धूप आरती
(Evening Sunset Aarti)
~अनंतकोटी ब्रम्हांडनायक राजाधिराज योगिराज परब्रह्म श्री सच्चिदानंद सदगुरु साईनाथ महाराज की जय~
Dear Readers,
As and when I get some extra time I immediately sit down to write Sai aartis as promised.
As per to My Dream with in a Dream I am continuing my post as order given by SATHGURU SAINATH to write all the Aarti.I have already posted Kakad Aarti and Madhyana Aarti and here is my third post on evening /Dhoop Aarti .To make easy for readers to understand the way translation is put in the blog please read and follow the following steps.
1.Aarti name is given .
2.Download link of Mp3 song.
3.Video of the Aarti is given .
4.Aart lines are written in Hindi .
5.Complete translation of Hindi lines.
6.Word to word meaning of the lines in English .
Devotee who are not aware, the timings of Aarti has been changed by Shirdi Sai Sansthan due to heavy rush and thus for the benefit of devotees the timings are as follows for Evening Aarti: Morning Aarti and Afernoon Aarti is already Posted .
Dhoop Aarti/Evening Aarti starts with Sunsent .
Click here to view complete Evening Aarti
1. आरती
To Download Complete Dhoop/Evening Aarti Click here
Click the play button to view first part of Evening Aarti (as it is in 3 parts). Dhoop Aarti.
जाळुनियां अनंग । स्वस्वरुपीं राहे दंग । मुमुक्षुजनां दावी । निज डोळां श्री रंग ।। आ0 ।। 1 ।।
Burning away the god of lust, you remain absorbed in the Self. To the people seeking liberation, you show them the Lord with their own eyes
आरती - aarti,साईबाबा - Saibaba,सौख्यदातार - liberal in giving away happiness,जीवा - soul, living entity,चरणरजातळी - under the dust of your feet,घावा - please give,दासां - to your servant,विसांवा - rest,भक्तां - to your devotee,विसांवा - rest,जाळुनियां - burning away
अनंग - god of lust, cupid,स्वस्वरुपीं - the real absolute nature, the self, the pure consciousness,राहे - remain,दंग - merged in, absorbed in,मुमुक्षुजनां - mumukshu people, people seeking liberation,दावी - show,निज - own,डोळां - eyes,श्रीरंग - the Lord, Shri Hari
जया मनी जैसा भाव । तया तैसा अनुभव । दाविसी दयाघना । ऐसी तुझी ही माव ।। आ0 ।। 2 ।।
तुमचें नाम ध्यातां । हरे संसृतिव्यथा । अगाध तव करणी । मार्ग दाविसी अनाथा ।। आ0 ।। 3 ।।
Whatever feeling one does have in his mind, you give him experience according to that, o cloud of mercy, such is your sport.On meditating upon your name, the miseries of the world are warded off. Your doing is unfathomable, you show the way to the helpless.
जया - one, who,मनी - in the mind,जैसा - like this, whatever,भाव - feeling,तया - to him
तैसा - like that, according to that,अनुभव - experience,दाविसी - you show, you give
दयाघना - o cloud of mercy,ऐसी - like, such,तुझी - your,ही - is,माव - way of action, sport, leela,तुमचें - your,नाम - name,ध्यातां - on meditating upon, on contemplating upon
हरे - warded off, taken away,संसृतिव्यथा - miseries of the world, troubles of the world,
अगाध - unfathomable, boundless, without any boundary,तव - your,करणी - doing,मार्ग - way,
दाविसी - you show,अनाथा - to the helpless
कलियुगीं अवतार । सगुणब्रहम साचार । अवतीर्ण झालसे । स्वामी दत्त दिगंबर ।। द0 ।। आ0 ।। 4 ।।
आठां दिवसां गुरुवारीं । भक्त करिती वारी । प्रभुपद पहावया । भवभय निवारी ।। आ0 ।। 5 ।।
कलियुगीं - In the Kali Yuga,अवतार - divine incarnation,सगुणब्रहम - Brahman (god) with form
साचार - really, verily, truly,अवतीर्ण - descended on the earth,झालसे - has,स्वामी - Swami,दत्त - Lord Datta,दिगंबर - Lord Digambar i.e. Lord Datta,आठां - every -8,दिवसां-days,गुरुवारीं - on thursday,भक्त - devotees,करिती - do, make,वारी - trip,प्रभुपद - the holy feet of the Lord,पहावया - to see,भवभय - fear of worldly existence,निवारी - remove, take away
In this Kali Yuga, you are really the divine incarnation of Brahman (god) with form. Lord Swami Datta Digambar has descended on the earth (in your form).After every 8 days, on thursday, devotees make trip (to shirdi) to see the holy feet of the Lord which remove the fear of worldly existence.
माझा निजद्रव्यठेवा । तव चरणरजसेवा मागणें हेंचि आतां । तुम्हां देवाधिदेवा ।। आ0 ।। 6 ।।
इच्छित दीन चातक । निर्मळ तोय निज सुख । पाजावें माधवा या । सांभाळ आपुली भाक ।। आ0 ।। 7 ।।
Let serving the dust of your holy feet be my (only) personal wealth and possessions, now this is my humble request to you, O god of gods.
This poor Chatak bird desires pure water from the clouds (your devotional service) which is the only source of it's happiness. now make this Madhav drink it and fulfill your promise.
Here is the link to Aarti,click here to download Mp3
4. अभंग(Composed by Shri Dasganu Maharaj, baba's devotee)
शुद्घ भक्ती चंद्रभागा । भाव पुंडलीक जागा ।। 2 ।।
गणू म्हणे बाबा साई । धांव पाव माझे आई ।। 4 ।।
Come Come o all people, do offer worship unto baba.DasGanu says o Baba Sai, please run and manifest yourself (for my sake), o my mother.
या - come,हो - o,या - come,हो - o,अवघे - entire, all,जन - people,करा - do,बाबांसी - unto Baba,वंदन - offer worship, offer obeisances,गणू - Ganu (the author Dasganu),म्हणे - says
बाबा - Baba,साई - Sai,धांव - run,पाव - manifest,माझे - my,आई - mother
Here is the link Shirdi Maaze Pandharpur,click here to download Mp3
Here is very melodious online streaming video of Shirdi Maze Pandarpur,click to view the video.
5. नमन
(Traditional prayer)
घालीन लोटांगण, वंदीन चरण, डोळयांनीं पाहीन रुप तुझें ।।
प्रेमें आलिंगिन, आनंदें पूजिन, भावें ओंवाळिन म्हणे नामा
I will roll over myself (for you), I will worship your holy feet, and with my eyes, i will behold your beautiful form.I will lovingly emrace you, I will happily worship you, and with earnest feeling, i shall wave aarti over you, says Saint Namdev.
घालीन - will,लोटांगण - roll over,वंदीन - will worship,चरण - holy feet,डोळयांनीं - with eyes,पाहीन - will see, will behold,रुप - beautiful form,तुझें - your,प्रेमें - with love, lovingly,आलिंगिन - embrace,आनंदें - with happiness, happily,पूजिन - will worship,भावें - with earnest feeling,ओंवाळिन - shall wave aarti,म्हणे - says,नामा - Saint Namdev
त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव, त्वमेव बेधुश्च सखा त्वमेव ।।
त्वमेव विघा द्रविणं त्वमेव, त्वमेव सर्व मम देव देव ।। 2 ।।
You are indeed my mother, my father also you are. You are indeed my brother and my loving companion also you are.You are my knowledge and learning, my wealth you are. You are my everything, o God of Gods
त्वमेव - you are my,माता - mother,च - verily, indeed,पिता - father,त्वमेव - you are my,त्वमेव - you are my,बेधुश्च - brother indeed,सखा - loving friend, loving companion,त्वमेव - you are my त्वमेव - you are my विघा - knowledge and learning द्रविणं - wealth त्वमेव - you are my त्वमेव - you are my सर्व - all, everything मम - my देव - gods देव - god
कायेन वाचा मनसेंद्रियैर्वा, बुद्घयात्मना वा प्रकृतिस्वभावात् ।
करोमि यघत्सकलं परस्मै, नारायणायेति समर्पयामि ।। 3 ।।
With my body, speech, mind and senses, intellect, by my own free will (intentionally) or due to force of nature or habit (unintentionally)......whatever i do, i offer the whole of it, unto the great Lord Narayana
कायेन - with the body,वाचा - speech,मनसेंद्रियैर्वा - with the mind and senses,बुद्धि - intellect,आत्मना - by one's own free will (intentionally),वा - or,प्रकृतिस्वभावात् - due to force of nature or habit (unintentionally).करोमि - i do, i perform,यद्यत् - whatever,सकलं - all, entire, whole,परस्मै - the great
नारायणायेति - unto Lord Narayana, unto Lord Vishnu,समर्पयामि - i dedicate, i offer
अच्युतं केशवं रामनारायणं, कृष्णदामोदरं वासुदेवं हरिम् ।।
श्रीधरं माधवं गोपिकावल्लभं, जानकीनायकं रामचंद्रं भजे ।। 4 ।।
Lord Achyuta - one who does not ever fall from his real nature, the Lord Keshava - the slayer of the demon Kesi, Lord Rama and Lord Narayana, Lord Krishna, Lord Damodara - who was tied to a post by a rope around his waist by mother Yasoda, Lord Vaasudev - the son of Vasudev, Lord Hari ...Lord Shridhar - one who carries Goddess Lakshmi (glory and opulence) in his bosom, Lord Madhava - the lord of Lakshmi, Lord Gopikavallabh - the beloved of the Gopika women, Lord Janakinayak - the consort of Janaki(Sita), Lord Ramchandra - the moon-like Rama, I worship them all. (In short, i worship the Lord in his various names and forms).

