Here is an experience by Sai devotee Rathna which shows that if we keep our faith firm in Baba there will always be a silver line even in the darkest cloud .Read the mail attached below .Jai Sai Ram.
Sai Manisha Ji,
I would like to share my personal experience with everyone.
Recently I got a job in a field which is very much unrelated to my studies. I sincerely believe that it is Baba who has chosen this career for me. In my work everyone knows that I have no experience and they are giving me a lot of training. After the training they will be giving me the actual work.
One day in my training I didn't understand the process and I got very discouraged and felt that this field is not for me. So on the way to my home while driving I was crying and talking to Baba that " Baba, Inspite of all this extensive training and everything I am still not confident and sometimes I don't understand at all, Baba I am very nervous I don't know if I will be successful in this field, Baba please give me a positive sign to encourage and assure me that I will be successful in my career " I was crying through out and asking Baba continuously to give me a positive sign.
When I reached home my 9 year old son came running to me and said "mommy I made a card for you ". I was so suprised that my son doesn't that often give me cards and also there is no any such special occasion. I opened the card in that he has written " I love you mommy, don't worry if you try hard in your work , you will be best person in your team and even the very best in your whole office, just try hard" . I was totally speechless and crying so hard and hugged my son and said " Thank you very much Baba , you gave me the assurance through my son and I will definitely work hard and never get discouraged again. I can do it Baba ". Even today my work seem to be very challenging but I always remember the words " TRY HARD " so I am trying hard and will not be discouraged again as I know with Baba's grace and blessings I can definitely be successful at my work.
Jai Sai Ram.
