Sairam ,
Happy Baba's day to all,
Today I am uploading a bunch of experiences shared by different Sai devotees .Each experiences is unique in itself however every experience signifies Baba's love for His children and how Baba has helped,guided and has come for rescue of His child when needed.Without further ado here are the experiences below .Jai Sai Ram .
Shirdi Sai Baba is My Everything:
Sainath came into my life only because of my cousin’s wife for which I will be forever grateful to her all my life. It was in Aug 2011 that my sister in law insisted I hold on to Him to with faith and He is sure to help me in all walks of life.
My sister in law sent me a book “Daily chanting book of SHIRDI SAI benevolence”. Though I had received a day or 2 before Thursday 24th Aug, 2011 I did not start as I still had not developed faith or devotion yet, not enough .
I was trying to find about his miracles from some of my Sai devotee friends. Since September 1st was Ganesh Chaturti I wanted to start the pooja on that Thursday. I was preparing myself for a week mentally by randomly going through the book and admiring the beautiful pictures of Baba in the first few sheets.
I kept wishing that i should find a nice picture of His before I started the puja. So once while flipping through the sheets and thinking the same, to my greatest surprise, there was one sheet with a beautiful picture of Baba's that was loose as though it was just neatly kept in between the sheets. The entire book was a bound one and you can only tear the sheet.
All these days when I casually went through the book, all pages were intact. I was so happy and surprised. I was thinking it was Baba's way of blessing me by giving me His picture. Yet i was little doubtful and wanted to check with my sister in law if she kept Sai picture for my sake , but to my surprise for the 2nd time, she did not keep any photo, but just bought it from the book stall and couriered it. I was so happy and was very grateful to Baba for His kind gesture. This beautiful picture now adorns our Puja Room.
Another miracle or rather mercy of Sainath on me was, I had a dog bite in August 2011 in our lane. That particular dog always barked at me even when I was on bike. One Sunday 9th October,2011 I thougt how long will this dog be ferocious at me Baba? That afternoon I had a dream that I teased a dog on road and it was about to pounce on me but a white bearded person caught the leg of the dog and warned never to do such a thing. Since then, I don't know how, but that dog has never ever barked at me or chased me. It would look at me and turn the other side.
I should have understood that it was Baba Himself in my dream, but one morning while I was still brushing my teeth I thought Baba when would You grace me in my dream??? That day again the dog didn't bother me and I got back home from gym and narrated about my dream to dad and mom not being sure if it was Baba.
Suddenly my niece woke up from sleep and said "aunty you are so lucky Baba came in your dream" and she went back to sleep. That's when i realised He answered my question that I asked Him in the morning. I was so happy. Even today I walk past the dog, but it doesn’t bark or chase. Now I know for sure no dog can harm me all my life….all because of Sai Ram’s grace.
Love You so much Baba
Om Sai Ram!!!
Transport Manager:
Greetings to all the sweet children of Baba ! Baba Loves You !! The following is an account of one of the most amazing momments i have witnessed where Baba was simply to say AWESOME ! After this experience my faith in the belief that He is Living and Loving God, has been reinforced. Kindly go through the following experience.
Om Sai Ram
I always keep troubling Baba for small needs and things.
For e.g. i ask him to help me board a bus, find a good hotel to eat when i'm somewhere out, and what not !
Somehow i believe that even though i trouble Baba, like this..and so many other children of his do the same, Baba loves it when we look to him with love. He doesn't mind it. How can a mother mind the littlest and the fussiest cries of her children ?
And true to what Baba has said, "Will a mother kick her chilren away?" , i have found that Baba truly reaches to us when we cry out to him !!!
Now my home is located a little deep inside Thane city, and it takes around 20-30 minutes to reach there from the station. So i normally park my scooter in an area near the famous Korum Mall,Cadbury Junction in Thane.
Here is what happend..
Around 4 weeks ago, i was returning home from Andheri to Thane by road (both places are in Mumbai, and the average travel time one way between these places is 1.5 hours) .
