Sairam to all,
Here few more experiences of devotees with Shirdi Sai Baba are being shared in today's post.Jai Sai Ram .
Baba Brought Me Out Of Trouble:
Sadguru Sri Sainadhayanamah
I am Dhara V A Sastry, aged 52 years. I am a strong devotee of baba. I have observed in many occassions in my life Baba standing behind me and guiding me to travel in right path. I am working as Manager in a Bank.
In the year 2009, I faced many troubles which a human being cannot bring me out of them, and thought of committing suicide. During that period, I happened to meet Sreekaruna, a great devotee of Baba in Hyderabad. She gave me Sri Sai Satcharithra and asked me to read one adhyayam or atleast one page daily.
From that day (i.e.July,2009) I was reading one adhyayam daily. Now and then I used to read one chapter (Sapthaham) daily and completed in 7 days Till today, I could not understand how I came out of all those troubles. It is really a miracle to say that I am free from all those troubles now. I strongly believe that It is only the blessings of Baba brought me out of troubles.
Reading Sri Sai Satcharithra is so powerful that every one who believes it will reach Baba directly.
Om sri sairam
Baba Krupa sidhyardham
Baba's Timely Help:
Sairam Manisha Didi,
Happy Baba's day to you and all sai devotees.How are you and all at home?Today when I am thinking of Baba,I just want to share one miracle happened in my life before 3 years back.Kindly post the below miracle in website and also please correct the content ,If I was wrong anywhere.
3 years back I was working in Chennai.One day in the evening I went to Marundeeshwarar temple with my friends.After praying to God we went to one devotional book shop inside the temple.I was searching for one particular "Sani baghwan Kavasam" book ,since my mom is asking for that book for the past 6 months.
So I was also searching for that book in all devotional book shop,but I couldnt get it.The book was not available in Marutheeswarar temple shop also.I was asking the shop keeper that where I could get it and so on.At that time there was no in the shop except me,my friends and shop keeper.
One of my friend bought one small Sai pratima made of wood and gifted to me.While we came out of the shop one old man came near me and gave one greeting card type of thing.While giving that he was telling that "I saw you when you were enquiring this book to the shop keeper.So I just want to give this to you "After telling the above sentence he immediately went out .
First I was not able to understand what he is telling since he came suddenly and also there was Hanuman picture in that greeting card.But when I opened the card I was surprised to see the" Sani baghwan kavasam" printed inside. We were searching for the old man inside the temple and also outside but we couldn't find him. Our Almighty Sai only came in the old man's form to give me the book which I was searching for months.
Still my mom is reading that book only. My tonnes of pranams and thanks to our Sai for being with me and fulfilling even a small wish.
Laying all the feet of Saima, N.Priya
Baba Helped Me :
Dear Manisha Ji,
How are you? I am R.Pandimeena, Baba's child residing at Madurai,Tamil Nadu. I have to share my experience, kindly share this on website.
Few years back I was entering into Baba's family. Several times I am experiencing Sai's wonderful blessings. Sai's presence is always with us. Whenever child needs milk, mother will know that and feed her hungry child. Like that, our Sai always knows HIS child's need and hunger, HE always shower blessings through various situations. If I need any answers of my questions, I will use website and get answers through that ,from HIM.
Two years back I went to Adilabad in Andhra Pradesh due to an official visit, during that visit I went to a tribal village, on the way I waited for a vehicle to go to that village. I was not quite confident at that time, because of language barriers and a new place to visit .
At that time I prayed and thought about our Sai in my heart, and what a surprise, one shared auto came in that place . I saw our Sai's beautiful picture was pasted on that auto's front mirror. I was happy and had confident that because of Sai I got this auto and I went safely to the village and completed my visit's purpose.
Two months back I was affected by Typhoid fever severely, then I took treatment at hospital and as per Doctor's advice I took 40 days leave from office. During that time I was afraid to take leave from office
even though I had plenty of leave balance in my hands but Sai suggested me to take leave without fear (through chit I wrote and asked Sai). HE helped me for sanctioning leave with his blessings. During my medical leave I had opportunity to read "Sai Satcharitra" 3 times, surprisingly, my typhoid was cured and also he sowed the idea in our mind to buy a house.
Then our family members thought that how is it possible for us?Because we are not thinking to buy a house, but Baba suggested through my Aunt to buy a house. If we have to buy a house means we need sufficient fund, but we do not have that much amount with us. My husband is working in Abroad as a technical assistant and I am also working.
Now through housing loan we are starting our process of having loan, in between that through my another Aunt without any intimation of buying house, she came with one house sale proposal by her neighbour.
Baba guide us always, He only placed an idea of buying house, and HE is only handling the situation to know about the house sale information through my another Aunt. What a lovable blessings by
Sai. Immediately I informed this information on house sale of Aunt's neighbour to my husband.
Normally, he does not accept anything what I suggested, but this time he immediately accepted to get housing loan for buying that house, but we do not have any amount in our hands. Then with the blessings of Sai, our Aunty came forward to give Rs.11000/- to me for giving token advance to that house owner, we went with the confidence and blessing of Sai to that house owner's house for giving token advance.
At that time I expected our Sai's presence, surprisingly in that house owner's pooja room I saw our Sai's Arathi book with Sai's picture, this also happened only because of Sai, when I expect HIS presence immediately HE came through Arathi book and gave HIS blessings to me. So many competitions are there to buy that house, but only Sai's blessings without any amount in our hands we got that opportunity and gave token in advance because of only Sai's blessings. Now we are starting the process of getting loan from bank, I got all the documents needed for loan from my office without any hurdles. We have hope that we will buy that house without any hurdles with Sai's blessings.