अच्युतं - Lord Achyuta - one who does not ever fall from his real nature,केशवं - Lord Keshava - the slayer of the demon Kesi,रामनारायणं - Lord Rama and Lord Narayana,कृष्णदामोदरं - Lord Krishna and Lord Damodara - who was tied to a post by a rope around his waist by mother Yasoda,वासुदेवं - Lord Vaasudev - the son of Vasudeva
हरिं - Lord Hari,श्रीधरं - Lord Shridhar - one who carries Goddess Lakshmi (glory and opulence) in his bosom,माधवं - Lord Madhava - the lord of Lakshmi,गोपिकावल्लभं - Lord Gopikavallabh - the beloved of the Gopika women,जानकीनायकं - Lord Janakinayak - the consort of Janaki (Sita),रामचंद्रं - Lord Ramchandra - the moon-like Rama,भजे - I worship
Here is the link to Ghalin Lotangan ,click here to download Mp3
6. नामास्मरण
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे ।
हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे (इति त्रिवार)
हरे - oh! hari,राम - Rama,हरे - oh! hari,राम - Rama,राम- Rama,राम - Rama,हरे - oh! hari,हरे -हरे - oh! hari,कृष्ण - Krishna,हरे - hari,कृष्ण - Krishna,कृष्ण - Krishna,कृष्ण - Krishna,हरे - oh! hari
oh! hari,Oh Hari Rama, Oh Hari Rama, Rama Rama Oh Hari Oh Hari
Oh Hari Krishna, Oh Hari Krishna, Krishna Krishna Oh Hari Oh Hari
(Composed by Shri Mohiniraj Pandit, baba's devotee)नमस्कारष्टक
अनंता तुला तें कसें रे स्तवावें । अनंता तुला तें कसें रे नमावें ।
अनंत मुखांचा शिणे शेष गातां । नमस्कार साष्टांग श्री साईनाथा ।। 1 ।।
O the infinite one, (tell me) how can we offer that praise unto you. O the endless one, (tell me) how can we offer that obeisance unto you.The Shesha serpent of many mouths, gets exhausted singing (your praise). O Shri Sainath, i bow to you with all my eight limbs.
अनंता - the infinite one, the endless one,तुला - you,तें - it, that,कसें - how,रे - o
स्तवावें - offer praise,अनंता - the infinite one, the endless one,तुला - you,तें - it, that
कसें - how,रे - o,नमावें - offer obeisance,अनंत - many, infinite,मुखांचा - of mouths,शिणे - gets exhausted,शेष - the Shesha, the divine serpent on which Lord Vishnu reclines
गातां - singing,नमस्कार - Namaskar, bow,साष्टांग - with the eight limbs,श्री - shri,साईनाथा - o Sainath

स्मरावें मनीं त्वत्पदां नित्य भावें । उरावें तरी भक्तिसाठीं स्वभावें ।।
तरावें जगा तारुनी मायताता । नमस्कार साष्टांग श्री साईनाथा ।। 2 ।।
One must always remember your holy feet in his mind with devotion. Then he will naturally exist, only for the sake of devotion.Thereby one will be saved in the worldly existence by surviving the anxiety caused by Maya. O Shri Sainath, i bow to you with all my eight limbs.
स्मरावें - must remember, must meditate,मनीं - in the mind,त्वत्पदां - your holy feet,नित्य - always,भावें - with real feeling, with devotion,उरावें - will remain, will exist,तरी - only,भक्तिसाठीं - for the sake of devotion,स्वभावें - in nature, naturally,तरावें - be saved,जगा - in the worldly existence,तारुनी - by saving , by surviving,मायताता - anxiety caused by Maya (the illusive power),नमस्कार - Namaskar, bow
साष्टांग - with the eight limbs,श्री - shri,साईनाथा - o Sainath
वसे जो सदा दावया संतलीला । दिसे अज्ञ लोकांपरी जो जनांला ।।
परी अंतरीं ज्ञान कैवल्यदाता । नमस्कार साष्टांग श्री साईनाथा ।। 3 ।।
One who dwells to always show the divine sport of the Saints. One who appears like an ignorant person to the people.but internally he is the giver of knowledge and liberation. O Shri Sainath, i bow to you with all my eight limbs.
वसे - resides, dwells,जो - one who,सदा - always,दावया - to show,संतलीला - leelas of the saints, divine sport of the saints,दिसे - appears,अज्ञ - ignorant,लोकांपरी - like person
जो - one who,जनांला - to people,परी - but,अंतरीं - internally, from inside,ज्ञान - knowledge
कैवल्यदाता - giver of liberation,नमस्कार - Namaskar, bow,साष्टांग - with the eight limbs,श्री - shri,साईनाथा - o Sainath
बरा लाधला जन्म हा मानवाचा । नरा सार्थका साधनीभूत साचा ।।
धरुं साइप्रेमा गळाया अहंता । नमस्कार0 ।। 4 ।।
It is good that we got this human form of birth. For a human being, it (the human birth) is trully conducive in fulfilling the purpose (of attaining liberation).Let us hold onto Saibaba with love to do away with our ego. O Shri Sainath, i bow to you with all my eight limbs.
बरा - good,लाधला - we got, we acquired,जन्म - birth,हा - this,मानवाचा - of human form,नरा -for a human being,सार्थका - in fulfilling the purpose,साधनीभूत responsible,,instrumental, conducive, helpful,साचा - trully, really,धरुं - Let us hold,साइप्रेमा - onto Saibaba with love,गळाया - to do away with, to shed away,अहंता - ego,नमस्कार - Namaskar, bow,साष्टांग - with the eight limb,श्री - shri,साईनाथा - o Sainath
धरावें करीं सान अल्पज्ञ बाला । करावें अम्हां धन्य चुंबोनि गाला ।।
मुखीं घाल प्रेमें करा ग्रास आतां । नमस्कार0 ।। 5 ।।
Please hold this little ignorant child in your arms. Please make us blessed by kissing our cheek.With love, put morsels of food in our mouth with your holy hands now. O Shri Sainath, i bow to you with all my eight limbs.
धरावें - Please hold,करीं - in the hands, in the arms,सान - little, small,अल्पज्ञ -ignorant, of little understanding,बाला - child,करावें - Please make,अम्हां - us,धन्य - blessed,चुंबोनि - by kissing,गाला - cheek,मुखीं - in the mouth,घाल - put,प्रेमें - with love
करा - with your hands,ग्रास - mouthful, morsel,आतां - now,नमस्कार - Namaskar, bow
साष्टांग - with the eight limbs,श्री - shri,साईनाथा - o Sainath
सुरादीक ज्यांच्या पदा वंदिताती । शुकादीक जयांतें समान्तव देती ।।
प्रयागादि तीर्थें पदीं नम्र होतां ।। नमस्कार0 ।। 6 ।।
Whose holy feet, the likes of gods worship, to whom the likes of sage Shuka give equality.At whose holy feet, holy places like Prayag become humble. (Unto him) our Shri Sainath, i bow with all my eight limbs.

