Sairam ,
A very Sai blessed Punyathithi and Vijaya Dashmi to all.
May Sai Maa bless and guide us all .May Sai Ma make us worthy of His blessing .
Today is special day and I feel privileged to write about a devotee who is chosen by Baba and blessed by Him to serve HIM.
Baba has not only blessed the devotee but has made sure that His daughter is close to HIM and carrying out HIS teaching ,spreading and inspiring many more children of Baba in the path she is traversing .
I feel blessed to be associated with this dear child of Baba and recollect my meetings with her whenever Baba called us for His darshan to His Karma Bhumi -Shirdi .I call her with love didi.
Meeting with didi was always blissful as she would elevate my feeling of bhakti and love for Baba many folds by sharing her feelings,experiences and thoughts related to Baba. In the company of didi the time just flew,sense of existence dissolved and ego melted away .
Blessed by Baba to be in didi’s company always helped me to introspect myself and to seek purpose of my life which lead me to work consciously on my inner self. Baba’s Karma Bhumi (land of action) has now become didi’s karma bhumi . I call her with love didi but I also feel she is more than didi to me and to many more who have come in contact with her .
She is our beloved Mai who is selflessly carrying out the seva day in day out ,inspiring and engaging many more children of Baba to take tiny steps one by one in the path she has dedicated her life.
I would like to keep her name as"DIDI "as of now and would like readers to go on reading and discover who is this loved Didi? I would request readers to read the following small excerpt from didi’s book about her childhood experience .Followed by details sister Ashalatha has shared with all of us about her meeting with didi and about didi's dedicated life in seva of Baba and humanity .After that follows the detail of the pictures taken in temple .
My heartfelt thanks to Ashalatha sister who is heart and soul attached with Baba and serving Baba through this Baba's website .
Without any further ado I pray to Baba to bless all His children and inspire them to follow the path Didi is traveling.
Jai Sai Ram .
As excerpt from the book 'Ambrosia in Shirdi' :A Word about the Compiler Born in 1943 in Arvankadu (Nilgiris), the youngest of four children.
My father was a hard core atheist, while my grandmother was a gentle devout lady. Since I was young, my mother was forever sick, often at death's door. My father took her from one Doctor to another, at last she was admitted in the Vellore Medical Hospital.
To make a very, very long story short, after abdominal surgery, many tests and many consultations, they too gave up, and asked my father to take her home.
One day my father read in 'The Hindu' that H.H. Narasimha Swamiji, was coming to Naga Sai temple, Coimbatore. The paper also gave a glowing account of Swamiji's divine nature, but most importantly, how He healed many many people. My father decided to take my mother to Him.
Thankfully they took me too.
This was in 1949. The day before the meeting my mother had a dream. She saw 'this gentle bearded man with lots and lots of devotees around Him, seated in a palanquin.' He was wearing a short flannel grey Kafni or Kurtha'. She told my father her vivid dream, not knowing that she was to meet Him the next day. Swamiji asked my father what he wanted "a promotion, wealth, children or fame". My father pointed to my mother and said, "She is terribly sick, please heal her, I can always find another wife, but not a mother for my kids".
Swamiji asked Dr.Chari to check her pulse, which was irregular and erratic. Then He placed His palm on her head. My mother shivered and said "it is icy cold". He again placed His hand on her head and said "Now what?" My mother was filled with warmth, and at once held His hand saying 'Aha'. He then gave her Baba's Udi and a sthothra "Achuta, Anantha Govinda". He asked her to say it 21 times for 21 days. Also apply Udi and take it internally with water.
While all this was happening I was standing near the door, looking at this gentle bearded man. I thought this must be Santa Claus. I had an irresistable urge to pull His beard. He beckoned me to come near, then He picked me up and sat me on His lap.
The feeling was so good that I lay my head on His chest and patted His beard. He then placed His hand on my head and blessed me. Of course, by His and Baba's grace my mother recovered fully and my father became a Baba bhakta.
