Sairam ,
Happy Baba's day to all,
Todays post is very special as it narrates the experiences of devotees who visited Roopen Agrahara Shirdi Sai Baba Temple constructed by Shivamma Thayee in Bangalore. Before reading the experiences of devotees I would like to bring to attention of devotees that :
Roopen Agrahara Sai Baba's temple constructed by Shivamma Thayee has celebrated its 43rd Anniversary on 22nd May and on 29th May which is coming week on Tuesday is Shivamma Thayee's birthday .
Devotee who wish to visit the temple or get further details of the events can contact the priest directly on his mobile .The mobile number of priest and other details are provided at the end of this post .It is a blessing to read experiences witnessed by devotees in this temple . Jai Sai Ram .
Sairam Didi,
I wanted to share another miracle which happened one year back. Well, this is about the temple which you have already mentioned in your Temple website, "Shivamma Thayee Temple at Bangalore".
Also, here is the combined experience of a few of us.
I was driving in a car with my family, May 2011. The date was 27th if I am not wrong. We were proceeding Southwards. But as we were reaching to a destination nearby Bangalore, from where we had to take a diversion, further, i was impelled by a strong sense, to get down and proceed to Bangalore alone, while my family would continue their travel. When i announced my plan, they were little taken in by shock.
My family is of the conservative type and they are very protective. Somehow, in practical sense, it would have never worked, they allowing me to leave mid way on my own. But, a real miracle it was, that it happened. I boarded a bus and sat by myself, wondering still, if it was real, as what was happening - me being so strong to go to Bangalore and they letting me go, though it was after a long battle that lasted for almost 30-45 minutes.
I am a little allergic to bus travel and was as such feeling sick, I just wished the seat beside mine, just be left unoccupied as I felt, I needed that as well, to seat myself and my bags with me, comfortably. To my real surprise, that seat remained unoccupied, though there were many getting in and who remained, standing.
As we crossed Electronic city and proceeded towards silk board, I had a sudden vision, while my eyes remained closed. It was a vision of our beloved Baba with blessing hand, in His white kafni. I was thrilled, I woke up and was more than ever convinced, okay, this was His divine hand that made me travel to Bangalore now.
I was aware that in a day/two, the temple's anniversary/birthday celebrations of Shivamma Thayee were to commence with a Naam Sapthaha (7 day ceaseless chanting of Baba's taraka mantra - Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai"). -&; Well, to get into little detail about this, let me share this -
One lazy afternoon, my friend and myself were casually talking as we were reading a book on Baba. A thought suddenly struck us. It is surprising to note that the same thought has truck both of us, though that had no connection to the context our conversations were traversing. A few days prior to that, an Australian had visited and, we had accompanied her to Shivamma thayee temple (itseems, every time she visits India, she would visit that temple if she happened to visit bangalore). But that was forgotten after that.
It occurred to my friend, that something ought to be done at Shivamma Thayee temple.. Almost the same time, I had a thought that a Nam Sapthaha had to take place.. Felt that strongly, but was not sure of the place. It was a big surprise to both of us, when we spoke about it. As one's thought, seemed to offer solution to another.
We did not think much about it, and after a minute, we resumed our reading. We were reading different books and almost exactly, the same moment, I looked into the book i was reading, I came across this passage where Shivamma Thayee's name was mentioned. That book was a book on Baba and His Devotees. I was pleasantly surprised at the linking of events and casually turned over the pages. Imagine, our surprise, when the passage where we landed read, Baba encouraging all to chant God's name and someone talking about the greatness of chanting His name.
We were clear, by then, that it was not a casual or random thought that crossed us, but a direct inspiration from Baba and that the name of the temple too, was a clear direction.
We took it as His command and decided to work on that.
We spoke to one of the uncles, who has built several Baba temples and he readily agreed to help in all that was needed. We went the next day, met the priests of Shivamma Thayee temple and told them the plan. The priests were surprised too and told, that Shivamma Thayee always loved to chant the name of Baba and she encouraged such nama japas and always insisted to do the same. In fact the priests were planning to conduct too, but due to lack of support they were not able to. This is what they said. Our surprise knew no bounds.
We were even more surprised, when the priests said, that the temple's 42nd anniversary was due in another 15 days and a week after the anniversary, Shivamma Thayee's birthday celebrations were due as well. The timing seemed perfect!
