Dear Sai readers,
Happy Baba's day ,
With Baba's grace and blessings I am resuming to share wonderful and blissful experiences of our Sai Ma with you all again.
Though Sai Baba is our ULTIMATE GURU/FATHER he blesses and guides his children from time to time to experience and feel the divineness of other great saints and gurus as Baba believes that all divine souls act in unison and are part of the single supreme divinity.
Asha sister is a blessed daughter of Sai who has shared many divine experiences of Baba with all of us previously.
In this post I am sharing recent experience of Ashalatha sister how she was blessed to witness the divine grace of other Guru. Jai Sai Ram
Our all compassionate Paramapita Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj have been guiding me to other Saints and Mahans. In this post I am sharing how I was directed to Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji.
I submit my humble prostrations at the divine lotus feet of our Sadguru Sai for shaping me through divine experiences, and heartily thank Manisha sister for being an instrument in giving all of us an opportunity to share thy’s divine play to the spiritually associated ankitas.
For years, I have been reading glimpses about Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji but have never been blessed to read the divine literature the “Autobiography of a Yogi”. My soul sister Hariniji gifted Autobiography of a Yogi to my son on his birthday 24th September 2016. I was so grateful for this divine gift and desired to start the parayanam. But again, I was engrossed in other activities and didn’t get a chance to read it.
On a Thursday morning me and my husband went for Sri Sai darshan, rejoiced in Kakad arati and were involved in few sevas in the mandir. While doing so, I found an A4 size laminated photo of Geethacharam (the photo of Lord Krishna giving Geetha upadesh to Arjuna), I was so fascinated by the sight of Lord Krishna, and coveted to take the picture. I was intending to seek uncle’s (manages the temple activities) permission, but then I changed my mind and desired Sri Sai to indicate me in his mystical way to take it. I reserved my thoughts.
Just then another soul sister Snighdhaji came to temple and we were so excited to meet, we haven’t met for a long time, she said she usually doesn’t come to temple at that hour and we comprehended it was Sai’s leelas to involve us in a hearty satsang. After a while she said she had to go somewhere and will be back in 10 minutes and confirmed if we will be there until she returns. As the time was already impending to Madhyana arati, we said we will be there for arati.
In few minutes she came back Lo, she got me a divine poster of Lord Krishna in his COSMIC yogic posture .And another beautiful big lotus poster with golden verses spelled by Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji as uploaded here.
I was spell bound and with tears of joy thanked our Sri Sadguru Sai for granting my wish of having Lord Krishna’s picture and an additional blessing of Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji. I thanked her for the divine gifts and narrated how Sri Sai seeded the yearning for Lord Krishna and fulfilled the same in no time through her.
She was dumbfounded and said that she has been keeping these two divine blessings with her for me and today she was intuited to pass the blessings to me. With tears of joy I brought them home and placed in our puja altar. Subsequently during December 2017, we had intended to travel to Florida for 10 days’ vacation. Just before heading to the airport I remembered Autobiography of a Yogi and told my son to pick up the book to read in the flight, usually he would not say no, but surprisingly he said it’s okay I shall read it some other time. But I was persisting and he said Mama, why don’t you read it, instantly I felt, Yes, rather than insisting him why not first I read it. So, I immediately took the book and kept in my handbag.
I started reading in the flight, I was totally absorbed in the allure of every truth spelled in that godly book. The magnetic pull of the book was so robust that it was hard to retain. In Florida we were blessed to witness the divine abhishekham, somavar puja of Bhujageshwar mandir and had satsang with Swami Vijayananda Saraswathi and Divyanandaji about various Mahavatars including Paramahansaji.
We also had darshan of two other Sai mandirs (which I shall narrate in another post).
As soon as we returned from our vacation I called Snighdaji to thank her for the divine gifts she gave in Sri Sai darbar which swayed way for me to read Autobiography. I was stunned listening to her response, she and her Guru bhandhus have been doing parayanam of Autobiography for the past couple of months and vowed to finish by Jan 5th in lieu of the birthday celebration of Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji, and I have started my parayanam 10 days ago without having any clue of this divine day. I was just in chapter 30’s and had more than 20 chapters to complete with 3 days left for Jan 5th. I pleaded our Sri Sadguru Sai and Master to give me the strength to complete the parayanam. As per the divine will on Jan 5th around 11:00 p.m.I completed the reading, wished to offer some prasad and was wondering what can I offer at that hour, then instantly I was reminded about the box of strawberries in the fridge, quickly I washed them and sprinkled them with little sugar (when Master landed in U.S. in 1920’s that was the dessert offered to him after his first meal) fearing they should not be sour. After performing Arati we partook the fruits, they tasted as sweet as nectar. I even tasted the ones that were not sugar coated, but all of them were so sweet. I felt so happy and thanked our Sri Sadguru Sai and Master for showering their blessings upon us.
