Dear readers
All of us who could not be present in Shirdi to celebrate Ram Navami and see how Baba looked ,can have HIS darshan and view each and every detail of Ram Navami celebration in Shirdi in uploaded 50 photo's in correct sequence from 2nd April to 4th April .
I could not control my emotion when I saw Baba dressed in 3 different colour which caught my attention .One in red ,one in shade of blue and one in green.I wondered what makes it so unusual ?and within no second I had the answer .Recently 3 dress were accepted by Baba here in Tanzania on 3 different ocassion's and the dress nearly matched all the 3 colours which Baba has put on in Shirdi during Ram Navami celebration .And what touched my heart most was that the blue dress with pink pheta that was wearing during Ram Navami celebration in Shirdi is similar to the dress combination offered to HIM in Tanzania on Ram Navami .I was wondering how Baba would bless while accepting these poshak here in Tanzania ?I realize now that HE had bigger plans and I had to see it today .I cannot thank enough my deva for His kripa.
The photos of blue dress with pink pheta I shall post after this post .Devotee who wish to see these photo's in big size can click on the picture and save photo of their choice by right clicking on them .
These photo's are taken from Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan website since they were in slide show mode and had to be individually clicked to see for larger view ,I have uploaded them here for ease of all the Sai devotees.Jai Sai Ram .

All of us who could not be present in Shirdi to celebrate Ram Navami and see how Baba looked ,can have HIS darshan and view each and every detail of Ram Navami celebration in Shirdi in uploaded 50 photo's in correct sequence from 2nd April to 4th April .
I could not control my emotion when I saw Baba dressed in 3 different colour which caught my attention .One in red ,one in shade of blue and one in green.I wondered what makes it so unusual ?and within no second I had the answer .Recently 3 dress were accepted by Baba here in Tanzania on 3 different ocassion's and the dress nearly matched all the 3 colours which Baba has put on in Shirdi during Ram Navami celebration .And what touched my heart most was that the blue dress with pink pheta that was wearing during Ram Navami celebration in Shirdi is similar to the dress combination offered to HIM in Tanzania on Ram Navami .I was wondering how Baba would bless while accepting these poshak here in Tanzania ?I realize now that HE had bigger plans and I had to see it today .I cannot thank enough my deva for His kripa.
The photos of blue dress with pink pheta I shall post after this post .Devotee who wish to see these photo's in big size can click on the picture and save photo of their choice by right clicking on them .
These photo's are taken from Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan website since they were in slide show mode and had to be individually clicked to see for larger view ,I have uploaded them here for ease of all the Sai devotees.Jai Sai Ram .


nice photos...om sai ram