion Baba marched on to the Chavadi.
When procession reached near Maruti Mandir, Baba used to halt there for some time. Baba used to look at Hanuman ji's idol and gestured something with His hands by moving them in various directions. Baba only knows the meaning of these strange gestures!
The fully decorated red horse, named Shyamakarna led the way and behind him were all the carriers, waiters, musical players and the crowd of devotees. Hari-nama (the name of the Lord) chanted to the accompaniment of music rent the skies as also the name of Sai. In this manner the procession reached the corner when all the persons that joined this party seemed well-pleased and delighted.
On coming to this corner Baba stood facing the Chavadi and shone with a peculiar lustre. It seemed, as if the face of Baba glittered like dawn, or like the glory of the rising sun. Baba stood there with a concentrated mind, facing the north, as if He was calling somebody. All the instruments played their music while Baba moved His right arm up and down for some time. Kakasaheb Dixit at this time came forward with a silver plate containing flowers besmeared with gulal (red powder) and threw them on Baba's body off and on.
The musical instruments played their best at this juncture and Baba's face beamed with steady and added radiance and beauty, and all the persons drank this lustre to their hearts' content. Words fail to describe the scene and splendour of this occasion. Some times Mhalasapati began to dance being possessed or obsessed by some deity, but all were surprised to see that Baba's concentration was not in the least disturbed.
With a lantern in his hand Tatya Patil walked on Baba's left side and Bhagat Mhalasapati on the right, holding with his hand the hem of Baba's garment. What a beautiful procession and what an expression of devotion! To witness this, men and women, poor and rich, flocked together there. Baba walked very slowly. Bhaktas followed on both sides with love and devotion. With joy pervading the whole atmosphere of the place, the procession reached the Chavadi.

On reaching it Tatya went ahead and spread an asan and placing a bolster made Baba sit there and made Him wear good angaraksha (coat). Then the devotees worshipped Him in various ways. They put on His head a mugut (crown) with a tuft above, placed garlands of flowers and jewels round His neck and marking His forehead with musk-mixed vertical lines and a dot (as Vaishnava devotees do) they started at Him for long to their hearts' content. They changed His head-dress now and then and held it aloft on the head, fearing that Baba might throw it away. Baba knew the heart of them all and meekly submitted to all their methods without objection. With these decorations He looked wonderfully beautiful.
Nanasaheb Nimonkar held the Chhatra (umbrella) with its beautiful pendants which moved in a circle with its supporting stick. Bapusaheb Jog washed the feet of Baba in a silver dish and offered 'arghya' and worship with due formalities, then besmeared His arms with sandal paste, and offered tambul (betel-leaves). Baba sat on the asan (gadi), while Tatya and others kept standing and falling at His feet. When Baba sat on the gadi supporting Himself against the bolster, devotees on both sides waved chamars and fans. Shama then prepared the chillim and handed it over to Tatyaba who drew a flame out of it by his breath and then gave it to Baba. After Baba had His smoke, it was given to Bhagat Mhalasapati and then it was passed round to all.
After this function was over, devotees put garlands of flowers on His neck and gave Him nose-gays and bunches of flowers for smelling. Baba who was dispassion or non-attachment incarnate, cared a fig for all these necklaces of jewels, and garlands of flowers and other decorations; but out of real love to His devotees, He allowed them to have their own way and to please themselves.
Finally Bapusaheb Jog waved the arati over Baba, observing all formalities, the musical instruments playing thier auspicious tunes. When this arati was over, the devotees returned home one by one saluting Baba and taking His leave. When Tatya Patil, after offering chillim, attar (scent) and rose-water, rose to depart, Baba said to him lovingly - "Guard Me, go if you like, but return sometimes at night and inquire after Me." Replying in the affirmative Tatyaba left the Chhavadi and went home. Then Baba Himself prepared His bed. He arranged 50 or 60 white chadders one upon another and thus making His bed, went to rest.
In the morning devotees would come to Chavadi and take Baba again to Dwarkamai. This was followed till Baba's Samadhi
Again and again this scene was re enacted, and it is one replete with poignancy and poetic tension. A great saint, adored as a living deity, but to whom any personal worship was distasteful, yet allowing it out of love for his devotees and sympathy for their human longings.
"What a beautiful procession and what an expression of devotion! With joy pervading the whole atmosphere of the place .That scene and those days are gone now. Nobody can see them now or in the future.”
However, we are fortunate that those days are not completely gone. We can experience something of that splendor and fervid devotion even today, as each Thursday evening, a similar procession takes place with Baba’s photo in honour of that tradition.
It is a passionate, understrained – yet exalted – celebration of Sai Baba. If you have a chance, be sure to see the procession – it is an exhilarating experience!(Apart from Thursdays, Sansthan organises Palkhi Procession on the first day of celebration of Ramnavami, Gurupoornima, Dashera (Punyatithi) and also on Mahashivratri and eleventh day of full moon phase of Ashadh month as per Hindu calender {July-August month as per English calendar}.

Thousands of devotees -local and from all over the world participate in this incredible procession and make their souls satisfied with cries of Baba's name with deep devotion. The path on which procession passes is dawned with mixture of cow dung, mud and water with beautiful rangolis drawn. Few fortunate married women perform arti of Palkhi. Many famous music bands participate in this procession to make the atmosphere submerged in music, which is another form of devotion.
At about 9.15 the procession moves out of the Samadhi Mandir, to a flurry of horns, cries and waving fans. At the centre is the garlanded portrait of Baba (the one from Chavadi) carried reverently by the great-grandson of one of Baba’s dearest devotees, Tatya Kote Patil, (Tatya Kote is son of Baijabai, who used to search for Sai Baba in jungles for serving Baba with lunch when Baba used to roam in jungles.Sai Baba called Baijabai as her sister and Tatya Kote Patil, used to call Sai Baba as Mama, meaning maternal uncle. It is mentioned in Sai SatCharitra that Tatya Kote Patil used spend nights in Dwarkamai with Sai Baba and other devotee Shri Mahlsapati.)and another of his relatives .

The procession enters Dwarkamai about ten minutes later, where again there is an assembled crowd waiting for its arrival and jostling for a view. Here the photo is placed on the decorated silver palanquin to the accompaniment of more exuberant bhajan. This takes about fifteen minutes. Mandir staff and locals then carry the palanquin to Chavadi, where people are waiting inside and out.

During the procession, lalkari is performed at prescribed places along the route. There is no direct translation for “lalkari”, but it means the shouting of slogans or words of praise, such as “Long live Sai Baba!” There are three specific places where this is done during the utsav, just as there were when Baba made the trip by foot, nearly a hundred years ago.
Even today on Thursdays and other festival days the procession can be seen.
Jai Sai Ram .
Bow Shri Sai peace be to all.
Video of Chavadi Procession.


Nice blog.. Nice Pict