It was past 9pm and i was getting late for dinner. I wanted to have food at home since i had a lot of acidity related issues. Therefore, i thought of getting down halfway through the road journey and decided to catch a train from a nearby railway station which is known as Kanjur Marg.
Soon, in some 15-20 minutes i reached Thane station. And to my utter frustration found a line of at least 80 to 150 people in queue for rickshaw. This is not an exaggeration, in Thane station during peak hours there's a huge bee line for auto rickshaws.
Seeing the frustrating sight, and filled with hunger, sleepiness, i decided i have no patience for rickshaw line, i decided to walk ahead and find rickshaw somewhere near the market place which was like half a kilometer away from the Station.
I reached the place and found about 2-3 rickshaws all of them were share rickshaws and denied to take me where i wanted to go. Now i got very tired and agitated.
I prayed to Baba, saying "Baba please kaise bhi karke ghar pahunchane ka bandobast kar do" ( Baba please arrange for my transportation to reach home some how soon) as soon as i said this i felt an inspiration to walk a little ahead where there was a temple of Lord Hanuman. I felt i would get a rickshaw there.
As soon as i came right opposite the temple, i found 2 rickshaws, but to my disappointment they were all taken and i couldn't board them.
At this instance within 10 seconds, a youth riding on a motorcycle, slowly came right next to me and parked his bike.
While still sitting on his motorcycle, He looked at me in the eye, with a calm face and asked me,
"Kahan Jaaoge" ( Where will you go ?)
That question sent a chill down my spine ! it roared away all the drowsiness, fatigue that i was having, i couldn't believe what i heard !!!!
Then without wasting much time i told him, I wanted to go to the Car-Scooter parking near Korum Mall, Cadbury Junction where i parked my scooter.
He replied i cant take you there, but i will take you to a nearby place from where Cadbury Junction is 5 minutes walking distance.
I agreed, he gracefully dropped me to the promised place and i thanked him dearly and more so in my heart i asked Baba to bless him. It was the most amazing ride of my life !!! and through out that bike ride, my mouth was opened , jaw dropping in utter disbelief that Baba was so kind, that i couldn't even realize how kind he is. This was nothing short of the famous Jamner miracle where Baba arranged a tonga for his devotee Shri Ramgirbuva..
( You can read about this amazing leela here
Then i walked off to my parking lot to get to my scooter, and as soon as i reached the place i saw that there was a huge pipeline burst and water was overflowing the roads. There was huge traffic jam.
This incident also was covered in newspaper.
covered here in the following link is a snapshot of the flooded roads (See "Eastern Express Waterway")
Had the youth who offered me the lift, dropped me to Cadbury Junction, he wouldn't have been able to return easily. As for me, i could comfortable find a footpath which was above water level, so i could walk right to my scooter and take an alternative route home.
Baba had foreseen everything and arranged everything perfectly for me and the kind brother who dropped me.
I was deeply touched that day.
Baba is the most perfect transport manager :)
I Love Him Om Sai Ram :)
Baba Saved My Life (Miracle):
Hi Sir/Mam,
Please do not publish my name and email Id.Please keep that confidential.
Thanks alot for setting up a platform where we can share our experiances of Shirdi Sai Baba..And would really appreciate if you could publish this experiece and would be grateful to all my sai sisters and brothers who are sharing their experiences , as they are providing the solutions to others through this without their attention.This gives me an immense pleasure and happiness to share my experience with you all....
Its been a hard time for me to work under unprofessional,arrogant and rude natured lady team lead .
She used to shout on the floor for no reason, everyone in the team got treated in the same way.But nothing was of any use inspite of complaints and etc neither the manager nor the management had taken care of this issue.
And I used to be the main person who got suffered by her as I used to sit beside her.And I'm the person who is of very soft and sensitive nature and was not able to be rude others as I have grown in such an environment.
