Few months back Kouwshigan ji has made a beautiful digital painting of Baba lightining lamp with water after reading Sai Satcharitra ,while he was admitted in ICU .The sketch indicated Baba's blessing on him and he was fighting fit and back to home.
Here is inspired version of the same sketch and mail from Kouwshigan ji .I would like to mention very important information with all so that devotees can understand the reason behind Kouwshigan ji's mentioning about the copy right of the wallpapers at the bottom of the picture .
He has a great desire to make nice collection of digital Shirdi Sai Baba paintings inspired from Sri Sai Satcharitra to hold a digital art exhibition for all Sai devotees. Any attempt of modification and distribution for commercial purpose without the concent of the creator not only defeat the sole purpose of the creation but is also a violation copyright.
He understand and himself does not approve of keeping watermark or copyright on Baba's painting ,wallpaper or sketch but due to selling of the same creation and remodification of his digital painting before the exhibition is held compels him to take this step for sometime.I am sure devotees shall not misunderstand and shall co-operate to make his dream come true.Jai Sai Ram.
Sairam dear Sai Family.I am offering this new digital art to the lotus feet of our Lord Sai Bhagavan. And thank HIM for giving me a opportunity to make this.
Happy to share this new digital art with you all as well.
A couple of months before, hope you all remember, I shared a hand made pencil sketch of Baba lighting a lamp with water which was created while I was sick. (Devotee who missed can see that sketct Here).
So out of this, I wanted to do again the same but this time I tried with Photoshop as usual, the digital painting software. And the final out put is.........hope, nice.

Loving Sairam
And please notice the following.
No full or part of this image may be reproduced or transmitted In any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, Photocopying, Or otherwise, without prior written permission of Kouwshigan http://www.graffixxsolution.com/.
Download wallpaper Baba Lightning lamp with water in big file size Here
Download Baba's face close up in big file size Here.