सुरादीक - the likes of gods,ज्यांच्या - whose,पदा - holy feet,वंदिताती - worship,शुकादीक - the likes of sage Shuka,जयांतें - whom,समान्तव - equality,देती - give,प्रयागादि - like Prayag
तीर्थें - holy places,पदीं - at the holy feet,नम्र - humble,होतां - become,नमस्कार - Namaskar, bow,साष्टांग - with the eight limbs,श्री - shri,साईनाथा - o Sainath
तुझ्या ज्यां पदा पाहतां गोपबाली । सदा रंगली चित्वस्वरुपीं मिळाली ।।
करी रास क्रीडा सवें कृष्णनाथा । नमस्कार0 ।। 7 ।।
The Gopika women, who on seeing your holy feet, always got delighted and got immersed in the nature of the self.They do Rasa-Leela along with thier beloved Lord Krishna. O Shri Sainath, i bow to you with all my eight limbs.
तुझ्या - your,ज्यां - which, who,पदा - holy feet,पाहतां - on seeing,गोपबाली - the Gopika women
सदा - always,रंगली - got delighted,चित्वस्वरुपीं - in the nature of the self,मिळाली - got immersed,करी - do, does,रास - the Rasa,क्रीडा - sport, leela,सवें - with, along with,कृष्णनाथा - beloved Lord Krishna,नमस्कार - Namaskar, bow,साष्टांग - with the eight limbs,श्री - shri,साईनाथा - o Sainath
तुला मागतों मागणें एक घावें । करा जोड़ितों दीन अत्यंत भावें ।।
भवीं मोहनीराज हा तारि आतां । नमस्कार साष्टांग श्री साइनाथा ।। 8 ।।
I beg unto you to please grant me one request. I join my hands (unto you) with extremely earnest humble feeling.Save and uplift this Mohaniraj (the author) in this (fearful) worldly existence, now. O Shri Sainath, i bow to you with all my eight limbs.
तुला - unto you,मागतों - i ask, i beg,मागणें - request, demand,एक - one, only one,घावें - please give, please grant,करा - hands,जोड़ितों - i join,दीन - humble, helpless, poor
अत्यंत - extremely, too, so much,भावें - with real feeling, with earnest feeling,भवीं - in the worldly existence,मोहनीराज - Mohaniraj - the author,हा - this,तारि - save and uplift
आतां - now,नमस्कार - Namaskar, bow,साष्टांग - with the eight limbs,श्री - shri,साईनाथा - o Sainath
Here is the link to Namaskar Shashtan ,click here to download Mp3
ऐसा यई बा । साई दिगंबरा । अक्षयरुप अवतारा ।
सर्वहि व्यापक तूं । श्रुतिसारा । अनुसयात्रिकुमारा ।। धु0 ।।
You are like this, o dear Lord Sai Digambara, an incarnation of the imperishable form (Brahman).All pervading are you, you are the essence of the Shruti (vedas). You are the holy son of sage Atri and mother Anusaya.
ऐसा - are like,यई - this,बा - o dear,साई - Lord Sai,दिगंबरा - Digambara, Lord Datta,अक्षयरुप - imperishable form, indestructible form,अवतारा - incarnation,सर्वहि - everything, all,व्यापक - pervading,तूं - you,श्रुतिसारा - summary of the Shruti (vedas), the essence of the Shruti (vedas),अनुसयात्रिकुमारा - holy son of sage Atri and mother Anusaya
काशी स्नान जप, प्रतिदिवशीं । कोल्हापुर भिक्षेसी ।
निर्मल नदि तुंगा, जल प्राशी । निद्रा माहुर देशीं ।। ऐ0 ।। 1 ।।
Everyday you take your holy bath and perfom Japa at Kashi. You appear at Kolhapur for accepting alms.You drink water from the holy and pure Tunga-bhadra river, you go to sleep at Mahur country.
काशी - at Kashi or banaras,स्नान - holy bath,जप - Japa, continuous muttering of name of God.,प्रतिदिवशीं - everyday, daily,कोल्हापुर - at Kolhapur,भिक्षेसी - for accepting alms,निर्मल - holy and pure,नदि - river,तुंगा - Tunga i.e. Tunga-Bhadra,जल - water,प्राशी - you drink, you consume,निद्रा - sleep,माहुर - Mahur,देशीं - at country, at region
झोळी लोंबतसे वामकरीं । त्रिशूल-डमरु-धारी ।
भक्तां वरद सदा सुखकारी । देशील मुक्ती चारी ।। ऐ0 ।। 2 ।।
Your bag of cloth (Zoli) hangs from your left shoulder. You hold the Trishul (Trident) and the Damru (hand drum).Your confering of blessings on your devotees is always blissfull. You will give us all the four kinds of liberation.
झोळी - bag of cloth (Zoli),लोंबतसे - hangs,वामकरीं - from the left shoulder,त्रिशूल-डमरु-धारी - holding the Trishul (Trident) and the Damru (hand drum),भक्तां - for the devotees, on the devotees,वरद - confering of blessings,सदा - always,सुखकारी - full in happiness, blissfull,देशील - you will give us, you will grant us,मुक्ती - liberation, Moksha
चारी - of all the four kinds (There are four kinds of liberation: Sarupya - means to have the same catur-bhuja, four-armed, form as Narayana or Vishnu. Samipya - means to became an associate of the Lord, sarsti - means to have opulence like the Lord, and salokya - means to live on His planet.)
पायीं पादुका जपमाला कमंडलू मृगछाला । धारण करिशी बा ।
नागजटा मुगुट शोभतो माथां ।। ऐ0 ।। 3 ।।
You don holy sandals (padukas) in your feet, hold a holy chain of beads (Japmala) and a water pot (Kamandalu), and wear deer skin, o dear.The matted locks of hair forming the crown, look beautiful on your head.
पायीं - in your feet,पादुका - holy sandals (padukas),जपमाला - rosary, holy chain of beads (Japmala),कमंडलू - water pot (Kamandalu),मृगछाला - deer skin,धारण - you don, you wear, you hold,करिशी - do,बा - o dear,नागजटा - mattled locks of hair,मुगुट - crown,शोभतो - looks glorious, looks beautiful,माथां - on the head
तत्पर तुझ्या या जे ध्यानीं । अक्षय त्यांचे सदनीं ।
लक्ष्मी वास करी दिनरजनीं । रक्षिसि संकट वारुनि ।। ऐ0 ।। 4 ।।
Those who are prompt in your contemplation, (for them you ensure that) in their homes, without break.Goddess Laxmi (wealth and prosperity) does reside. You protect them day and night by warding off their dangers.
तत्पर - eager, prompt,तुझ्या - your,या - this,जे - those who,ध्यानीं - in meditation, in contemplation,अक्षय - not setting, not ending, without break,त्यांचे - their,सदनीं - in home,लक्ष्मी - Goddess Laxmi, the goddess of fortune (wealth and prosperity),वास - reside,करी - does, do,दिनरजनीं - day and night,रक्षिसि - protect
संकट - danger,वारुनि - by warding off
या परिध्यान तुझें गुरुराया । दृश्य करीं नयनां या ।
पूर्णानंदसुखें ही काया । लाविसि हरिगुण गाया ।। ऐ0 ।। 5 ।।Your handsome form, like this, o dear Guru, makes a beautiful vision for this eyes (to see).And this body gets filled with complete bliss and happiness and causes us to sing the glory of the Lord.
या - this,परि - like,ध्यान - handsome form, figure, appearance,तुझें - your,गुरुराया - o dear Guru,दृश्य - beautiful sight, beautiful vision,करीं - does, makes,नयनां - for eyes,या - this,पूर्णानंदसुखें - gets filled with complete bliss and happiness,ही - this,काया - body
,लाविसि - causes to,हरिगुण - glory of the Lord,गाया - sing
Here is the link to Ae Sai Ba ,click here to download Mp3
9. श्री साईनाथमहिम्नस्तोत्रम्
(Composed by Shri Upasani Baba Maharaj, a great saint initiated by Baba. This composition is in Sanskrit. The 4th and 5th stanzas of this hymn are inscribed near the holy feet at the foot of the neem tree at Gurusthan in Shirdi)
Click here to see the second part of Dhoop Aarti
स्वभक्तेच्छया मानुषं दर्शयंतं, नमामीश्वरं सदगुरुसाइनाथम् ।। 1 ।।
One who is always absorbed in the self, who is rooted in pure consciousness and bliss. One who is the cause for the creation, sustenance and destruction of the universe.One who for (the sake of fulfiling) the desire of his own devotees, showed himself in human form. I bow to him, the Lord God, Sadguru Sainath.