I want to share with you that how I suffered for 1 and half year with no sleep,how I used to cry as she used to shout for no reason before others.But I have no other option due to my financial problems and cant complain, and can't quit the job as I need to complete 1year in present company. I also shared the same with my husband and he told to be in the same job as we have homeloan and we cant do anything, which hurted me a lot.
I love my husband and I want to gift the house to my husband .I dont want to make him unhappy.Every day was a tough day in office to bear her and everyday I used to cry at baba 's photo as for what I should live killing my self respect?
I asked baba many times to take me from earth every day she used to torture me as I cant share with anyone so used to cry alot.I used to feel bad about my situation and financial condition for inabilty to save my self respect..
During this time I happen to see the experiances of Shirdi Sai baba devotees online through which I came to know about 9 thursday vrat of baba.
I tried to start the Vrat but my mother in law used to stop me in praying to Sai baba as she is very possesive about my husband ,as my husband believes baba because of me ..My mother- in -law stopped me from doing the vrat as she doesnt want baba to be with us but I managed to start it with out her notice.And successfully completed two thursday .During second thursday I got transfer to my place where I can live with my husband as I am out of state for job purpose.On 2nd thursday without my knowledge I asked my manger regarding the transfer(As he was not willing to approve since1 and half yrs).
Its really a miracle that happend during 2nd thursday my manger accepted that ,soon I went to my home place but this was not the solution as she would be the team lead .So thought of going out as my team memebrs and me were treated badly by her. I got placed in a good company by grace of Saibaba with a good salary and good profile and I shared the same with my husband and he is believing baba very much and we are doing Baba Vrath every thursday.
I am really gratefull to baba for his presence during my hardtimes and want to share with you all " we should think for a while before hurting others because it would impact others a lot Baba never taught to hurt others,we shoud not damage others selfrespect,we should love everyone because job,money , position etc everything is temporary but one should give importance to Human values , human feelings.
Baba Reminds Us:OM SAI RAM
Dear Manisha didi,
We have read in Sai Satcharitra book that if we forget to fullfil our promises or the work that was assigned to us by baba, He reminds us and also forgive us for our mistake. Same thing happened to me also.
When I was facing some personal problem, I prayed and begged to baba to save me from the sorrow. As usual I asked in website. When I prayed and entered the number which was given by baba, I was told to offer sugar for 21 days so that problem will be solved or the desired thing will happen. I was happy and immediately from next day(i.e from April 23rd) I have started to offer sugar to him. 2 days back, early morning I went to temple for pooja and returned late. So I informed my maid to offer sugar to baba where she is also baba devotee. But due to tight work she too forgot to offer sugar. I returned in the noon. I have completely forgot about the sugar offering. I was too tired so took lunch and thought to take rest for a while. At this time baba reminded me regarding sugar offering twice. But I did not realize it until he asked me directly.
First incident:
When I thought to sleep, my friend made me a call and told that he went to Lordess Bhagawati temple and there he saw a cute baba idol and he has bought one for him. He also told that he thought to buy one for me, but next week he is planning to go to Shirdi so will buy there. I said ok, no problem. While talking about baba also I did not remember to ask my maid whether she offered sugar or to check it.
Second incident:
After disconnecting the call, when I thought to sleep, suddenly my mind got stuck that I must prepare a sweet dish that is smashing the nuts and mixing it with SUGAR. Though I took my lunch, my mind suddenly wish to eat that dish. Then I got up, went to kitchen and told my maid that I am gonna prepare the said sweet. She said she will help and we both prepared it. After preparing, my maid asked me to check whether SUGAR quantity is enough or not. When I tasted found that sugar is not enough.Yet I did not bother about that and took. I just took 2 or 3 spoons and i just left there and went. My maid asked what happened? I replied as nothing I will have it later. That time also we both did not remember regarding sugar offering.
