On Thursday I had posted a beautiful experience by Rama Rao ji and immediately next day (Friday )afternoon I recieved another mail by him giving details of how Baba takes care of our little little wishes too .I would like to say here that whatever we think or we do if our thoughts/intention are good and our love pure ,Baba runs for us and makes everything blessful.Same I felt in this leela of Baba .Please read below the mail sent .Jai Sai Ram .
Respected Manisha,
You are a great soul.You are a conduit through whom BABA is playing with us,and we are enjoying like children.It is so nice.
You are a great soul.You are a conduit through whom BABA is playing with us,and we are enjoying like children.It is so nice.
Here it is.
I just now started my computer . Though I visited our Blog in the morning and read the posting about parayan,I visited the site now again,since I have lot of time.
I found the posting of my experience also,this time.
I casually clicked the link"Tarkhad family".Normally I skip reading the matter in the links after a few lines/paragraphs,knowing that I have already read it earlier.
But this time I continued to read till I come to the paragraph .
"By now Tarkhad family had developed lot of acquaintances with other Sai Devotees and some of them like Mr. Dabholkar, Mr. Purandare and Mr. Tendulkar who were staying at a closer distance from their place of residence at Bandra. They use to meet each other and then share their sweet experiences with Baba. Whenever they would plan to visit Shirdi they use to inform each other and if anyone wanted to send something to Baba then they would act as a courier for the devotee.""
Then it suddenly struck to my mind and remembered the conversation my niece had with me last evening that her In-Laws are going to SHIRDI today.At that time I listened and left it saying ""Oh!very good"".now I was feeling guilty,I thought I have not attempted to send anything to BABA when she announced me.
Immediately I called their home after reading the above matter, to find out if they are still there or left for Shirdi.I wanted to send Palakova(Dood Pheda)to BABA.She told me that they are leaving in 10 minutes.But I can not reach their home in 10 minutes.
I told her"" I wanted to send some thing ( I have not mentioned Dood Pheda)to BABA,but not possible now,better luck next time.Send our Namaskarams to BABA for now"".
She told the same to her father in law.
He said to her to convey to me. "Let him not worry.I shall purchase Dood pheda on his name ,give to BABA and bring prasad to him"".I called him and thanked him for this and told that the purchase is to my account.
See Manishaji, the timing of all these things taking place and the content.I did not even mention about the item or its name which I wanted to send.And see her uncle's message to me! What do I say to this...??I leave for readers to understand and feel this .
Not only Baba is with me always taking care of me,My wish also is being taken care by BABA himself.What more I want? Other than His loving grace.
I am overwhelmed with joy and wonder and thought I should share with you immediately .
With Warm Regards
Rama Rao
