Dear all,
Many Sai experiences have been shared in this website emphasising the importance of Shradda and Saburi. It is easier to think and talk about them but quite tough to practice these two golden rule of Baba. Those devotee who keep these two axiom of Baba close to their heart and practice them at the time of trial and adversity reap the fruit of Baba's Blessing .Here is one such Sai Leela shared by a Sai devotee. Jai Sai Ram .
Om sai ram!!!
Dear sister Manisha ji,
What a great service you are doing to people like me. When we read these experiences we get a lot of hope from these Baba's websites.
Sai will bless you always.Please dont share my maild id.Please change if there any mistake.Please share my story.
Today I am writing my experience with our beloved Sai Ram.
I don’t know how I came across your Baba's website. It just happened like that.
Even though I had heard of Sai Baba 10 years back, I did pooja on and off but not very seriously. And later I faced an incident due to which I became angry on Sai Baba as he did not save my father’s life,
so we completely stopped praying to him for 2-3 years since my father passed away.
Now we faced another turmoil in our life.It happened in Jan 2011. Doctors diagnosed small lump in my sister’s left lung.They said it could be cancer also. Everyone at home was shattered. She is living with her husband and two children in USA. Younger one is 7 months old ,with such small children she was undergoing all this problem.
As said in Sai Satcharitra, people who are in troubles will start praying god.So also I started going to Sai temple. Since I stay in Bangalore I went to Sai baba temple in BTM along with my mother to pray to Sai ma about my sister’s health.
I usually go to this temple very rare just once or twice in a year. But that day when I went with my mother, I had taken two roses from outside with long stem and thorns. So when my turn came and I went and I prayed at Sai’s feet and I kept those two flowers on the feet of SaiBaba praying for my sisters health. Then you would be shocked to know what happened, pandit ji came and took those flowers and started scolding ,asking who got these flowers with stem and thorns ?I think he was scolding in kannada which I did not understand but I could make out he was scolding (me).
Then he cut the stems and thorns from those two flowers and he kept those flowers near the heart of Sai Baba's Pratima. Wow!!! what an experience, I got shocked, (Even though I went and kept flowers at Sai Baba’s feet many times, It never happened).
I got confidence SAI BABA WILL SAVE MY SISTER. Even though pandit ji scolded me in front of many people I was very happy because SAI BABA accepted my prayers. I thought it like a blessing,I thought it is SaiBaba who came in the form of pandit to scold me because I forgot him for almost 3 to 4 years without praying Him and then he accepted my prayers.
I read in your website regarding the value of Satcharitra parayan, and I got Sai Satcharitra book from that temple and I started doing Sai Satcharitra parayan. In one day I completed whole book.
After 15 to 20 days she was reffered from one doctor to another doctor (Oncologist to pulmonologist and then to thoracic surgeon).As she is staying in USA, they did not come to conclusion very fast as she is young(30 years) to get cancer in that age.
So finally bomb dropped and they concluded after biopsy that it is lung cancer.We did not know what to do, we cried and cried and had no sleep, no food and all negative shades were going inside my heart whether Sai Baba is there or not and if He is there why He is not protecting my sister?
But again I stopped negative thoughts to come and I did not loose my hope so I did another week parayan and I started doing Sai vrat along with my Sai Satcharitra parayan.
Doctors told that surgery should be done as tumour has come in between left lung and there are chances to remove entire left lung. Day by day situation was becoming worse. Still I did not loose my hope.
I did one more saptah parayan and continued doing Sai Vrat. I sent one Sai Satcharita book to my sister along with udi. She started reading it and taking udi in water every day. Surgery date got finalised. After completing 3 week’s Sai vrat and 3 times Sai Satcharitra saptah parayan, operation was done successfully without any complications and she was recovering well.
My sister discharged from hospital within 5 days after such a major operation. This is all because of Baba’s grace. She told me that she did not feel like she had got operated and without her knowledge everything went well. All this is because of Baba’s miracle. Though she is still facing some small issues but still we are happy that we came from worse situation to a better situation because of Almighty Sai baba.
She consulted doctor last week and doctors told every thing is normal and no need of any chemo and radiation required.This is again Baba's grace.
Doctors asked her to come for check up after one year.
Still she is having pain and some numbness near the operated area, but we know Sai will take care of her.
Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
So friends who are facing tough situation or those who are in bad situations please don’t leave Sai, He will be there but He will test our patience. He will look for Shradda and Saburi . So please don’t loose hopes. Sai blesses all of us.
Thanks for reading such a large mail.
Love You Baba
Small devotee

Nice experience....thanks a lot for sharing with us...OM SAIRAM...LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA...:):)