We spoke to the uncle and with his help and the support of devotees, provisions were arranged and financial aid was acquired too. A troop was called to chant in the night times. A troop for a few hours in the day as well.
With all this done, the 1st day started, all of us were excited, everything went on well. We had arranged 2 cushions, soft and big, one for His seat and the other for Him to lean. The temple there, has a structure with small grills, around the sanctum sanctorum, quite resembling the grills at Dwarakamyee in Shirdi where Baba used to rest His Hands on. We placed the cushion almost at the corner.
About night time, we all left the premises and were returning, leaving the troop that was called to stay for the night.
While returning, we were about a gang of friends, when one causally mentioned, "we have left the troop to chant His name and we are returning. It shouldn't be that they are chanting because they were asked to chant. Then there is no point in the nam saptha at all." As he said this, it occurred to me "Oh, no. At least one of us should have stayed". The sense of repentance then grew so high in us that the next day, 2 of us decided to stay. Others in our group were too concerned and they asked us not to. But nothing mattered, HE is seated and that is all that matters.
So, the 2nd day, we spent most of our time there and as night was drawing near, our friends had convinced us to not stay there and that, we could go to our homes and take rest. I was not ready for this, but due to the repeated pleas of friends, had to consent. As we were planning to leave, a sudden downpour of rains started. It was pouring like cats and dogs, all of us were stranded. We were still within the temple complex, while inside the main temple, blissfully the chanting of Om Sai Sri Sai continued blissfully. It continued pouring and there were several devotees even at that late hour. I went inside the main shrine and knelt by the floor, near the corner, where we had placed the cushions with His photo on.
I silently told Baba, "I would stay here the whole night. I would like to." Almost immediately, the torrents of rainfall stopped, lightening and thunder were no more. People might call this an exaggeration, but this is what that happened. Until then, the noise of the wind and rains and continuous lightening and thunder were heard. While on the other hand, the nama japa went on to the accompaniment of drums, grandly. It was really like some divine hand had turned off a switch, that the rains had stopped so suddenly, just as it came.
Now, none could stop me. I was firm, when i said that I am staying that night there and that none can stop me and that it was Baba's clear command to me.
Seeing my, stubborn decision, my friends gave up and a few of them left, while certain other girls chose to stay along and participate in the chanting.
As time advanced and we were well into the depth of night, a sudden unwanted thought gripped me.
This is a temple fine, but beneath this temple is the Samadhi of Shivamma Thayee. The sudden thought of being on a floor above the Samadhi, created some uneasiness in my mind that some fear gripped me.
There were other girls and some elderly ladies as well. Still, this uneasiness crept within. I just leaned on a chair, trying to close my eyes. Then on the ceiling, i held a vision of Baba with His blessing hands. I was awestruck.
It continued, as if wherever I was gazing, on the walls, window panes, where ever I looked, I felt I was seeing Baba. I had not slept, this was not a dream. I was very much conscious, which just my eyes closed.
Well, this sense of supreme security calmed me and I joyfully joined the others in the chanting. The next morning, around 6:00 a.m, we all left for our homes as the male devotees started to come. We all girls who stayed were all very happy, feeling high in spirits. As we all walked back, we had decided that the remaining nights too, we all would sit and chant there, to experience the bliss of hearing His name again and again :-)
Well, i would like to share another miracle on the same 2nd chanting.
It was just before evening arathi. I was just inspired to tell my friends that we could light lots of lamps as Baba had them lit at Dwarakamayee. Some said, it might not be a good idea as lack of proper space and the mud lamps were all dumped in a sack cloth behind the main temple, retrieving and cleaning them was a task. But a few of us were insistent and excited at this, that we set out and got all the numerous lamps cleaned and arranged. They were arranged all around the sanctum. A photo of the same is attached here.
We all began to light the lamps, one by one.. and just as we completed lighting the last lamp in the row, the exact second, power went off. There was power cut that very instant. Alas, our temple shrine was glowing the light of lamps, while people were chanting in their loudest of voices Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai, while a couple of them were devotedly playing the drums in tune and the priest stepped in and waved the arati. It was an hour of bliss, pure bliss.
As if the power cut was well known to Baba and to let the light spread across, He inspired us to light the lamps.. everything was wonderful as if well planned.
