Dear all,
I had received this mail from Sai devotee Roshini ji and could not post at the earliest due to my traveling .Today I share her experience with all of you .Jai Sai Ram
Reading so many Sai Expereriences from so many devotees, makes us all feel more close to Baba. I too have never posted any of my experiences, & would appreciate if you could do so at your ease, one spectacular miracle, experienced by myself & one of my dearest friends. It is mentioned below. Have attached a pix too, hope that could also be posted with the miracle, as its related to it.
Jai Sai....
To all Sai devotees,
I take this pleasure to write, for the very first time, a beautiful & spectacular miracle, that occurred with me & my dear friend Lorraine, on 23rd June 2010. This miracle needs to be shared by all. And none other than my dearest friend Lorraine, encouraged me to do so. Below is the miracle that happened, & is told by Lorraine & myself.
"On Monday the 21st June 2010, I finished reading the Sai Satcharita and then requested Baba to give me some indication as to whether I should continue and try to finish my second book on Baba, (the first being "I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU" published in 2006. Have been working on the second book now, for 2 years, and everytime, whenever I want to get back to typing the book, it never seems to occur. There is always something else to attend to and thereby cannot complete what my heart really wants to do - finish the second book on my Beloved Baba! The whole week, I have been thinking about one of Baba's favourite devotees (Shama, in Sai Satcharita). Have even, had dreams about Shama and myself, and was to have written an article on Shama for a publication but yet again, did not get down to it. will refrain from writing further about Shama as, with Baba's grace, it will be in the finished book. I then, emailed my dear friend Roshni and asked HER to be SHAMA, and requested her to ask Baba, if I should continue with the Book. I will let Roshni now, tell her story."
"The following miracle is, one of Baba's biggest Leelas in my life. After reading Lorraine's request in her email, I asked Baba what she asked me to do. The next morning of 23rd June, in my morning prayers, I again asked Baba, that He should give me His answer today. Later in the day, I sat to check my emails, going through each & every one, as usual. I came across one particular email sent by a Sai devotee, by the name of Rahul . This email has two pictures - the first picture I will mention later, while the second picture is that of Baba Himself, sitting in His usual posture, with a big garland of yellow & pink flowers. I got so attracted with the simplicity of this picture, that I immediately sent it to Lorraine & some other friends. While at ease, I went back to my inbox, & at once, glanced at another forward email, with the subject read as, "Sai Sandesh". I thought to myself - could this be Baba's message for Lorraine? I opened it, &, the same content appeared, with the same two pictures, as mentioned above. I was so overjoyed, but confused at the same time, because, not only I overlooked the first time, the picture in the email, which I shall now say that, was a picture of a "Book" - with Baba on the cover of it - but - was stunned to know that, the email I had sent earlier to Lorraine & other friends, did not exist in my sent messages at all.....!!!! How overwhelming is that! I know for sure that my email went through, but Baba only wanted me to re-check the email again, as it was "His message for Lorraine"....!!!
Koti Koti Prannam Baba......& Bless my very special friend always. Attached to this email, are the 2 pictures of the Book, & Baba.
Back to Lorraine now:
"I was overjoyed when Roshni emailed me of Baba's beautiful silent answer/guidance, that I could not even concentrate at work! Last night, I spent most of it thinking of Baba and the picture of the book that Roshni sent me, which kept coming into my heart and mind. And then, realised, that some 9 years ago, when I had first asked Baba, if I may write a book on Him - someone - I don't recall whom now - sent me the exact book that was sent to Roshni. I started to cry, memories. I recall, wanting to have this book, as a cover for my 1st book, but was told that that would be breaching copyright infringements. Well, have to stop here, and start writing again as promised to Baba. However, Baba very kindly gave me the title of the book when I was in India in January this year."
I thank my very Beloved Shirdi Sai, my God and my everything for always being with me, for my life is my Shirdi, my Shirdi is my life.
Lorraine Walshe-Ryan
Download link of the attachment sent along with mail.