सदा - always,सत्स्वरुपं - self, real nature,चिदानंदकंदं - rooted in pure consciousness and bliss (चित्- pure consciousness आनंद- bliss कंदं- root),जगत्संभवस्थानसंहारहेतुम् - the cause for creation, sustenance and destruction of the universe (जगत- world, universe संभव- creation,production स्थान- sustenance संहार- destruction हेतुम्-cause, purpose).स्वभक्तेच्छया - for the desire of his own devotees (स्व- own भक्त- devotee इच्छा- desire या- for),मानुषं - human,दर्शयंतं - showed himself, appeared (दर्शयं-show तं-himself),नमामीश्वरं - bow to the Lord God (नमामी- bow to इश्वरं- the Lord God),सदगुरुसाइनाथम् - to Sadguru Sainath
भवध्वांतविध्वंसमार्तडमीडयं, मनोवागतीतं मुनीध्र्यानगम्यम् ।
जगदव्यापकं निर्मलं निर्गुणं त्वां, नमामीश्वरं सदगुरुसाइनाथम् ।। 2 ।।
One who is the bright sun which destroys the darkness of worldly ignorance. One who is beyond the mind and speech. One who is the goal of the mediatation of the sages.
One who is (the reality) pervading the whole universe, one who is pure and formless, unto you i bow, O Lord God, Sadguru Sainath.
भवध्वांतविध्वंसमार्तडमीडयं - the bright sun which destroys the darkness of worldly ignorance (भव- world ध्वांत- darkness, ignorance विध्वंस- destruction मार्तड- sun मीडयं- bright),मनोवागतीतं - beyond mind and speech (मनो- mind वाग- speech अतीतं- beyond, freed from),मुनीध्र्यानगम्यम् - the goal of the meditation of the sages (मुनी- sages ध्र्यान- meditation गम्यम्- aim, goal),जगदव्यापकं - pervading the whole universe,निर्मलं - pure,निर्गुणं - formless, attributeless,त्वां - unto you,नमामीश्वरं - bow to the Lord God (नमामी- bow to इश्वरं- the Lord God),सदगुरुसाइनाथम् - to Sadguru Sainath
भवांभोधिमग्नार्दितानां जनानां, स्वपादश्रितानां ।
स्वभक्तिप्रियाणाम् । समुद्घारणार्थ कलौ संभवंतं, नमामीश्वरं सदगुरुसाइनाथम् ।। 3 ।।
To those who are drowning in the ocean of worldly existence, to those people who have taken refuge at thy feet.To those who like being devoted to you, for upliftment of all of them, one who appeared during the kali age. I bow to him, the Lord God, Sadguru Sainath.
भवांभोधिमग्नार्दितानां - to those who are drowning in the ocean of worldly existence
जनानां - people,स्वपादश्रितानां - those who have taken refuge at thy feet,स्वभक्तिप्रियाणाम् - those who like being devoted to you.,समुद्घारणार्थ - for upliftment of all,कलौ - during the kali age,संभवंतं - occured, appeared, were born,नमामीश्वरं - bow to the Lord God (नमामी- bow to इश्वरं- the Lord God),सदगुरुसाइनाथम् - to Sadguru Sainath
सदा निंबवृक्षस्य मूलाधिवासात् सुधास्त्राविणं तिक्तमप्यप्रियं तम् ।
तरुं कल्पवृक्षाधिकं साधयंतं, नमामीश्वरं सदगुरुसाइनाथम् ।। 4 ।।
One who by ever living at the foot of the neem tree, has transformed it from being bitter and unpleasant into a flow of nectar.This tree is more wish fulfilling than the Kalpa-Vriksha. I bow to him, the Lord God, Sadguru Sainath.
सदा - always, ever,निंबवृक्षस्य - of the neem tree (निंबवृक्ष- neem tree अस्य- of it),मूलाधिवासात् - by living at the foot (मूलाधि- at the root, at the foot वासात- by living),सुधास्त्राविणं - into a flow of nectar (सुधा- nectar स्त्राव- flow एणं- into),तिक्तमप्यप्रियं - bitter and unpleasant (तिक्त- bitter अप्रियं- unpleasant),तम् - him, it,तरुं - tree,कल्पवृक्षाधिकं - more than the Kalpa-Vriksha (the wish fulfilling tree),साधयंतं - achieving, yielding, wish fulfilling,नमामीश्वरं - bow to the Lord God (नमामी- bow to इश्वरं- the Lord God),सदगुरुसाइनाथम् - to Sadguru Sainath
सदा कल्पवृक्षस्य तस्याधिमूले भवद्घावबुद्घया सपर्यादिसेवाम् ।
नृणां कुर्वतां भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदं तं, नमामीश्वरं सदगुरुसाइनाथम् ।। 5 ।।
Ever at the foot of the Kalpa-Vrisha tree (the neem tree), having your devotional feeling in the mind, those who are always engaged in personally attending to you and such other service.And in satisfying you, unto them you grant worldly enjoyment as well as liberation. I bow to you, the Lord God, Sadguru Sainath.
सदा - always, ever,कल्पवृक्षस्य - of the Kalpa-Vriksha (कल्पवृक्ष- Kalpa-Vriksha, the wish-fulfilling tree अस्य- of it),तस्याधिमूले - at the foot (तस्या- it's मूले - at the root, at the foot),भवद्घावबुद्घया - having your devotional feeling in the mind (भवद्- your भाव- devotional feeling बुद्घया- in the mind, in the intelligence),सपर्यादिसेवाम् - personally attending to you and such other service (सपर्या- personally attending आदि- and such other सेवाम्- service),नृणां - satisfying,कुर्वतां - always engaged in,भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदं- give worldly enjoyment as well as liberation (भुक्ति- worldly enjoyment मुक्ति- liberation प्रदं- give)
तं - unto him, unto them,नमामीश्वरं - bow to the Lord God (नमामी- bow to इश्वरं- the Lord God)
सदगुरुसाइनाथम् - to Sadguru Sainath
अनेकाश्रुतातक्र्यलीला विलासैः,समाविष्कृतेशानभास्वत्प्रभावम् ।
अहंभावहीनं प्रसन्नात्मभावं, नमामीश्वरं सदगुरुसाइनाथम् ।। 6 ।।
By the various playful leelas, which are unheard of and which are beyond the understanding of logical arguments, has been displayed his divine glory which is shining with it's opulences.One who is devoid of the quality of unfounded ego, one who is full in the quality of joyfull inner self, I bow to him, the Lord God, Sadguru Sainath.
अनेकाश्रुतातक्र्यलीला - various leelas which are unheard of and which are beyond the understanding of logical arguments (अनेका- various, many अश्रुता- unheard अतक्र्य- beyond the understanding of logical arguments लीला-pastimes, sport),विलासैः - by the playful,समाविष्कृतेशानभास्वत्प्रभावम् - has been displayed his divine glory which is shining with it's opulences (समाविश- displayed कृते- has been शान- divine glory भास्वत्- shining प्रभावम्- opulences, prowess),अहंभावहीनं - devoid of the quality of unfounded ego (अहं- unfounded ego हीनं- devoid of, free from भाव-quality),प्रसन्नात्मभावं - the quality of joyful inner self (प्रसन्न-pleasing, joyful आत्म- inner self भावं-qualtiy, attribute),नमामीश्वरं - bow to the Lord God (नमामी- bow to इश्वरं- the Lord God),सदगुरुसाइनाथम् - to Sadguru Sainath
सताः विश्रमाराममेवाभिरामं सदा सज्जनैः संस्तुतं सन्नमद्भिः ।
जनामोददं भक्तभद्रप्रदं तं, नमामीश्वरं सदगुरुसाइनाथम् ।। 7 ।।
One who is the object of comfort, rest and pleasure of the devotees. One who is always worshipped by the good hearted people with prayers and with water from six holy rivers.One who gives goodness and welfare unto his devotees. I bow to him, the Lord God, Sadguru Sainath.