Manisha Ji Kindly publish my experience and also I am not fluent in english and correct the language needed for publishing.
Thank you
With the blessings of Sai,
Ms. R. Pandimeena
Sai In My Life:
I like to share my experience with full joy.Sai is my life.
I don’t know how I started believing Sai .I go to Sai’s Temple every Thursday Never missed it. I left my home town and went to Mumbai in search of job to my uncle's house. The place was all new to me. I thought I would miss going to Sai’s Temple on Thursday but I had faith that Sai would not leave me alone.
One day I asked my cousin “Is there Sai’s Temple nearby”. She said “No”. I was very sad. The same day one of my neighbor asked me to come along with her just to see the nearby places but she did not told me where we are going.
I went with her. She took me to Sai’s Temple which was nearby to my uncle house. I was so happy to see the Sai’s Temple. From that day onwards every Thursday I used to go to that temple without missing it. This was an awesome experience I ever seen. There are so many experiences I have seen of Sai.
Sai is always with us. No matter where we go if we have faith in him. U can see him everywhere
Saviour At Crisis:
One night I had a severe stomach pain. As I was new to the country I dont know what to do.
As, it was a very cold midnight temperatures hovering in lower single digits and I live outer suburbs of the city.
It was very expensive to call ambulance as I dont have the insurance. The pain was too severe to bear any more even for a moment.
For a moment My wandering mind went to Sai Baba and ...... I requested Baba to give me four hours of time, so that I can go to doctor in the morning. Believe I dont remember the next moment,immediately I fell in sleep.
Exactly on dot, the fourth hour conclusion. I woke up with the same pain as if it was continuing. Then immeditely I went to hospital with a friend where I had a surgery for the removal of aapendix.
I Wholeheartedly bow to SAI BABA and thank him. I also seek his guidance and blessings on every moment. God bless all.
Keep Faith In Sai :
Hello Manisha ji and all Sai devotees ,
I have been a regular reader of your website and honestly it gives oneself the strength to hold on to Sai baba with faith and devotion. I have shared my few experience before and how Sai baba has shown his presence when ever i asked for his guidence and assurence ,its hard to share all of them because there are too many that happen everyday but would like to share few of them .
To start with i was travelling with my family by car to our nearest town and it was a preety hot day i was sitting on the window side and sun was coming right on my face it was hot and i could feel my face burning with heat as i didnt wanted to change my seat something made me pray to Sai and i asked baba to save me from the heat .
To my surprise for the rest of the journey i kept getting the shade of tall trees which took away the sunlight and suddenly cloud came and it got cold . I praised baba for his love and affection ,also some time when i am lost in my worries i keep seeing number 9 everythime i am out in city will traveling or going to work its like baba showing his presence .
Right now i am facing some problem in my personal life and this time i need baba more than anything else i keep asking him question and he always answer to keep my faith i feel bad sometime to keep bothering baba for all my insecurities but i guess he understands and is always there to calm me down .
He always gives me positive signals as too he is working on my problem and i need to keep my faith and surrender my soul to him and i will get what my heart desires and so i ask all sai devotees to please dont question baba's power and just have a deep faith that whatever he decides for you will be for your best and the wait will be worth it ,will write more experience soon till then .
Baba Blessed Me:
Dear all Happy Baba’s Day,
I kindly request please disclose my name and my email id. First of all I would like to thank for providing a wonderful platform to share Baba’s devotees experience from entire world.
I’m from Malaysia and I got to know Shirdi Baba when my school Tamil society club show Shirdi Baba movie. After watch that movie I was really inspired by Baba’s spiritual power. I also searched more information about Baba and became a Baba’s devotee in 2008.
I’m basically a very nervous person and feel very depressed or anxiety for any small issue. Now I’m studying in a local university and I am staying in my university hostel. My university is only providing hostel for one year (2 semesters) and another 3 year (6 semesters), I will only get hostel if I fulfil all the conditions sets by the university.
The conditions are my exam result for current semester must be excellent and I must be active in hostel which means I have to take part in all the programmes and activities organized by my hostel. Marks will given for every programmes we take part and those are with high marks will given hostel for next semester.
I involve in many
programmes and my exam results are in first class level. At the end of semester, when I check for hostel application through online and its show that my application was rejected. I really feel very upset and sad. I also feel unfair when all my friends who are same and with low marks than me got hostel.
Staying out of campus is not safe and need a lot of money. I cry in front of Baba’s photo and beg to him to help me. I ask Baba to do magic or do miracles where I can get hostel. And next morning I again recheck my hostel application and its show that my application was approved.
There are no words to describe my happiness and I know that it’s a Baba’s miracle. Baba listens and answers for my prayer. Dear Manishaji I am regularly reading your website and it have become my daily routine. It’s wonderful to know how Baba gets rid of His devotee’s problems. Beside this by reading this, my faiths on Baba always increases. I also promise to Baba that I will post this incident in your website if Baba helps me. Again I would like to thanks to you for help me keep up my promise to my Appa (I always call Baba as Appa which means father in Tamil).
Om Sai Ram
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Om Sai Ram, With Sai's grace and your efforts, have been able to read today ,the experiences once again after many days .Thankyou & may Sai Bless You
Wonderful experiences....
Jai Sai Ram