Happy Thursday and Happy Baba's day ,
What is not in our hands is in the hands of our Sai.Sai devotee Reena sister shares her heart touching Sai experience .Please read the attached mail below.Jai Sai Ram .
Manisha sis ,
I have two wonderful experiences to share with Sai devotees. Both these experiences can be titled as "Test and Symptoms reveal something but Baba's Grace something else". Undoubtedly, I was shocked at both these incidents but very much elated and exicted to have witnessed Baba's miracle so very closely.
Truly, Baba has command over every element in this universe and He has the ability to control/change the happenings. What is required is faith, love and devotion. I request you to kindly publish this on your blog Manishaji.
1. Blocked Tubes appear Open.
This was around Sept 2008 when I was slowly getting back into Baba's fold of grace - there is a reason why I say so. Baba has been so kind and loving towards me that I had some miraculous divine experiences from time to to me in the past. Such experiences should have brought me very close to Baba already, but fools that we humans are (or should I say, perhaps thats what Baba willed then), despite having witnessed His leelas, I went back into worldly activities forgetting and putting behind His love. Despite all His love and protection in my life, somewhere I took Him for granted.
Ofcourse, Baba made me realize this later though and I can never ever feel enough thankful to Him. All I pray to Him now is to never to forget Him, think of Him all the time, chant His name, remember His stories and conduct life in the way he advocated.
As I mentioned in my previous experience on your blog, that after trying for a baby for sometime, my husband and I decided to go for fertility tests. I was supposed to go for a test called Hysterosalpingogram - HSG. What they do in this test is to inject a dye through the uterus and the desired result is that it should flow out of the fallopian tubes clearly and normally and spill into the abdomen.
Otherwise, it would mean that the tubes are blocked and the clearing up process requires surgery, risk and mental trauma. Chances of conception are narrowed even further.
I was nervous to take the test but went on. There was a TV monitor right in front to see as to how the dye is flowing through. The process started. I was in pain. I was praying to Baba all the while that He should protect me. My husband was not allowed inside and there was just the radiologist and a nurse. The process was gone through and at the end of it the radiologist told me this - "the dye did not flow through the right tube and though it managed to flow through the left one, it did not spill into the abdomen and perhaps this was the cause of my infertility".
I was nervous to take the test but went on. There was a TV monitor right in front to see as to how the dye is flowing through. The process started. I was in pain. I was praying to Baba all the while that He should protect me. My husband was not allowed inside and there was just the radiologist and a nurse. The process was gone through and at the end of it the radiologist told me this - "the dye did not flow through the right tube and though it managed to flow through the left one, it did not spill into the abdomen and perhaps this was the cause of my infertility".
I actually saw this process on the monitor myself. The radiologist tried again to force the dye through both the tubes in an attempt to clear up any blockage but ended up telling me the same thing -"don't worry, the Dr knows how to fix this through surgery". They also told me that the dye should normally flow out so clearly and smoothly which was not in my case.
My heart sank. I was obviously depressed, disappointed and came out of the room and informed my husband. Both of us were shocked. Why had this had to happen to me? What have I done to deserve this? Shattered deep inside we both came home and did not talk much. We were still in shock and continued to remain so the whole day.
My heart sank. I was obviously depressed, disappointed and came out of the room and informed my husband. Both of us were shocked. Why had this had to happen to me? What have I done to deserve this? Shattered deep inside we both came home and did not talk much. We were still in shock and continued to remain so the whole day.
The next day morning, I came inside Baba's room. Like I said before we humans are so narrow-minded, that it takes just a moment to turn off the light of faith. I sat down and asked myself if I should pray...immediately I came to my senses and said " my problems and desires aside, no matter what, I must have a lot of love and affection for you Baba. No matter what the situation, I must always love you. My feelings for You must not waver and remain firm even through the most difficult times. I can only pray to You to solve my problem, but my love for you most remain unshaken. I prayed with all my heart and surrendered everything to Baba's will and asked Him to show us a way out.
This continued for next 4-5 days and then we had to see our Dr who was supposed to discuss the results of the test. Laying all the burden on Sai, and prepared to hear the result, with a heavy stone on heart, my husband and I both walked into the Drs room.

He glanced through our result sheet (the diagnosis paper which radiologist posted to Dr) and said "the tubes are clear and normal". What he said left us both shocked and open-mouthed and we stared at each other. We confirmed again if the report was mine and if what he said was all true. He handed out the paper to us and we went through it. Yes, it read "tubes are open. The dye flowed clearly and normally through both the tubes".
Imagine the joy we both went through. My first thought went to Baba, He performed this miracle. All the time I sat inside the room, I kept remembering Him. When we walked back to our car, I could not stop the tears of joys flowing down my eyes!! Baba proved this further because I conceived the very next month. I cannot relate what a relief I felt and needless to say my faith in Baba grew strong.
2. Nephew's case of Cystic Fibrosis .
I live in the US and when I heard of the little boy's suffering and that there is possibly no treatment for it I cried my heart out. I would sit in front of Baba's photo and cry for hours together praying that he should not be fated for this. The more I used to hear of his pain and suffering the more my heart would tear apart.
I went to Sai Baba's temple and opened my heart to him. I prayed to Him to save the little boy. He should have a long and healthy life. He calls me 'badi maa' meaning mother and how can a mother see her child suffering.

He glanced through our result sheet (the diagnosis paper which radiologist posted to Dr) and said "the tubes are clear and normal". What he said left us both shocked and open-mouthed and we stared at each other. We confirmed again if the report was mine and if what he said was all true. He handed out the paper to us and we went through it. Yes, it read "tubes are open. The dye flowed clearly and normally through both the tubes".
Imagine the joy we both went through. My first thought went to Baba, He performed this miracle. All the time I sat inside the room, I kept remembering Him. When we walked back to our car, I could not stop the tears of joys flowing down my eyes!! Baba proved this further because I conceived the very next month. I cannot relate what a relief I felt and needless to say my faith in Baba grew strong.
2. Nephew's case of Cystic Fibrosis .
My nephew (3 yrs Old and in India) was showing signs of Cystic Fibrosis (CF), a dreaded genetically transmitted disease that causes digestive and respiratory problems all through life. My nephew used to fall sick very often, would not eat food properly, suffer from terrible cough and cold and even have difficulty breathing.
Confirming the disorder, he had a protruded rectum which added to his pain. When the Dr diagnosed it as CF and wrote the test to confirm this, we were all alarmed. We browsed the net like mad people and were dismayed to find that the symptoms matched.

I went to Sai Baba's temple and opened my heart to him. I prayed to Him to save the little boy. He should have a long and healthy life. He calls me 'badi maa' meaning mother and how can a mother see her child suffering.
I prayed "You have to save this boy Baba, it will be a miracle. His tests must all come out negative". This continued on and off for about 10 days and I would cry out in front of Baba unbearably. Adding to the problem, there was only one center in the city where my sister was staying that would perform this test.
Ten days later, the results came out and it was - negative. Miraculously, after this, my nephew's symptoms subsided and he started gaining good health and is perfectly normal now, by Baba's grace.
For someone who's symptoms matched with the disease so closely and the Dr almost confirmed it, it was a miracle indeed. We were very very happy and joyous beyond words and full of gratitude to You Baba without Who's grace this would not have happened.
For someone who's symptoms matched with the disease so closely and the Dr almost confirmed it, it was a miracle indeed. We were very very happy and joyous beyond words and full of gratitude to You Baba without Who's grace this would not have happened.
Reena Raj Singh
Read ealier posted leela by Reena ji.