Posted below is Sai experience shared by sai bhakt Nimmi Ramesh ji.Jai Sai Ram.
Jai Sai Ram
This was probably in the Year 2000 when I was working at a hospital. My mother-in-law was sick at that time and was admitted in the hospital. I thought I could get a particular photo of Sai laminated and give it to her.
At around 4.00pm I went to the laminating center to get the Sai Baba photo laminated. When I went there, they were closing up everything and the person who does the lamination asked me to come next week. In that place they do the lamination once a week. I was very disappointed as I was going to the hospital to see my Mother in law.
Another person at the laminating center saw the photo which I was having in my hand and asked if HE was Baba. He is a local Australian. He told the person who does the lamination to do the lamination for me.
I was so happy to get the photo laminated and gave it to my mother-in-law.
My mother in law was delighted to get the Sai photo and kept the photo near her bed in the hospital. She recovered quickly and was discharged within a few days.
This incident may appear as a coincidence, but I could see Baba’s hand in getting the photo laminated when I wanted it. Sai Baba is always with us helping and guiding us in every way. We only need to have the patience and dedication as advised by Baba.
By: Nimmi Ramesh
Wallpaper Courtesy :Brother Vaibhav.