My soul’s yearning to read and listen more and more about Master was budding day and night. On 27th Jan., Saturday afternoon I googled for videos related to Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji, I found a you tube video of Swamy Kriyananda, it was a talk for about 2 hours., I watched it with tears of joy and was in ecstasy listening to his experiences with the Great Master. As soon as I was done watching I quickly took my phone to send the link to my soul sisters and there was already a message from Snighdaji asking me to check at my door step for a parcel that she sent through Amazon. I found the packet, placed it at Sri Sai’s divine feet and texted her thanking for the divine gift.
I was in divine joy, opened the parcel Lo, she had mailed me a cd -Beholding the One in All (collection of an informal talk by Sri Paramahansaji). I hugged and kissed the cd realizing that our Sri Sadguru Sai and Master were satiating my yearning. I placed the cd again at the lotus feet of our Sadguru Sai and was just walking to the other room and I swiftly experienced my right arm and my head was becoming heavy and I felt some energy was pushing me forward, so hard that my right arm swung fast back and forth, I was wearing a full sleeve shirt the sleeve got enlarged, my hair which was my shoulder long became so heavy. I immediately uttered Paramahansaji and turned back to see if he was there, but there was none, Instantly I recognized that it was Paramansaji on me, I looked all around me for HIM, I rushed in front of the mirror looked at my face, it’s my face, I touched my hair it’s my usual hair, looked at my hand it’s the same. Then Where did Paramahansa go? How did he come inside me? Oh Sai, I could comprehend that Paramahansaji possessed me for a moment. But couldn’t find him, I was awe-struck with chills and goose bumps.
My longing to visit Paramahansaji ‘s chapel grew more intense, we decided to go the following Sunday service. I desired to get a small photo of the 6 Masters to keep in our Sai room (puja altar). That week Thursday my younger son fell sick and was sent home from school, he developed fever and throat pain. I vowed to Sri Sai and Master that Sunday he should be feeling well to go for darshan. But until Saturday night he had temperature. February 4th, Sunday morning, when I was still on the bed, I received a message from my soul friend Pushpa and that had Sri Yukteshwar Giri’s picture and his message, I was wonder-struck at this divine indication as she was not aware of our Chapel plan. I spoke heart to heart to Sri Sai that I will not wake my son from sleep, whereas he had to get up on his own and get ready for temple. Sri Sai did make him wake up on his own and he said he would brush and take bath, I became cheerful and was busy preparing breakfast. In no time he came and fell on the couch saying he is dizzy and couldn’t brush.
I told Sai and Master if it was Master who possessed me last Saturday then you both must take us for today’s darshan, otherwise I shall call my soul sisters and declare that all the experiences I shared with them is just my illusion and I was not divinely possessed by Master. I also decided not to force my son to get up and shall wait until the Gurus provide him the energy. The chapel services will be closed by 12:00 noon. In 5 minutes my son got up and went to take his shower, with tears of joy I heartily thanked our Sri Sai and Master. I was pondering if I can take fruits to the chapel, as this is our first visit I didn’t have any idea about the service procedures. Again, in fridge there was a fresh box of strawberries, to offer Master.
While travelling to the chapel I was reminiscing the divine leelas of Master. We reached the Chapel on time and after the meditation session, my eyes were nomadic for the photos, I asked Snighdaji if I can purchase small pictures of the Masters from the book store, she said we can. I and my younger one found a small card like paper fold with images of the Masters, I was about to pick up and my soul sister asked me if I need all the Gurus in one frame or distinct, I said I don’t mind however they are. She urged me to come out to the parking area, I followed her and she opened her car door and said here you take all the six gurus are already waiting for you in the car. I was astonished and randomly picked up one of the frame and that was Sri Yukteshwar Giri. I was in tears of joy she picked up the carton box of pictures and gave it to me, I received all of them as though I was gifted with 6 babies, we both were in tears of joy and she said she would narrate the whole episode of the photos next day.
I was in ecstatic state of mind and from there we went to Mahalakshmi temple there I found a beautiful picture of Goddess and surprisingly that was from the temple which is very close to our home in India.
I took the goddess picture and after this darshan usually we go to Sri Sai temple but that day our Sadguru Sai intuited me to go directly to Hariniji’s Sai home. When we went there Hariniji gave me prasadam and brass bracelet sent from Sri Poondi Swamiji temple through her, she got me a divine rock from the pathway between Skanda ashram and Virupaaksha Guha in Tiruvannamalai.
She bought a silver finger ring for me with Aum engraved on it, and was amazed that this was the only one of this kind (Aum is the mantra upadesh given by our Sadguru Sai to me which I shall share in the blog as per Sri Sai’s will).