Sometime later we went to Madras to thank Him. Swamiji said, "I have done nothing, it's Baba's Udi and grace, that has worked. So thank Him and pray to Him. By the way, Prabhu go to Central India and do Baba's prachar". He then gave my father Udi with a photo of Baba.
My father wondered at His words. But some time later we were transferred to Khamaria, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. There we started doing Thursday Pujas. Later my father got a Baba temple built.
Often my father reminded all of us of Swamiji's words, telling us that even a mustard seed of Baba's Prachar and Seva adds up. He on his part visited Shirdi, wrote prolifically on Baba and held Satsangs.
I finished my studies and joined the Jabalpur Medical College. Once in 1963 we visited Shirdi. At that time the Sai Nath Hospital was being built. I vowed to do Seva (free service) there. After graduating I did my Post Graduation in Kalavathi Saran Hospital, Delhi and later went to USA. In the US I did my Boards in Paediatrics and was very successful.
By then I had forgotten my vow, the years rolled by. But a little voice kept asking me whether "All this was necessary". My father's words kept haunting me. I kept pushing them aside but the voice persisted. At the height of my career I decided to give it up and come and live in Shirdi, Baba willing.
From 1994 I stayed in Shirdi, I did try to work in the Hospital but could not do so. I started doing seva for Baba, but that still was not Prachar. One day I took some photos of Baba's Bhaktas whom I love very much. When Bose Anna saw them and said "Why cannot we have a photo exhibition with printed matter?" That started it all. From that time I had not looked back-Compiled by Sai Bhakta Vinny.
Details By Ashalatha sister :
Sairam to all the Sai family members,
We have been blessed to have the holy darshan of our Sadguru Shri Sai in Shirdi on Aug 15th 2012. Sai graced us, showered his blessings and love on us and made us stay till Aug 17th.
During this pilgrimage Sai out of his compassion made us enjoy the holy company of one of his best devotee. I must thank Ramanathan brother and Manisha sister for making me know about Didima. With a clear conscious, I can tell you I saw Sri Radhakrishna Mai in Didima, this is not my imagination.I did not get this feel when I was in Shirdi with her, I am under no obligation to please her but a sincere feeling which aroused in my heart at this second, and it is Sai who must have sowed this thought in me now. To think of this my body is shivering and I am getting goosebumps. I am having a blissful feeling at this hour.
I have read little about Sri Radhakrishna Mai and had been in bliss. And of course, envied her. I wondered if ever I could see anyone like her on earth!! But I feel I saw something very similar in didima, the dedication, love, devotion towards the Guru, Shakthi –full of energy to serve the Guru and Bhakthi –obedience, hardwork, Sai prachar apart from all these qualities a strict yet a loving mother. Didima had the golden opportunity of getting the direct blessings (energized) from Shri. H.H. Narasimha Swamiji during her childhood days(readers please read the excerpt given at the beginning of this post ). I pray wholeheartedly to our Sadguru to give her all the strength, and bless her always.
When Sai was in his mortal body thyself used to send all the devotees to SriRadhakrishna Mai, now Sai is immortal and Didima Vinny Chitluri is guiding each and every Sai devotee to all the holy places in and around Shirdi and helping them to know wherever Shri Sai stepped, walked, talked, stood, washed, and so on. And these places are already in the course of destruction….( its very painful Holy and Historic spots are getting demolished and replaced by commercial complexes). I think Sai must have given Vinny Didima the thought of naming the Kohrale mandir as Sri RadhakrishnaMai as she is also serving Sai in the same manner as the Sri Rahakrishma Mai did. What a coincidence!!
Same philosophy applies here, if anybody is willing to contribute in any form or would like to serve the humankind please feel free to contact . I wish to make a direct call to the doctors who has a willingness to serve the society but just wanting to know where and how can please feel free to contact, any kind of service such as organizing eye camps, general health camps, Orthopedic or Pediatrician , can be from any faculty are most invited to help the villagers.
Many children in the villages are not able to concentrate at school mainly because of their poor eyesight and hearing sense caused due to malnutrition, so eye camps and ENT doctors can help the children get their problems rectified. These basic services will help them a long way to concentrate in their studies.
