We have read many leela's of Baba where Baba manifested in different form to assure his devotee/children about His love and care for them .Today's Sai leela shared by Sai devotee Pooja is one of this kind.Please read the attached mail below.Jai Sai Ram .
Dear Manisha Didi,
I loved your website, your work ,devotion and everything.You are doing a great work.You are very very blessed. I tried to post my experience but when I clicked on send email it did not work so I am posting this way.Please post my experience which was inspired by your mother’s experience-Unique photo.
This is the first incidence where I became a strong and a firm believer of Baba.From the childhood I have been brought up in such a way that I always believed in God but still sometimes had questions about what I had been told and felt Is God really there?...
It was 16th March 2006 which was my birthday and also the last internal examination paper(environmental chemistry).I can never forget that day of my life.As usual since it was my exam I bowed down in front of all the idols of all the gods and prayed that my exams go very good.
At that moment as I was praying before Baba (which was a sticker on a cupboard in bedroom)and was almost done with my prayers I don't know why and how I continued my prayers only to Sai Baba saying,"Baba its my Birthday today and aaj mujhe aapse kuch to gift chahiye...Kuch bhi chalega....(and i want some gift from you...anything will do...).Even if its some punishment and if you think its important for me than also I shall accept..but I want some gift from you today..that also before 12 midnight.." Later I felt surprised that what was I doing?
Then I left home gave my exams which had to be superb because Baba’s grace was there and I was very happy because exams were over and it was my birthday .I came back home there was a sort of surprise bithday party for me in a hotel by my parents and relatives.We celebrated and enjoyed a lot came back home around 11.40 p.m.Since I had received many gifts and also few envelopes containing money I started opening one by one.(I had completely forgotten about my prayers to Baba for gift since it was not done intentionally /thoughtfully).Than I started collecting money from envelopes given to me . And I came across one envelopes which was given by my maasi(mothers sister) which was made up of Sai Baba's photograph.I was with no words to see Baba come in form of Picture as my birthday gift. what could I say or express but only love and lots of love .Baba made my day and blessed me .
Immediately something clicked me to recollect everything and I saw the watch it was not yet 12 midnight and still there were few more minutes to be 12 ,this was enough to make me feel the presence of Baba .
After removing money from it I opened the envelope carefully so that it was a complete square photograph.I still have it and will be there forever.
One thing that surprised me was my maasi had their own designed envelopes printed with their names and usually on all occassions she used them but that day(my birthday) how she gave me an envelope that was made from a card that had Sai Baba's photograph? Is this not really Baba's way of doing things for His children!!
One thing to be noticed is if we make an envelope out of any rectangle or square we may go for cutting few edges corners so that its aproper envelope but this envelope was made only by folding the paper and sticking it with glue. But when I separated the folds the photograph was not damaged and was a complete proper photograph( this realization I got now while I am posting this experience.Thank you Sai baba for all your love and grace.)
Then I realised that Baba's gift to me was none other than Baba HIMSELF and from that day Baba actually came into my life or else can say I started recognizing his presence and I became more devoted to HIm.I had all my doubts cleared which sometimes I had about God's existence.Then after that incident there were so many incidences when Baba had helped me out or showed me the path.And I started recognizing His constant presence in my life.Now I cannot think anything beyond Baba and His love .Thank you Baba fro coming in my life on such a special day and changing me for good and bringing me closer to you .Thank you Sai Baba for the most wonderful birthday gift ever and entering my life.
I Would definitely wish to post my other experiences also as and when Baba will wish.
Om Sai Ram!!!!!!!