सताः - of the devotees,विश्रमाराममेवाभिरामं - comfort, rest and pleasure (विश्रमा- resting place आराममं- comfort एव-and अभिरामं- pleasure),सदा - always,सज्जनैः - by the good hearted people,संस्तुतं - worshiped with prayers,सन्नमद्भिः - with water from six holy rivers.(सन्नम- six अद्भिः- with water),जनामोददं - welfare,भक्तभद्रप्रदं तं - gives goodness unto his devotees (भक्त- devotees भद्र- goodness, auspiciousness प्रदं- give तं- unto him, unto them),नमामीश्वरं - bow to the Lord God (नमामी- bow to इश्वरं- the Lord God),सदगुरुसाइनाथम् - to Sadguru Sainath
अजन्माद्यमेकं परं ब्रहृ साक्षात्स्वयं संभवं राममेवावतीर्णम् ।
भवदर्शनात्संपुनीतः प्रभोsहं, नमामीश्वरं सदगुरुसाइनाथम् ।। 8 ।।
अजन्माद्यमेकं- One who is unborn, who is the very origin of all, the one and only (अजन्मा- not having birth or death, unborn आद्यम- the beginning, the origin, the first of all beings एकं- one and only),परं ब्रहृ - Para-Brahma, the supreme absolute truth,साक्षात्स्वयं- has himself directly (साक्षात- directly स्वयं- himself),संभवं - originated, appeared,राममेवावतीर्णम् - indeed, Lord Rama himself has descended (राममं- Lord Rama एव- indeed अवतीर्णम्- has descended, has incarnated).भवदर्शनात्संपुनीतः- completely purified by your darshan (भवद्- your दर्शनात्- by your darshan सं- completely पुनीतः- purified),प्रभोs हं प्रभो-o Lord अहं- I,नमामीश्वरं - bow to the Lord God (नमामी- bow to इश्वरं- the Lord God),सदगुरुसाइनाथम् - to Sadguru Sainath
श्री साईशकृपानिधेsखिलनृणां सर्वार्थसिद्घिप्रद ।
युष्मत्पादरजः प्रभावमतुलं धातापि वक्ताडक्षमः ।।
O God Shri Sai, you are the ocean of grace and are all satisfying. You are the giver of all types of perfection (dharma, artha, kaam, moksha)The power of the dust of your holy feet is uncomparable. Even the creator Lord Brahmaji is unable to describe it
श्री - shri, full in glory and opulence,साईशकृपानिधेsखिलनृणां - god Sai you are the ocean of grace and are all satisfying (साई- Sai ईश- god कृपा- grace निधे-ocean of, reservoir of अखिल-all, entire नृणां- satisfying),सर्वार्थसिद्घिप्रद - giver of all types of perfection (सर्वार्थ-all round, all types सिद्घि- perfection, power, success प्रद- giver),युष्मत्पादरजः - of the dust of your holy feet (युष्मत- your पाद- holy feet रजः- of the dust ),प्रभावमतुलं power is uncomparable (प्रभावम- efficacy, power, influence अतुलं- unparallel, unequal, uncomparable),धातापि - even the creator Lord Brahmaji (धाता-the creator Lord Brahma पि- even),वक्ताsक्षमः - unable to describe (वक्ता-to speak, to describe अक्षमः- unable)
सद्घक्त्या शरणं कृतांजलिपुटः संप्रापितोडस्मि प्रभो,श्रीमत्साईपरेशापादकमलानान्यच्छरण्यं मम ।। 9 ।।
With complete and good devotion, I surrender to you and joining my palms in humble supplication, i worship you O Lord.
Without the lotus feet of the supreme Lord Sai, who is full in glory and opluence, there is no other refuge for me.
सद्घक्त्या - with complete and good devotion (सद्- good, excellent भक्त्या- with full devotion, in full devotion),शरणं - surrender, refuge, shelter,कृतांजलिपुटः - joining my palms in humble supplication,संप्रापितोsस्मि - i worship (संप्रापितो- worship अस्मि- i),प्रभो - o lord,श्रीमत्साईपरेशापादकमलानान्यच्छरण्यं (श्रीमत्- beautiful, full in glory and opulence साई- Sai परेशा- the supreme Lord पादकमला - lotus feet ना- no अन्य-other च्छरण्यं- refuge),मम - for me
साईरुपधरराघवोत्तमं, भक्तकामविबुधद्रुमं प्रभुम ।
माययोपहतचित्तशुद्घये, चिंतयाम्यहमअहंनिशं मुदा ।। 10 ।।
It is verily Lord Rama, the highest Lord, the wish fulfilling celestial tree of the devotees, who is holding the form of Sai baba.For the purification of the mind and heart, which is troubled by the fear of Maya, I lovingly meditate, day and night on him.
साईरुपधरराघवोत्तमं - It is verily Lord Rama, the highest, holding the form of Sai baba (साई- Sai रुप- form धर- holding राघव- Lord Rama उत्तमं- the supreme, the highest, the best),भक्तकामविबुधद्रुमं - the wish fulfilling celestial tree of the devotees (भक्त- devotees काम- wish, desire विबुध- celestial, heavenly द्रुमं-tree),प्रभुम - the Lord,माययोपहतचित्तशुद्घये - for the purification of the mind and heart, which is troubled by the fear of Maya (माय- Maya, the illusive power of the Lord योप- fear हत- troubled, struck, disturbed चित्त- mind and heart शुद्घये- for the purification),चिंतयाम्यहमअहंनिशं - i meditate day and night (चिंतयाम्यहम- i meditate, i contemplate, i think अहं- day निशं- night),मुदा - with great happiness, with great pleasure, lovingly
शरत्सुधांशुप्रतिमप्रकाशं, कृपापात्रं तव साईनाथ ।
त्वदीयपादाब्जमसमाश्रितानां स्वच्छायया तापमपाकरोतु ।। 11 ।।
O Sainath, the reservoir of your grace is just like the uncomparably beautiful bright light of moon in the autumn.For all those who have taken refuge at your lotus feet, may you ward off their heat in the form of misery by your cool shade (of grace).
शरत्सुधांशुप्रतिमप्रकाशं - uncomparably beautiful bright light of moon in the autumn (शरत- autumn सुधांशु- moon अप्रतिम- uncomparably beautiful प्रकाशं- bright light, bright shine),कृपापात्रं - reservoir of grace,तव - your,साईनाथ- o Sainath,त्वदीयपादाब्जमसमाश्रितानां - for all those who have taken refuge at your lotus feet (त्वदीय- your पादाब्जम- lotus feet सम- all आश्रितानां - for those who have taken refuge),स्वच्छायया - by your cool shade, with your cool shade (स्व- your च्छायया- by the cool shade, with the cool shade),तापमपाकरोतु - may you ward off their heat in the form of misery (तापम- heat in the form of misery अपा- ward off करोतु- let do, may you do).

उपासनादैवतसाइनाथ स्तवैर्मयो-पासनिनास्तु स्तत्वम ।
रमेन्मनो मे तव पादयुग्मे, भृडो, यथाब्जे मकरंदलुब्धः ।। 12 ।।
May this Upasani (the author) always be situated in the state of praise of god Sainath, who is my worshipable deity.Let my mind enjoy (contemplating on) both your lotus feet, just as the honey bee enjoys the lotus, greedy to drink the nectar.