Sri Radhakrishna Mai –Shirdi Saibaba Mandir –Korhale- Shirdi.
This is not a mandir with Baba’s pratima but there is a small Chavadi, a Dwarakamayi and a big hall with wall size Baba’s original photograph (Baba standing under the umbrella, leaning on the wall of Shirdi) this Hall is used for various welfare activities to help the villagers. Due to administrative reasons on the part of the Government Department still they are struggling to get the Tax Exemption Certificate done. .
Annadhan – Filling Poha with Tea and biscuits is served for Padyatris (the rustic villagers) who does not care for anything but carry their heart filled with pure love and devotion to their beloved Shirdiwale Saibaba. Sometimes Padyatris do stay overnight and so they are also fed with dinner. Apart from this Baba’s Prasad is served to the villagers on all Baba’s festivals.
First Aid :Services are also provided to the padyatris who come from Mumbai to Shirdi at the time of Sri RamaNavami festival. First Aid is provided at the temple premises for the villagers. Some time back the villagers were attacked by the outbreak of Cholera and they were so fatigue and were unable to even go to the Primary Health Care Centre, at this point Doctors were called and the patients were made to lie inside the big Meditation Hall (inside the mandir) in rows and they were given IV and medication. Doctor’s visit every alternate Thursday.
Blood donation drive is also organized.
The schools in the neighboring villages are also in need of certain facilities and materials such as Notebooks, Pencils, Pens and Uniforms to the students. The Donor can give these items to enable the village children to get their Primary education. 5 Girl Children had been adopted by the temple authorities and they are given education and health care facilities.
Ambulance Service is also provided to the villagers. The villagers are more prone to snake bites and they have to be immediately taken to the Primary Health Care Centre, to get Anti-venom and such emergency cases are taken care with the help of the Ambulance, and the villagers show their gratitude by kind at the time of harvest. During drought conditions water was supplied to the villagers. Water is brought in tanker Lorries and the people were provided drinking water.
Around 13000-14000 devotees and deserving people are fed every month. Out of these 6000 people are served meals and roughly 7000 Padyatris are provided Tea and Snacks and in a day on an average 200 people stay during night.
Vinny Di's ambition is to bring and introduce more and more number of youngsters to the historically and spiritually important places connecting with SAI.
The first and foremost need at this hour is a serving hand. Any doctor with the attitude in mind to serve humankind can please approach Didima. Any offering will support this good cause. Tax exemption is not possible at this stage on the donations made for this cause, due to administrative reasons on the part of the Government Department still they are struggling to get the Tax Exemption Certificate done.
Toilet facilities and more rooms are required to accommodate the padyatris. I place my head at the lotus feet of my Saima for giving us a blissful darshan in Shirdi and blessing us to visit Rahata and Neemgaon with the guidance of Didima and last but not least we also got direct lessons from Didima by visiting Korhale mandir (a living example of the first class devotee as described in Sri Sai Satcharitra,- She is working hard to accomplish the goals of her Guru) her untiring service, dedication, devotion and love towards Sai left us in tears of joy.
I beg my pardon to Didima, if I had committed any mistake in revealing her thought to the Sai world, I am sure she will not be happy to see the descriptions I have given about her, as she loves being humble and simple but this a very small revelation of what I saw in her, I am sure all those who have been in her satsang will accept this.
Given below are the pictures taken at Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir Korhale Shirdi with details below them .
May Sai be with all of us, bless us and guide us always
Sairam Ashalatha.R
Pictures Of Shri Radhakrishna Mai-Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir Kohrale
Baba's Photograph and Stone Paduka.
Small mandap (shrine)inside which we can find Sai baba's photograph and stone padukas.
Shi Sai Baba Mandir Kohrale:Entrance to Shri Saibaba mandir-not a temple but a sanctum sanctorum where the children of Sai are taken care by Didima.
