Happy Baba's day to all,
Due to my constant traveling I am not able to give enough time for website work and hence many Sai leela's and other article are lying pending . Before I start my journey to Shirdi I wish to upload maximum Sai experiences shared by Sai devotees in the website so that readers can read in leisure.
Here is a beautiful experience shared by brother Shirish followed by his interpretation of what Faith and Patience means to a Sai devotee and how one should practice them in one's daily life. Jai Sai Ram
Hi Didi,
Om Sairam
Following is my experience related to recent job which I got. Please post it as per your wish.
Shirish Atkari
Hi All,
Om Sairam
With Saibaba’s permission I want to express this life changing experience of Saibaba.I will tell my experience in short as I want to put more focus on learning which I got recently through this experience .
From my college campus I got into a company where I joined in mid June. Because of some reasons I was not liking and enjoying my Job. So in a span of 1 month I left that job. That was really tough decision for me and a hard time .All my friends guided me not to quit this job unless and until I have other job in hand.But some how I quit the job .
Then I came home,had few days to stay with my parents. In that period I realized what is the true meaning of faith (which I have put in words ahead).I kept complete faith and never allowed my mind to get worried with thoughts. With Saibaba’s grace I got best job in a span of week and I got confirmation on Saibaba’s day i.e Thursday of the job.Not only I got a job with better salary package and but a good city too .
I thanked Saibaba but I would consider my gratitude to Baba complete by performing best at new job.
From past 4-5 years I am in touch with Saibaba.With Saibaba’s grace I came to understand deep meaning of faith which I have put in words below. With Saibaba’s grace at different age, stage and experiences of life we all will understand even deeper meaning of grace of Baba . Many thanks to Manisha Didi who helped me in various ways to understand this .Below is the meaning which I have understood of faith and patience.
Faith (Shradda) and Patience (Shaburi):
Only two things which Saibaba asked everyone to practice and believe.
1)To believe in Saibaba even when we have not seen in Him in physical form.To believe that Saibaba was there in Shirdi for many years. To believe that Saibaba is still existing in every form and every where in this world.
2)To confidently believe that Saibaba is aware of us (even if we don’t remember him). To believe that he knows what is going on with us.To believe he is always watching us.
3)Faith means we know and we have to surrender our issues and concerns to Saibaba.
For an example :Consider the scenario when in our childhood days when we were not well, we never thought who will take us to doctor, who will give us medicine….??Answer is No. ……Why….????? Because we thought its our parents who will do it with full love and devotion.
So now when we are grown up, we tend to keep issues and concerns in our mind. Even after knowing this fact that Saibaba is our father and mother, we won’t feel the way we tend to feel when we were kids.
We should feel in the same manner.If we have faith in Saibaba we will always know that Saibaba is aware of our problems, issues, concerns(As our parents used to when we were kid and now also even if we try to hide or cover our issues).
So it is a fact that our parents used to take care of all our problems and ensure our happiness and same is true even today. So it’s same with Saibaba, He is ,will and He is always taking care of our life.
So when we say we have faith in Saibaba, we will never get bothered how things will happen.At the same time we will always remind our self when ever there is a thought of worry, frustration, sorrow,sadness or any negative feeling that Saibaba is there to take car.And try to keep patience.
4)Faith is not related to mind. It’s all in our heart. So if any particular life issue or concern is bothering us, we should ask our heart ……Why..????.... Don’t we have faith in Saibaba? And if we have faith in our heart then soon a comfort will be there.Again the thought might come in our mind, take help of your heart and tell yourself,Saibaba is there to take care. So have patience.
5)Faith means that we have left everything to Saibaba. We have given complete doer ship to Him.Faith means that we confidently believe that Saibaba will ensure best for us.But we have to have patience.
6)Faith means we believe that in our hard time or during any trouble Saibaba is taking care of us and giving us energy, comfort, support and carrying us through all hurdles and bad phases of life. We should always ask our heart to keep faith in Saibaba, whenever we feel that we are in trouble. When our mind gets too disturb by logically thinking, correlating and emotionally analyzing many things at one time,Ask our heart why…….??? Don’t you believe in Saibaba….And have faith in Saibaba and keep patience.
7)Faith means we know that Saibaba will give us darshan in any form and will make us feel very happy…..Even I can not explain that state
of happiness.
8)Most important……….Faith means that we believe Saibaba will give us best.As when we have faith and we surrender our life completely, then whatever is coming in our way is Saibaba’s grace.
9)We don’t know what we did in our past birth, for this birth also we might feel we have not done any thing wrong. But I feel we should not get into this theory of past karma’s or future. As I think when we have surrendered our whole life and have complete faith then from now onwards till end of our life or all births……we will not do any wrong karma’s. Infact after giving doer ship to Saibaba, He will give us all best things and will guide and make us do all good things. Even if we have to suffer, Saibaba will ensure our sufferings to the minimized. So as Saibaba never liked and we should not do is ….to look into future by any means.
10)When we surrender our whole life, Saibaba will ensure that we will get all good thoughts and feelings.And even if any negative thought is coming in mind…have patience in our heart along with faith.
11)Faith means to completely believe that whatever Saibaba has taught and is teaching is best and we are following it and we will always follow it.
12)Faith means to believe Saibaba is our Sadguru, god, father and mother and everything.
13)Faith will ensure that all our ego, arrogance, ignorance,argumentative nature, habit of logical interpretation of incidences of life, fear, anger, over confidence will get destroyed……..and we will live a devoted life and will perform all life activities with same devotion considering it as best gift from Saibaba.
Shirish Atkari


whatever U have told about sai is really good to read, the way U compared Sai with our parents was really great which made me to feel special for Sai.
Jai Sai Ram!
Jai sai ram
What you told on faith is really awesome.Point no. 6 is really good which i kept in my mind in present and in future also.
One of my neighbour gave me Sai baba's picture.On the first day of my sai vrat puja on thursday ..the picture of sai baba on which i am doing puja,specially the forehead part of baba's picture was burnt.
i am worried after that.could anyone please guide me as if i need to stop doing vrat puja of baba?I feel as if baba is not happy with my puja.