Happy Thursday and Happy Baba's day to all
With grace of Baba and contribution by Sai devotee Priya ,after a long wait we are able to upload Sai Vrat details in various language .Yesterday I had posted Shirdi Sai Baba Vrat details in Telugu for the first time in any blog .
Today I am uploading scanned copy of Shirdi Sai Baba Vrat in Tamil which is again for first time in any blog again with all the details like Sai Bhaavni,Datta Bhavani ,Sai Chalisa, Sai Baba's 11 assurances and Baba's traditional Aarti .
Lot of mails were received yesterday and today for posting Shirdi Sai Baba Vrat in Tamil .Since I am working on getting the scanned copy of Tamil Vrat to be typed I thought of posting the details next week after it gets completed but devotee wished to recieve it before Gurupurnima so that they can start their vrat on auspicious day of Gurupurnima.I am uploading Sai Vrat in Tamil (scanned version and would shortly upload the full Vrat in script format .)
I request devotees to bear with me and visit blog regularly to directly take typed Tamil Sai Vrat from the blog in coming days.May Baba bless one and all .
Download Here :
Please Note :
Dear readers,
I am compliling the list of all the sources of Sai Vrat which are available in this blog for ready reference of the devotees.Devotees can download the material of their choice just by clicking on the link in the list .
Shri Sai Vrat katha complete Book :
Sai vrat katha in Hindi .
Sai Vrat Katha in English .
Sai Vrat Katha in Telugu.
Sai Vrat Katha in Tamil.
Scanned version of Sai Vrat Katha for download.
Following list is part of Sai Vrat Katha Book available in blog & more shall be added.
Devotees are also requested to forward any other source or material of Sai Vrat in other languages to me in my ID so that it can be posted in the blog for benefit of other devotees.Jai Sai Ram.At the feet of my Sathguru .
Manisha Rautela Bisht.
Disclaimer: Shirdi Sai Baba had never laid emphasis on fasting. A Devotee of Baba had started this vrat initially and the vrat has fulfilled many wishes .So its upto the readers discretion to observe this vrat or not.
I am not able to download in tamil pdf. Please send me to rganesan1976@gmail.com