Sai Baba Paduka:Original padukas of Sri Sai in Korhale mandir, baba used to stand on this stone and feed the birds.
The mandir also bears the name of Radhakrishna Mai which gives me an assurance that the feeling that arouse in me about Didima as Radhakrishna Mai is not a fake/emotional thought but a true indication from Sai.
Dwarkamayi Painting:Dwarakamayi in Korhale
Shirdi Sai Baba Standing Under Umbrella:Original picture of Sai leaning on the walls of Shirdi under the umbrella- this is not a copy but the original photograph ,minute details were explained to us by didima, such as the big patch (as the kafni was tore ,it must have been stitched )found in baba's kafni near his right chest, Baba's eyes were shrinked as it must have been a hot day to pose for a picture, then we can also see the threads of the kafni hanging in between his crossed legs. This wall size photograph and silver padukas were kept in the meditation hall where patients were treated at the time of cholera, and is also used for various purposes to serve the villagers.
The blind cow lakshmi taken care by Didima which otherwise would have been slaughtered as she cannot help the owner much. We can also see the ambulance operated for the sake of the villagers.
Phone: 982 285 6666, 997 545 5835
Didima has written the following books in English:
- Ambrosia in Shirdi.
- Baba's Rinanubandh
- Baba's Vani
- Baba's Gurukul
- Baba's Anuraag
Readers are welcome to leave their comment and message for Vinny Didi under this post in comment section .
Jai Sairam .


My name is Dr. Gunasagaran Ramanathan,residing in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.
When I visited Shirdi in 2000, I bought the book titled"Ambrosia in Shirdi" written by Dr.Vinny. I found the book very informative, and I subsequently wrote to her some words of thanks and appreciation.
She was so good to reply my letter, and asked me to pay her a visit,if I visited Shirdi.
I have not been called to visit the Lord's durbar till now. I hope I can make a visit soon and hope to pay a visit to Didi Ma.Om Sri Sai Ram.
Very nice post...happy to read this post on this blessed day of vijaydashami and baba's mahasamadhi day...really vinny didi is blessed soul who is helping mankind ...may saima always bless everyone and vinny didi with good health peace and love....hats off to vinny didi...Om Sai Ram...
I had tears reading the entire post.
I could not control crying while readng about Pujya Sri Narasimha Swamiji cured Didimaa's maa
and how she was blessed by Baba....
I'm really greateful and thankful to Manishaji and Asha for making me to read this wonderful article on a thursday...
Thanks a Lot Manisha Ji and Aasha Sister for sharing Didima's details. With Sai's blessings, when we go to Shirdi, we will meet Didima also.
Sai Ram,
Thanks a lot of sis manisha and sis aasha. I must thanked BABA first for letting us know about DIDIMA through both of you beautifully. I am very happy to read and get to know about DIDIMA on holy THURSDAY and also since I am planning and organizing a HOLY trip to HOLY SHIRDI on march 2013 from Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. With BABA's blessing and with his will, I will try my level best to visit DIDMA.
Thanks again
Didima Aum Sai Ma and Our Guru Sai Baba bless u with good health and many years ahead with the seva of baba, i am writing from the US, New York and will surely meet you when i come to Shirdi, next year with our Baba's will. Thank u for giving us very good picture of Shirdi which make us already blessed soul and feel the presence of our Guru. Thanks n Guruji bless all of u.
Om sai ram my brother is sufferring from mental illness and do not work.he is fully dependent on my mother who is 67 years old and very weak with stress and illness.i cannot help them ss i am married with 13 yr old daughter.. i m very much worried for them and always in pain pls help me we stay in thane i am not so strong and always gets scared of losing my email id is pls help my brother to get some job .he is 12 pass .iam really worried for them help me ma.
respected didi
ur books r giving happiness to me .esp rinanubandh and sympony .they r not books epics .must read daily ur fingers r really holi.fingers .thank u didi .
i have all the books written by didima except ambrosia in shirdi .where i can get it in shirdi.All the books r really the continuation of satcharitra .
ur books r giving strength to face my problem .thanku didi