Baba directly reminded me to offer sugar:
After that in the evening again I went out and returned at 7pm. I was reading Ram Vijaya chapter. After finishing it suddenly my mind thought to visit the above mentioned website and automatically one number flashed in my mind and I entered it without asking any question to him. The answer baba gave me as follows: OFFER SUGAR IMMEDIATELY AND APOLOGIZE FOR FORGETTING. YOUR DESIRE THING WILL HAPPEN.After reading this I immediately rush to our shrine and found that sugar was not offered for the day. I was so much upset and I scold myself badly and immediately I offered him sugar and apolozied 1000 times for my mistake. When I read the answer I was totally dumstruck or I can say i was in gooseflesh. Really am searching words to express my reaction. How he reminds our important work to be done. He is looking at each and every movement of ours. He is omnipresent.But after that still now I couldn't remember the number which I have entered. Seriously I couldn't remember.I tried a lot but in vain. Immediately I thought I must share this experience in this blog and I told baba that I will share.
One more thing readers, now (may 17th, 12:00am) while typing this experience I asked baba shall I send the experience tomorrow and I clicked his photo on where he said FULLFILL ANY PROMISES YOU HAVE MADE. Then I have started to continue typing the experience.Everyday I open his photo and I talk to him and share everything to him, though he knows everythig. For each and everything I ask his permission. In turn he too give me a perfect reply that is through website only just by clicking his foot in his photo. He always guide me. I can feel his presence always.
Thank you baba and again I apologize from bottom of my heart for I forgot to offer the sugar. Pardon me and always shower your love upon me.
Sai Baba's Udi Cured My Friend:
Baba is always with me and so is precious udi. It was saturday when my best friend, who is staying with me in pg got fever. Thinking it is due to exertion and over work, she just took medicine and got ok. But on next day, again fever caught her and this time even higher. Again with medicine it vanished, but recurred at night around 8. She took medicine thinking it would be okay as it was working. But this time till 11 PM there was no relief. Took another medicine at 11.
I was restless and was very worried about her, as it was night time and when fever was not subsiding. Also she got bad headache, and i started putting cold water handkerchief over her head. Entire cold water turned warm but fever was as it is. After 3 am it occured to me that I have Baba's udi with me, so i immediately took out udi mixed in half cup cold water and gave her. Also applied some over her head and prayed to baba. Within an hour her fever was gone, and she finally slept properly at 5am.
Next day, (monday) she woke up after good sleep, and no fever this time. But then also I took her to doctor. But no medication was prescribed, no medicines given. Its all baba's blessing.
I cannot describe how blessed I am to get Sai Ram. May baba bless all.
Experience In Shirdi:It was a hot day on Sunday, when my daughter and I had visited Shirdi in March. With every predicament, that my family has been through, still going through, it was a wonder we had managed to save enough money to travel to India in a very short time frame of less then 3 weeks. We joined a group of friendly Malaysians from a different state for this sacred trip.
We travelled from Malaysia to Shirdi with a transit via Chennai then Mumbai. On our third day we had arrived in Shirdi, it was a rather scorching heat in the afternoon of 24 March 2012.
The group had chosen to have a relaxing evening before getting some much needed rest, after an exhausting 5 hour drive from Bombay city to Shirdi. Though the rest of our evening did not have much excitement, the next day was a memorable day where I could never forget the greatness of Sri Sai.
As we had a long trip the previous day, the entire group left the hotel after breakfast at 9.00am. We had visited the darshan after purchasing some pooja items. I started to cry when I saw MY Baba sitting there majestically – smiling -awaiting for me to shower him with my love and devotion to him. Even the security on duty become rather concerns that he had not rushed me, unlike the rest of the sea of devotees wanting to acquire his blessings.