उपासनादैवतसाइनाथ- god Sainath is my worshipable deity (उपासना- of worshiping, worshipable दैवत- deity,god साइनाथ- Sainath),स्तवैर्मयो-पासनिना - May this Upasani (the author) be situated (स्तवैर्मय- situated in praise उपासनिन- Upasani baba (the author),आस्तु- let be, may be),स्तत्वम - state, condition, situation,रमेन्मनो - mind take pleasure, mind enjoy (रमेन्- may take pleasure, may enjoy मनो- the mind),मे - my,तव - your,पादयुग्मे - both the lotus feet,भृडो - honey bee,यथाब्जे - just as the lotus (यथा- just as अब्जे- the lotus),मकरंदलुब्धः - greedy to drink the nectar. (मकरंद- nectar, honey लुब्धः- is greedy, is hungry, is eager)
अनेकजन्मार्जीत-पापसंक्षयो, भवेद्घवत्पादसरोजदर्शनात् ।
क्षमस्व सर्वानपराधपूंजकान्प्रसीद साईश गुरो दयानिधे ।। 13 ।।

अनेकजन्मार्जीत - accumulated over many births (अनेक- several, many जन्म- birth अर्जीत- accumulated, acquired, gained, accrued),पापसंक्षयो - all sins erased (पाप- sins सं- all क्षयो- erased, destroyed),भवेद्घवत्पादसरोजदर्शनात् - become on seeing your lotus feet (भवेद्- become, are भवत्- your पाद- feet सरोज- lotus दर्शनात्- on seeing),क्षमस्व - please forgive,सर्वानपराधपूंजकान्प्रसीद - for all my collection of offences, of whatever kind. Please be merciful (सर्वान- all अपराध- offense पूंज- collection कान- whatever kind प्रसीद- please be merciful),साईश - god Sai (साई- Sai इश- god),गुरो - o guru,दयानिधे - ocean of mercy (दया- mercy निधे- ocean, reservoir)
श्री साईनाथचरणामृतपूतचित्तास्तत्पादसेवनरताः सततं च भक्त्या ।
संसारजन्यदुरितौघविनिर्गतास्ते कैवल्यधाम परमं समवाप्नुवन्ति ।। 14 ।।
श्री - shri, full in glory and opulence,साईनाथचरणामृतपूतचित्तास्तत्पादसेवनरताः - who have the holy feet of Sainath situated within their purified heart and mind and are engaged in service of his feet (साईनाथ- Sainath चरण- holy feet अमृत- nectar पूत- pure, purified,चित्तास्त- situated within the heart and mind त्पाद- of his feet सेवन- service, drinking रताः- engaged in),सततं - constantly, always,च - and, also, indeed,भक्त्या - with full devotion, in full devotion,संसारजन्यदुरितौघविनिर्गतास्ते - the flood of sin and contamination arising out of the worldly existence is erased (संसार- world, worldly existence जन्य- born out of, arising out of दुरित-sin and contamination औघ- flood, heavy flow ,विनिर्गता- removed, erased आस्ते- is, remains, stands),कैवल्यधाम - abode of liberation (कैवल्य- liberation धाम- abode),परमं-supreme,highest,transcendental,समवाप्नुवन्ति - indeed become the possessor of all the treasures (सम- all वाप्- treasure, reservoir नु- certainly, indeed वन्ति- enjoyer, owner, possessor)
Those who have the holy feet of Shri Sainath situated within their purified heart and mind and are indeed engaged in constant service of his feet, with full devotion.For them, the flood of sin and contamination arising out of the worldly existence is erased and they indeed become the possessor of the supreme abode of liberation along with all it's treasures.
स्तोत्रमेतत्पठेद्भक्त्या यो नरस्तन्मनाः सदा ।
सदगुरोः साईनाथस्य कृपापात्रं भवेद् ध्रुवम ।। 15 ।।
Whosover person always recites this hymn with devotion, being immersed in the bliss of his awareness.He becomes the receipient of the grace of Sadguru Lord Sainath, forever.
स्तोत्रमेतत्पठेद्भक्त्या - recites this hymn with devotion (स्तोत्रम- hymn एतत- this पठेत- chants, recites भक्त्या - with devotion),यो - who, whosoeve,नरस्तन्मनाः - person being immersed in the bliss of his awareness (नरस्- human being, person तन्मनाः- being immersed in the bliss of awareness),सदा - always,सदगुरोः - Sadguru,साईनाथस्य - of Lord Sainath,कृपापात्रं - receipient of the grace,भवेद् - becomes,ध्रुवम - permanently, forever, certainly.
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8. श्री गुरुप्रसाद-याचना-दशक
रुसो मम प्रियांबिका, मजवरी पिताही रुसो ।
रुसो मम प्रियांगना, प्रियसुतात्मजाही रुसो ।।
Let my beloved mother get offended with me, let even my father get offended with me.
Let my beloved wife get offended with me, let even my dear son and daughter get offended with me.
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,मम - my,प्रियांबिका - beloved mother,मजवरी - on me, with me,पिताही - even father,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,मम - my ,प्रियांगना - beloved wife,प्रियसुतात्मजाही - even dear son and daughter (प्रिय- dear सुत- son आत्मजा- daughter ही- even),रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended.
रुसो भगिनि बंधुही, श्व्शुर सासुबाई रुसो ।
न दत्तगुरु साइ मा, मजवरी कधींही रुसो ।। 1
Let my sister and even my brother get offended with me, let my father in law and mother in law get offended with me.But Let not my Datta Guru, my Sai mother, ever get offended with me.
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,भगिनि - sister,बंधुही - even brother,श्व्शुर - father in law,सासुबाई - mother in law,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,न - not,दत्तगुरु - Datta Guru,साइ - Sai,मा - mother,मजवरी - on me, with me,कधींही - anytime, ever,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended.
पुसो न सुनबाई त्या, मज न भ्रातृजाया पुसो ।
पुसो न प्रिय सोयरे, प्रिय सगे न ज्ञाती पुसो ।।
Let that respected woman, my daughter in law, not care for my well being, let my sister in law not care for my well being.Let my beloved relatives, near and far, not care for my well being, let people of my tribe not care for my well being.
पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being,न - not,सुनबाई - respected woman daughter in law (सुन- daughter in law बाई- respected woman),त्या - that
मज - me, for me,न - not,भ्रातृजाया - wife of brother, sister in law ,पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being,पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being,न - not,प्रिय - dear, beloved,सोयरे - far relatives, step relatives,प्रिय - dear, beloved,सगे - near relatives, direct relatives,न - not,ज्ञाती - people of my tribe ,पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being.
पुसो सुहृद ना सखा, स्वजन नाप्तबंधू पुसो ।
परी न गुरु साइ मा, मजवरी कधींही रुसो ।। 2 ।।
Let my well wisher not care for my well being, Let my friend, my own people, my brothers in relation not care for my well being.But Let not my Guru Sai mother, ever get offended with me.
पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being,सुहृद - well wisher, well hearted person,ना - not,सखा - friend, companion,स्वजन - my own people,नाप्तबंधू - not brothers in relation, not cousins (ना- not आप्तबंधू- brothers in relation, cousins),पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being,परी - but,न - not,गुरु - Guru,साइ - Sai,मा - mother,मजवरी - on me, with me,कधींही - anytime, ever,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended.
पुसो न गुरु धाकुटें, मज न थोर साने पुसो ।।
Let dependent women and children not care for my well being, let the young and even the old not care for my well being.Let honorable respected persons as well as the young inexperienced people not care for my well being, let the great as well as small people not care for my well being.
पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being,न - not,अबला - dependent women ,मुलें - children ,तरुण - young ,वृद्घही - even the old
ना - not,पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being,पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being,न - not,गुरु - honorable respected persons,धाकुटें - young inexperienced people,मज - me,न - not,थोर - great,साने - small people ,पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being.
पुसो नच भलेबुरे, सुजन साधुही ना पुसो
परी न गुरु साइ मा, मजवरी कधींही रुसो ।। 3 ।।
Let indeed, the good virtuous as well as the bad people not care for my well being, let the good people and even the sages not care for my well being.
But Let not my Guru Sai mother, ever get offended with me.
पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being,नच - verily not, indeed not ,भलेबुरे - good virtuous as well as bad people,सुजन - good people,साधुही - even the sages,ना - not,पुसो - let ask, let enquire for well being, let care for well being,परी - but ,न - not,गुरु - Guru,साइ - Sai,मा - mother,मजवरी - on me, with me,कधींही - anytime, ever,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
रुसो चतुर तत्ववित्, विबुध प्राज्ञ ज्ञानी रुसो ।
रुसोहि विदुषी स्त्रिया, कुशल पंडिताही रुसो ।।
Let clever people and the knowers of absolute reality get offended with me, let men of learning and wisdom and possessors of knowledge get offended with me.Let even educated intellectual women get offended with me, let even expert proficient women get offended with me.
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,चतुर - clever, intelligent,तत्ववित् - the knowers of the absolute reality,विबुध - men of learning,प्राज्ञ - wise, insightful, men of wisdom,ज्ञानी - knowledgeable persons, possessors of knowledge,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,रुसोहि - let even get cross, let even get displeased, let even get offended,विदुषी - educated, intellectual woman,स्त्रिया - women,कुशल - expert ,पंडिताही - even expert women, even proficient women,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended.
रुसो महिपती यती भजक तापसीही रुसो ।
परी न गुरु साइ मा, मजवरी कधींही रुसो ।। 4 ।।
Let the kings as well as the wandering sanyasis (living on alms) get offended with me, let worshippers of god and even people practicing devout austerities get offended with me. But let not my Guru Sai, my mother, ever get offended with me.
