Sai brother Anubhav ji had taken prayers to Shirdi. It was very fortunate on his part that he could attend 91st Punyatithi festival and was blessed immensely as he could be in Shirdi for about 6 days. On September 24, Thursday, he offered everyone's prayer in Samadhi Mandir. Priest present at that time touched all prayers to Holy Feet of Sai Baba. Then after all prayers were returned with a rose by priest. Sai brother Anubhav ji told the priest that they were prayers of many devotees of Baba and he would like them to be kept there. On such polite request, the prayers rested on Baba's Samadhi and Sai brother Anubhav ji who had good fortune of playing part of messenger between Sai Baba and His devotees, prayed for all and requested Baba to grant their wishes as He may feel fit.
My heartfelt thanks to Brother Anubhav ji for praying on behalf of all of us and taking prayers at Baba's darbar.
