Sai devotee Sudha ji has shared her recent experience .Please read the mail attached below .Jai Sai Ram.
Sairam ManishaI wanted to share my experience with you all. I am staunch Sai devotee since two years performing Sai bhajans every Saturday and doing Aarti daily. In August 2008, I went to India and visited Shirdi Sai and this is also because of Baba's grace.
After returning from India in September 2008, me and my husband both went out for getting groceries in our new van which we bought in February 2008. Just then in the van, my husband told that sona masoori rice is not available in stores and if sold also it costs around $49 for 10 lbs which was quite expensive. Then my immidiate thought that striked was how will I feed people who come for bhajan on Saturday. I became very upset in the van itself and was asking my husband how do we feed people rice if its not available in stores also. Then my husband said we can feed Basmati rice or some other rice and so on ..... and our discussion went on for sometime.
After we finished our grocery shopping we came our home back and my husband was parking our van and while parking he switched on the lights on the top of our heads in the van. Suddenly, we heard some craking sound. Then my husband while checking what and where from the sound was coming intially thought that the lights broke. He again switched on the lights on the top but in the van. To our surprise, we saw sona masoori rice falling from one of the lights. We did not understand from where and how the rice went there as its our new van.
Before going to India we didnt see that. It happened only after coming back from India. After a long discussion between me and my husband we came to a conclusion that the rice was not put there by either of us but only with the grace of Baba the rice was present there. He assured us that there wont be any shortage of rice. This is how we were blessed. Later, we got a bag of rice through my uncle. And when
that rice was about to finish, I told my husband how come Baba's assurace is missed as our rice is about to finish. Again, He proved this and we again got rice when we went to store.
Now we dont have any shortage of rice (specially sona massori) as its available everywhere and for lesser price too by Baba's grace.
You are doing a great work . I love to read ur blog.
Have faith in Baba. Rest He will take care.
Om Sri Sai Ram.
© Shirdi Sai Baba Sai Babas Devotees Experiences Sai Baba Related all Details
After returning from India in September 2008, me and my husband both went out for getting groceries in our new van which we bought in February 2008. Just then in the van, my husband told that sona masoori rice is not available in stores and if sold also it costs around $49 for 10 lbs which was quite expensive. Then my immidiate thought that striked was how will I feed people who come for bhajan on Saturday. I became very upset in the van itself and was asking my husband how do we feed people rice if its not available in stores also. Then my husband said we can feed Basmati rice or some other rice and so on ..... and our discussion went on for sometime.
After we finished our grocery shopping we came our home back and my husband was parking our van and while parking he switched on the lights on the top of our heads in the van. Suddenly, we heard some craking sound. Then my husband while checking what and where from the sound was coming intially thought that the lights broke. He again switched on the lights on the top but in the van. To our surprise, we saw sona masoori rice falling from one of the lights. We did not understand from where and how the rice went there as its our new van.
Before going to India we didnt see that. It happened only after coming back from India. After a long discussion between me and my husband we came to a conclusion that the rice was not put there by either of us but only with the grace of Baba the rice was present there. He assured us that there wont be any shortage of rice. This is how we were blessed. Later, we got a bag of rice through my uncle. And when
that rice was about to finish, I told my husband how come Baba's assurace is missed as our rice is about to finish. Again, He proved this and we again got rice when we went to store.
Now we dont have any shortage of rice (specially sona massori) as its available everywhere and for lesser price too by Baba's grace.
You are doing a great work . I love to read ur blog.
Have faith in Baba. Rest He will take care.
Om Sri Sai Ram.


om sai ram.
baba, please show me right path.
forgive my mistakes.