Dear all,
Today I am uploading beautifully expressed experience of 'Sai Darshan in Shirdi' by Sai devotee Anil Ranjitkar ji from Canada.I feel ,the way the Sai darshan is described by Anil ji is simply worth praising. I could not stop myself until I read the last page and all I can say that I felt as though I was witnessing everything. I am attaching the mail by Anil ji along with the details of Sai darshan.
The experience is written in Hindi and need to be downloaded. Soon its English version will be posted for those devotees who find reading Hindi difficult .Jai Sai Ram.
Om Shri Sai Ram Manisha jee,
This is a kind of BABA grace that luckly I found your website last week and kept on reading the devotees experience in your site and wondering ,wondering all the time. All the time tears came out while reading the experiences and all the time I am sayingBABA ! I knows this is your kripa to giving me this opportunity. OH BABA !!!
I am sending you my experience related to my first Shirdi visit to share with BABA's devotees and to be published in your blessed site,if possible. But, this is in HINDI. I wrote in NEPALI, because I am Nepali. Then translated in Hindi to send the Sai Leela Magazine. I couldn't translate in english so far. Wish to do ASAP.Thanks
Jai Sai Ram
Dear Readers please click the button for downloading the document .
Jai Sai Ram .