Hariniji told me that our eternal father Sri Sai had sent an advance birthday gift for me in the form of a beautiful saree through aunty. This saree had adorned our Sadguru Sai in the mandir. That day altogether I received blessings from 10 spiritual Masters (Dasavatara). I heartily hugged all the divine blessings and reached home with tears of joy thanking our Sarvantaryami Sri Sainath Maharaj.
Next day, I called Snighdaji to hear the leelas related to the celestial pictures of Masters. She said these pictures are more than 40 years old, many divine souls and monks have meditated upon them since 1973 and just two years ago the present chapel decided to make new frames and Snighdaji also gave her support for this divine task. As soon as the new pictures replaced the old ones Snighdaji was blessed with the old pictures of Masters to take home. She being a humble soul politely denied and placed them in the Sunday school of the chapel, for nearly two years they remained intact unruffled. While receiving the photos of Masters she was intuited that she is receiving these divine pictures to pass it on to someone. One of her Gurubhandhu adviced her to bring the blessings home, hence during the month of Nov. 2017 she brought them home. The same month during the thanks giving break I was intuited by Sri Sai to make some flower arrangements in front of our fire place. In the month of Feb. 2018, I shared my experience of Sri Paramahansaji possessing me and that moment all these 6 pictures of the Masters appeared in front of her eyes. She thought Master is indicating her to give the pictures to me, but she wanted one more sign to confirm her thoughts. The next day during her satsang with a Sai bhandhu, she got an indication that passing on old pictures or pratimas of God’s and Gurus to others is always a greatest blessing as they would be carrying more vibrations in them and this confirmed Snighdaji’s instincts. She was also adviced by her Guru bhandhu to retain atleast couple of the Masters with her as a blessing and pass on the others but Snighdaji didn’t want to break the lineage of the Guru parampara. She picked up the photos and observed that couple of the frames had cracks so thought of replacing them with new ones. When she opened a frame Lo, another miracle unveiled. To her amazement the frame had one color and another black and white picture, she opened the next frame in variably all of them had two pictures except a black and white picture of Sri Yukteshwar Giri was missing. She was wonderstruck at the divine play.
She went to the chapel for sevice and another volunteer who usually would not be found at that time was present there. When Snighdaji asked her if there is any chance of getting a black and white print of Sri Yukteshwarji’s picture, the volunteer said now they stopped printing black and white photos and so it would be hard to get, but long back she remember seeing one black and white picture in a folder which is kept in one of the cup boards but doesn’t remember which Guru’s photo that was. When Snighdaji searched she was astonished because that was Sri Yukteshwarji’s photo. Now she got a complete set of both color and black and white pictures. Master wanted to bless her sweet heart with one set of photos to be retained at her altar and another set for me. Now she went to buy frames for all the six black and white pictures and found only four frames of the kind, and was persistent that she will buy the remaining two. Though I didn’t want to trouble her and tried my best could neither get the same kind of frames online or in store, after a month she said in the same shop she found just two frames of that kind which is good enough for us. We decided to place the Masters on a small table in front of the fire place, so we took the measurements and when we went to shop looking for a smooth finished wooden plank, wonder of wonders we got a perfect plank matching our dimensions.
This divine blessing is bestowed upon us purely by the complete grace of our All Compassionate, Omniscient Sri Sai. I would love to wash the divine feet of our Sri Sadguru Sai with tears of joy and plead him to bless us, guide us be with us always.
Asha Raju


We can become recepticles to the grace and feel the all pervasiveness of Baba by following the path he showed to us.HE, being an embodiment of Love, always listens to us.I pray, he continue to give me the desire and ultimate grant to dissolve in HIM. HE will make us light hearted by protecting our family members health wise which is the major concern to us. I just hug HIM and wonder how much pleasure it would have been, had I been there around HIS physical body, though HE is always with us after dropping the body. In this connection, I wish to ask all devotees who know Tamil to watch the Satcharitham episodes on Sai TV( tata sky channel no 1586) where in Sri Ramanathan garu is giving us so many incidents happened at SHIRDI ,the leelas and affection of Baba towards the devotees. Very very intetesting and nice presentation. You can watch on U tube also. My sincere thanks to Sri Ramanathan garu.-- regards to all-- Rama Rao Bangalore
Saayee, Saayee,Saayee My respects and hugs to YOU.
Sairam madam,just getting to know about Guru pramahamsa yoganandha through this post.very very pleasantly surprised and elated to know that my daughter's birthday is also on jan wanted to know abt the location of the chapel,could find one near LA.we stay in east coast,so wanted to know more about the chapels in Usa.pls help me