Jai Sai Ram.
That very night is another beautiful experience.
It was past twelve. The ususal crowd of devotees had left and only we, friends and the aged ladies and the elderly men playing drums were chanting. Time was gliding slowly, The temple's main door was kept opened, but the inner hall, where the Sanctum is and where we were all chanting, this door was partially closed.
It has to be also shamefully confessed here, that though we were all there, most of the time and many others were there too. We had not fed Baba, the customary naivedya, etc. (Note: The priests only had to manage the cooking. There was a north indian elderly couple who came with their two sons, and that aunty helped the priests cook the food, and the entire family was helping in buying groceries, having veegtables cut, etc, while that aunty prepared food.
As the Sapthaha progressed, soon, the other lady devotees too joined in the cooking.)
The daily arati was shown by the priest as per timings and routine but, we had not offered Him anything, which we had not realised too. A sudden voice was heard, "I am hungry. Feed me." It was almost mid night. There were a packet of biscuits, sweet boxes and some namkeen, brought by devotees to offer Baba. We had just opened these and fed Baba, when one of us was inspired to go and open the door. As soon as the door was opened, a dog was standing just there, so close to the door, as if waiting for the door to be opened.
Suddenly by inspiration, she took and fed the packet of biscuit to that Atma. He ate well and fast. Soo, another biscuit was opened and given, that was also consumed in no time. Like this, eleven packets of biscuits were opened and offered, all were eaten. He must have been very hungry we thought. Later it was realized, oh yes, that voice was heard well and we were taking the sweets and feeding His picture, thinking He is going to eat them. Here, He was reminding the chapter in which Mrs.Tarkhad fed a hungry dog in Sai Sat Charita. He was reminding us of the same by giving a practical lesson.
We were simply blown over by the subtle happenings there, rewarding to us, spiritually enriching us, as there were soo many instances like this, where Baba's presence was beautifully revealed to us, in subtle but powerful ways.
May 31st 2011.
It was the 3rd day of chanting, everything went on very well. Many devotees kept coming and the crowd was more than what we imagined. The temple compound also has a school begun by Shivamma Thayee. The students of the school, ranging from age 3 to 15, many had assembled during the day. They all joined in the chanting and were very reluctant to leave the premises. Many students, younger kids, seemed to have had blessed visions and experiences during the 7-day programme. We are just noting down here that happend to our close circle of friends.
One girl who was taking care of the prasad distribution during the day, was saying that she got nervous and confused seeing the crowd and the number of kids who came, as she wondered if it would ever suffice. She felt Baba directly tell her, it is He who is giving and that she need not get scared.
Another girl who was minding the children especially, making them sit in order and managing the crowd as well, at some point was getting tensed over the continuous coming of devotees, felt Baba tell her, "Anything you do, is Me who is doing through you and it is not you. So take no worries."
This was a reminder for all of us, that HE alone is the doer and the unnecessary ego was cropped in us was cut as well.
We only felt fortunate to have offered our time and selves to be present at the glorious Nam Sapthaha.
The piano can take no credit, it all goes to the pianist.
There is a picture of Shivamma Thayee, in smiling posture hung to the pillar, on the left of the sanctum.
Towards, early dawn around 3:00 a.m, I was witness to an extrordinary spectacle. The lips of Shivamma Thayee seemed moving, clearly, continuously to the name, as the troop kept chanting with excellent drums. It was very electrifying. She was literally chanting too, Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. This was not just 1ST time i observed, but several times that time.
However, the next day when we tried to observe, we could not see such a spectacle.
Like these, we experienced several miracles, in those 7 days.
On the 8th day morning, (i.e., the conclusion day, as it would sum upto 7 days), a person came slowly walking to the main shrine where the chanting was going on. He was wearing a white cloth over His head and wore a white robe with a white dhothi i guess. He had a long beard. He then sat for a while, sat on a tiny, dilapidated parapet on the floor, opposite to the hall, where Shivamma Thayee installed and worshipped Baba and stepped out. As nam japa became very intense with the closing of the 7-day event, numerous devotees kept coming and all of us got involved in chanting.