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,महिपती - rulers, kings,यती - Bhikshus, wandering sanyasis living on alms,भजक - worshippers of god,तापसीही - even ascetics, even people practicing devout austerities,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,परी - but ,न - not,गुरु - Guru,साइ - Sai,मा - mother,मजवरी - on me, with me,कधींही - anytime, ever,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
रुसो कवि ऋषी मुनी, अनघ सिद्घ योगी रुसो ।
रुसो हि गृहदेवता, नि कुलग्रामदेवी रुसो ।।
Let all the poets, sages and ascetics get offended with me, let the sinless accomplished souls and practicers of yoga (yogis) get offended with me.Let even my home god get offended with me and let my family and village goddesses get offended with me.
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,कवि - poets,ऋषी - sages, sires,मुनी - ascetics,अनघ - sinless, faultless,सिद्घ - siddhas, accomplished souls, self realised souls,योगी - practicers of yoga (yogis) ,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
हि - even,गृहदेवता - tutelary god, home god, god protecting one's home ,नि - and
कुलग्रामदेवी - family and village goddesses,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended.
रुसो खल पिशाच्चही, मलिन डाकिनीही रुसो ।
न दत्तगुरु साइ मा, मजवरी कधींही रुसो ।। 5 ।।
Let even the bad ghost get offended with me, let even the fallen witch (female ghost) get offended with me. But Let not my Datta Guru, my Sai mother, ever get offended with me.
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,खल - low, vile, bad, evil
पिशाच्चही - even the ghost, even the devil,मलिन - dirty, filthy, foul, fallen. ,डाकिनीही - even the female ghost, even the witch,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,न - not,दत्तगुरु - Datta Guru,साइ - Sai,मा - mother,मजवरी - on me, with me,कधींही - anytime, ever,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended.
रुसो मृग खग कृमी, अखिल जीवजंतू रुसो ।
रुसो विटप प्रस्तरा अचल आपगाब्धी रुसो ।
Let the animals, birds and insects get offended with me, let all creatures get offended with me.Let the trees, stones and immovable objects get offended with me, let the rivers and oceans get offended with me.
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,मृग - beasts or quadrupeds, animals, deers, antelopes,खग - one traversing in the sky, birds,कृमी - worms, insects,अखिल - all, entire,जीवजंतू - creatures
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,विटप - trees,प्रस्तरा - stones,अचल - immovable objects
आपगाब्धी - rivers and oceans (आपगा- rivers अब्धी- oceans),रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended.
रुसो ख पवनाग्नि वार अवनि पंचत्तवें रुसो ।
न दत्त गुरु साइ मा, मजवरी कधींही रुसो ।। 6 ।।
Let space, air, fire, water and earth get offended with me, let all the five elements get offended with me.But Let not my Datta Guru, my Sai mother, ever get offended with me.
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,ख - space, sky,पवनाग्नि - air and fire,वार - water,अवनि - earth,पंचत्तवें - the five elements,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,न - not,दत्तगुरु - Datta Guru,साइ - Sai,मा - mother,मजवरी - on me, with me,कधींही - anytime, ever,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended.
रुसो विमल किन्नरा अमल यक्षिणीही रुसो ।
रुसो शशि खगादिही, गगनि तारकाही रुसो ।।
Let the noble heavenly kinnara demigoddess get offended with me, let even the intoxicating female Yaksha demonesses get offended with me.Let even the moon, sun and other planets get offended with me, let even the stars in the sky get offended.
किन्नरा - heavenly kinnara demigoddesses (Kinnaras are demigods living on the kinnara planet) ,अमल - intoxicating,यक्षिणीही - even the female Yaksha demonesses (Yakshas are semi-pious demons, born from Lord Brahma) ,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,शशि - moon,खगादिही - even the sun and other planets (खग- sun आदि- and other ही- even)
गगनि - in the sky,तारकाही - even the stars, even the luminiaries ,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended.
रुसो अमरराजही अदय धर्मराजा रुसो ।
न दत्त गुरु साइ मा, मजवरी कधींही रुसो ।। 7 ।।
Let Lord Indra (the king of gods) also get offended with me, let the merciless Yamaraj (lord of death & hellish planets) get offended with me.But Let not my Datta Guru, my Sai mother, ever get offended with me.
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,अमरराजही - Lord Indra also, the king of gods also,अदय - merciless, pitiless,धर्मराजा - Lord Yamadev, Yamaraj, Lord of death and Hellish planets,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,न - not,दत्तगुरु - Datta Guru,साइ - Sai,मा - mother,मजवरी - on me, with me,कधींही - anytime, ever,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended.
रुसो वपु दिशाखिला कठिण काल तोही रुसो ।।
Let my own mind and speech get offended with me, let my restless intellect also get offended with me.Let my own body and all the ten directions get offended with me, let the insurmountable time also get offended with me.
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,मन - mind,सरस्वती - Goddess of learning, speech,चपलचित्त - unstable intellect, fickle intellect, restless intellect
तेंही - that also,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,वपु - body, shape, form,दिशाखिला - all the ten directions,कठिण - diifficult, insurmountable,काल - time, period,तोही - that also, it also,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended.
रुसो सकलविश्वही मयि तु ब्रहृगोलं रुसो ।
न दत्त गुरु साइ मा, मजवरी कधींही रुसो ।। 8 ।।
Let the entire world also get offended with me, let even the universe get offended with me.But Let not my Datta Guru, my Sai mother, ever get offended with me.
रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,सकलविश्वही - entire world also (सकल - entire विश्व- world ही- even, also),मयि - in me, with me,तु - but, even,ब्रहृगोलं - universe,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,न - not,दत्तगुरु - Datta Guru,साइ - Sai,मा - mother,मजवरी - on me, with me,कधींही - anytime, ever,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended.
विमूढ़ म्हणुनी हंसो, मज न मत्सराही डसो ।
पदाभिरुचि उल्हसो, जननकर्दमीं ना फसो ।।
Let all people laugh at me calling me foolish, even then let me not get bitten by anger and jealousy.
विमूढ़ - foolish,म्हणुनी - calling,हंसो - let laugh,मज - me,न - not
मत्सराही - even anger, even jealousy, even envy, even hostility,डसो - stung, bitten
पदाभिरुचि - liking unto your holy feet (पदा- holy feet अभि- unto, towards रुचि- liking, delight),उल्हसो - become delightfull, become joyfull, become pleasureable,जननकर्दमीं - in the mud of worldly existence (जनन- birth, life, existence कर्दमीं- in the mud, in the swamp),ना - not,फसो - get caught, get entangled, get trapped.
Let the liking i have unto your holy feet, become joyfull for me, let i not get caught in the mud of worldly existence.
न दुर्ग धृतिचा धसो, अशिवभाव मागें खसो ।
प्रपंचि मन हें रुसो, दृढ विरक्ति चित्तीं ठसो ।। 9 ।।
Let the fort of right conduct not fall down, let unholy passions tumble down behind. Let this mind get offended with worldly indulgence, let firm dispassion (towards worldly existence) get inscribed in my mind and heart.
न - not,दुर्ग - fort,धृतिचा - right conduct, righteousness (as declared in the shastras),धसो - fall down,अशिवभाव - unholy passions, impure feelings (अशिव- inauspicious, unholy, impure भाव - feelings, passions),मागें - behind, in the background,खसो - let fall down, let tumble down ,प्रपंचि - worldly engagements, worldly indulgence,मन - mind,हें - this,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended,दृढ - firm, strong,विरक्ति - virakti, dispassion,चित्तीं - in the intellect, in the mind and heart,ठसो - let get impressed, let get inscribed.
कुणाचिहि घृणा नसो, न च स्पृहा कशाची असो ।
सदैव हृदयीं वसो, मनसि ध्यानिं साई वसो ।।
Let there be no hatred of anybody, also let there be no longing for anything
.Let Sai baba always reside in my heart, let Sai baba dwell in my mind and contemplation.
कुणाचिहि - of anybody ,घृणा - envy, hatred,नसो - let there be no,न - no,च - also, even,स्पृहा - wish, desire, longing, covetousness,कशाची - of anything, for anything,असो - Let there be,सदैव - always ,हृदयीं - in the heart,वसो - let reside, let stay, let dwell,मनसि - in the mind,ध्यानिं - in meditation, in reflection, in contemplation ,साई - Sai baba,वसो - let reside, let stay, let dwell.