Exist from the darshan area, my daughter and I wanted to visit all of the places of Sri Sai. We had donated a coconut as a request from Baba before we left to India. A married couple from the tour group had joined us – the man had firstly donated blood at the clinic outside the darshan. Later after visiting the museum, the Dawarkamayi and the Samadhi s’ of some of Sri Sai’s loyal followers; we were trying to find Laxmi Bai’s Samadhi. Along the short walk to her Samadhi, I recall vowing to Baba; that if ever I had the chance to visit him i will donate sweets to him – to be placed at his feet, to receive his blessing a hopefully promise that the dark cloud hovering over my family has finally passed.
Knowing that it would be rather troublesome to place the prasadam with him, I again recalled his teaching to feed the poor or those who do need the most… I was giving them away freely, that my daughter was not too keen as the ones that were taking the sweet were not the poor and needy ones. Knowing it is futile to argue with her, I had placed the packet of sweets back into my handbag.
Realizing that we had gone through the day with out acquiring Baba’s udi; my daughter and I plus the married couple who was later joined by their mother in-law decided to take turns to queue up to receive our udi packet. My daughter and I along with the mother in-law took the first round to line up, the husband and wife waited outside the Dawarkamayi to look after our belongings.
May daughter then took the wife along with the mother in-law in law aging to acquire more udi. Meanwhile myself and the husband were sitting along with the other devotees resting and seeking shade from the glaring mid-afternoon sun. Suddenly one of the dogs inside the Dawarkamayi came out and started walking towards the two of us.
All he did was come around and placed himself between the the two of us… the mother in me started cooing at the dog, I asked if he was hungry, he just sat there with his eyes trained on me. A sudden urge made me to feed the sweets that I had long forgotten I had in my bag to this creature seated next to me. I gave him about 3 pieces that he had hungrily gobbled up. I continued to finish all my sweets that were intended for Baba to him. As soon as he was done, the dog did not be glare at me like some dogs that would have when they were hungry. With a satisfied smile in his eyes, he walked back into the Dawarkamayi. It was amazing that out of hundreds of people seated around us, he would come directly to me, with a pleading eye to feed him.
I honestly felt all the burdens that were weighing on my shoulders miraculously removed. This was truly an experience that I can never forget as I will always remember this as the day I had received the blessings from my Guru.
Sai Ram!
BABA MIRACLES:Sairam all readers,
I am indu from Bangalore.I am devotee of Sai baba.I am very happily married girl and i have 4yrs old daughter.I had a very good life until i got my vertigo problem.It started to me 1year back and I suffered a lot,went to many doctors but it didn't help me.
One day one of my friend said to me about Sai baba miracles.She said to do 9 thursdays fasting and to pray to Baba with full faith and he will definitely solve my problem.
It is not even a month i started this vrat pooja,i am feeling so much better than before.I know baba will definitely solve my problem for ever.Let's all get together and chant Sai baba Sai baba.
Share Your Sai Experience :HERE.


all are wonderful experiences..
Thanks for sharing with us.
BABA, please keep showering your blessings on everyone.
All experiences are wonderful .But the first one "regarding dog bite" matches with the one had recently. I used to pray to Baba to protect my entire family members. My younger sister, she was going to gym in her bike, and a dog, came running and bite her toe, and it was barking loudly, at her.She got so scared and thought she was going to die, even though people came out from houses hearing her scream, no one dare to rescue her. Finally the owner of the dog came and pulled the dog away from her.
I was asking Baba why this happened to her. Why he did not save her. Now I feel Baba answered me through you. When my sister told this to me, i was really shocked. She was telling me, one bite of dog fell on the sandals which she was wearing, that was a deep one, one minor one on her toes, but still she had to suffer pain, with all injections. But I am happy that Baba saved her.Thank you Baba for saving her life. Sorry for getting angry with you.
pls can anyone tell me the meaning of this sentence " i give my devotees whatever they ask, until they ask for what i want to give" this is the sentence told by by baba
surrender to baba everything will go fine. love you baba bless everyone.
I have full faith in baba i am doing 9 vrat and reading sai satcharitra everyday. I know baba will bless me.
Wt r th procedure to do vrat plz sy me