Around 10:30 a.m, the sapthaha concluded very grandly with the arati. the devotees then took Baba's picture on a palaki to go on procession around the neighbouring areas. Most of the devotees had left the premises, then we noticed, the same person in the white dress, seated on the floor outside the hall, the place where Shivamma Thayee installed and worshipped Baba's silver murthy. We approached that aunty and requested her to offer food to Him, as they were all very busy and might not have noticed. That aunty was ready, however the other ladies there, felt that they should wait, for the Palaki to return from prcoession and after feeding Baba, would they start feeding all. But, who knows.. in which form our Lord comes.. So, finally alll agreed, and happily fed the Chakra Pongal (Sweet Pongal) and other flavored rice and curd rice, to the Person who came.
I don’t know it never occurred to pen these down the last 1 year. This year, I had made 2 visits to Bangalore, especially to check with the priests about this year’s Nam Sapthaha. Since it started 1 year, (we know, without HIS will it would not have started). As we also came to know that Shivamma Thayee liked and encouraged and infact was very eager about Nam Sapthahas, we as devotees of Baba, should also volunteer to make the same happen.
When I visited the first time, I asked the priest since the date is approaching this year, shall we all do it, as it had started 1 year, let it continue forever. The priest was enthusiastic, but his brother, who is also a priest was saying that they got to wait for the renovation to get over, before plannig this. Hence, I just left it and came, thinking, let Baba make it happen.
The second time, I visited along with my friends, a couple of weeks back. To our happiness, the renovation seemed complete. But again the priests seemed hesitant. i do not know the reason why. However, he says, they wanted to raise a compound and after that, they could think of this. I feel, since the compound work has not strated also, why not, let us start this wonderful event.
I leave it to the devotees who read this blog, to make their attemps to continue the course of this event. Of course, it is HE who has to make it happen, but again, where there is utmost interest and devotion, He does not wait to make it happen.
Another request I would like to leave through this blog here - The temple also comprises of a third building, the Chavadi. Here, they have a huge portrait of Baba in the Dwarakamayi pose, where Baba seems young, youthful, Divine. I have not seen this face of His anywhere. The Chavadi seems a beautiful place. But, one sad thing, we noticed is, just opposite to the chavadi, there are heaps and heaps of garbage, which the residents of the ashram have deposited.
It is difficult for ONE person to do the cleaning job, but if 20 of us join hands, would it not get cleared!! My friend was saying, let us start. But we definitely need support. People who want to volunteer, please come forward. You may contact us through Manisha Didi.(E-mail )
Also, there is a separate shed, which houses a beautiful, very tall, Temple Car. (Ratha). It is painted in bright colors. I heard, Shivamma Thayee got it done, as it was her interest to make our Lord Baba, be seated in that and taken in procession. But, this holy mother having left her body, is it not our duty to fulfill her wish and feast our eyes too, seeing our Baba in that chariot. Not just that, the simple folks staying in the neighborhood would all be joyous to witness this.
Phone Number Of Priest: 09945531187
Address Of Temple:HERE


wonderful experiences with beautiful narration..
thanks for sharing this with us..
you are really a blessed child of BABA..
May Baba keep showering His blessings on you and on everyone..
Awesome experience and very well drafted...
Jai Sai Ram !
It is such a miracle that this experience is published today. Shivamma thayee temple is dearest to me and I have experienced many miralces in this temple. This temple is so special and the main miralce I have experienced is that once I was able to do naividhya and also feed baba kesari all by myself, with no one around execpt only one elderly lady near me. I think this is a clue for me to spread the miralce of Shivamma thayee temple and the miracles baba showed me in my life. I will write my experiences starting tomorrow, on Shivamma thayees birthday. May baba write this and spread His Bliss to all.
Radha Sreedhar
I had gone to visit the Roopen agrahara sai temple after going through this post.I had gone there on 24th June at around 10.30 AM. But by the time I reached, the temple was closed. I was very disappointed on seeing the temple closed. There is also another person came for the darshan.I tried watching baba through the window. Someone had come and inquired if I had come for the darshan. Then he went to a near by home and brought the keys of the teample and shown me the couple of temples of the 3. I feel it was baba who had sent him so that I can take baba's darshan. I felt it was a miracle by baba and his blessings.
Thought of sharing this with all the devotees..
- Pratap
My favorite place at Bangalore. One can feel the presence of Sai Baba. Such a divine place.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful post.