पदीं प्रणय वोरसो, निखिल दृश्य बाबा दिसो
न दत्तगुरु साइ मा, उपरी याचनेला रुसो ।। 10 ।।
पदीं - at the holy feet, for the holy feet,प्रणय - love, affection, fondness,वोरसो - let flow incessantly,निखिल - whole, entire, everything,दृश्य - sight, vision, that is visible,बाबा - baba ,दिसो - let be seen,न - not,दत्तगुरु - Datta Guru,साइ - Sai,मा - mother,उपरी - above, made above ,याचनेला - with the humble request,रुसो - let get cross, let get displeased, let get offended
Let my love for your holy feet flow incessantly, let Baba be seen to me in everything that is visible .Let not my Datta Guru, my Sai mother, get offended with my humble request made above.
To Download the song Ruso Mam Priyambika click here.
10. पुष्पांजली
Click here to view the third part of Dhoop Aarti.
हरि ऊँ यज्ञेन यज्ञमयजंत देवास्तानि धर्माणी प्रथमान्यासन् ।
(This is the concluding verse of the description of a ritual carried out by the gods, in earlier times)
Hari Om. By this ritual, the gods worshipped the Purusha (the Lord), and this ritual was the first ordinance in religion.
हरि ऊँ - Hari Om,यज्ञेन - by sacrifice, by Yagnya, by ritual,यज्ञमयजंत - worshipped the Purusha (यज्ञम- the object of performing the ritual (The Lord, the supreme Purusha),यजन्तः - sacrificed, worshipped),देवास्तानि - the devas did, the gods did,धर्माणी - in the dharma, in the religion,प्रथमान्यासन् - the first ordinance (प्रथमा- first न्यासन्- ordinance)
They thus attained the glorious heavenly planets where the Sadhya gods of earlier times are dwelling
ते - they,ह - so they did, it so happened, certainly, in that way, thus,नाकं - heavenly planets,महिमानः - great, glorious,सचंत - attained, procured,यत्र - where, wherein,पूर्वे - former, previous, of earlier times,साध्या - Sadhya (gods),संति - exist, dwell,देवाः - the gods
ऊँ राजाधिराजाय प्रसहृसाहिने नमो वयं वैश्रवणाय कूर्महे ।
Om, one who is the king of kings, one who endures with great courage, we do offer obesiances unto that Lord Vaisravana (Kuber)
ऊँ - Om,राजाधिराजाय - unto the king of kings,प्रसहृसाहिने - one who endures with great courage (प्रसहृ- with great courage साहिने- one who endures, one who tolerates),नमो - bow, salutations, obesiances,वयं - we,वैश्रवणाय - unto Lord Vaisravana (i.e Lord Kuber, the Lord in charge of wealth & it's distribution),कूर्महे - to do
स मे कामान्कामाय महृं कामेश्वरो वैश्रवणो दधातु ।
Let that Lord Vaisravana (Kuber), the god of desire, grant unto me fullfillment of all my desires.
स - all,मे - my,कामान्कामाय - fulfillment of desires (कामान- desires कामाय- fullfillment),महृं - for me, unto me,कामेश्वरो - god of desire (काम- desire ईश्वरो- god of),वैश्रवणो - that Lord Vaisravana (Kuber),दधातु - let grant, let give
कुबेराय वैश्रवणाय महाराजाय नमः ।
Unto that Lord Kuber, unto that Lord Vaisravana, unto that king of kings, i offer my obesiances.
कुबेराय - unto Lord Kuber,वैश्रवणाय - unto Lord Vaishravana,महाराजाय - unto the king of kings,नमः - bow, salute, obesiances
ऊँ - Om,स्वस्ति - all auspiciousness,साम्राज्यं - eastern kingdom,भौज्यं - sourthern kingdom
स्वाराज्यं - western kingdom,वैराज्यं - northern kingdom,पारमेष्ठयं राज्यं - central kingdom
महाराज्यमाधिपत्यमयं - universal kingdom (The ancient India was divided into kingdoms & these were named according to the type of rulership that existed there.)
समंतपर्या इस्यात्सार्वभौमः सार्वायुष आंतादापरार्धात् पृथिव्यै समुद्रपर्यताया एकराळिति ।
For all the kingdoms, let there be one god, who is ruling the whole earth, having a full life span upto the end of half-life of Brahma (100 crore crore years), who is thus the one king for the earth extending upto the shores of the ocean.
समंत - entire, all,पर्या - for,इस्यात्सार्वभौमः - god who is ruling the whole earth (इश- god यात- who is सार्वभौमः- ruling the the whole earth),सार्वायुष - having a full life-span,आंतादा - the end,परार्धात् - upto the half-life of Brahma (100 crore crore years),पृथिव्यै - earth, universe,समुद्रपर्यताया - upto the shores of ocean,एकराळिति - thus one king (एक- one राळ- king इति- thus)
तदप्येष श्लोकोsभिगीतो मरुतः परिवेष्टारो मरुत्तस्यावसन्गृहे ।
This hymn (above) is recited in the sacrifice ritual by Maruta and the many attendants in the residing house of Maruta.
तदप्येष - this recited (तद-this प्येष - recited, chanted),श्लोको - verse, hymn,अभिगीतो - in the sacrifice ritual, in the Yagna ritual,मरुतः - Maruta (demigod controlling wind, air),परिवेष्टारो - servants, attendants,मरुत्तस्यावसन्गृहे - in the residing house of Maruta (मरुत्तस्य- of Marut वसन- living, residing गृहे- in the house)
आविक्षितस्य कामप्रेर्विश्वेदेवाः सभासद इति ।।
आविक्षितस्य - of Avikshit (father of Maruta),कामप्रेर्विश्वेदेवाः - as per the desire all the gods of the world (कामप्रेर्- as per the desire विश्वेदेवाः- all the gods of the world),सभासद - became member of , participated, attended,इति - thus, so, like.
Victory be unto Lord Narayana Vaasudeva (Lord Vishnu), Victory be unto our dear sadguru Lord Sainath Maharaj, who are full in glory, prosperity and pure consciousness.
श्री - shri, full in glory and prosperity,नारायण - Lord Narayana i.e. Lord Vishnu, the supreme personality of godhead,वासुदेवाय - unto the Lord Vaasudeva i.e unto Lord Vishnu, the supreme personality of godhead,सच्चिदानंद - sat-chit-anand, existence-knowledge-bliss, pure consciousness,सदगुरु - dear sadguru,साईनाथ - Lord Sainath,महाराज - Maharaj, king of kings,की - be unto,जय - victory
Here is the link of Pushpanjali,click here to download Mp3
11. प्रार्थना
करचरणकृतं वाक्कायजं कर्मजं वा श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसं वाडपराधम् ।
The sins done by me by hands and feet, by speech and body, whether by actions, whether by ears and eyes, whether by mind.
करचरणकृतं - done by hands and feet (कर- hands चरण- feet कृतं- done),वाक्कायजं - by speech and body (वाक- speech कायजं- by body),कर्मजं - by actions,वा - whether, or, and,श्रवणनयनजं - by ears and eyes (श्रवण- ears नयनजं- by eyes),वा - whether, or, and,मानसं - mind,वाsपराधम् - whether sins, offences (वा- whether, or, and अपराधम्- sins, offences)
विदितमविदितं वा सर्वमेतत्क्षमस्व जय जय करुणाब्धे (श्रीप्रभो साईनाथ) ।। 1 ।।
Whether knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive for all of these, O ocean of mercy, O Lord Shri Sainath, Victory be unto you.
विदितमविदितं - knowingly or unknowingly (विदितम- knowingly अविदितं- unknowingly),वा - whether, or, and,सर्वमेतत्क्षमस्व - please forgive for all these (सर्वम- all एतत- these,क्षमस्व- please forgive),जय - victory be unto,जय - victory be unto,करुणाब्धे - o ocean of mercy (करुणा- mercy अब्धे- o ocean),श्रीप्रभो - Lord Shri,साईनाथ - Sainath
Here is the link to Prathana ,click here to download Mp3
Click here to view complete Dhoop Evening Aarti
To Download Complete evening Aarti Click here
श्री सच्चिदानंदसदगुरु साईनाथ महाराज की जय
ॐ तत सत
धूपरतीचा कार्यक्रम संपूर्ण ।
End of the Dhoop (sunset) Aarti
अनंतकोटी ब्रम्हांडनायक राजाधिराज योगिराज परब्रह्म श्री सच्चिदानंद सदगुरु साईनाथ महाराज की जय