Few days back I had posted an experience about how Baba listens to our inner most wish and fulfills it within no time ,this experience also indicates the same as experienced by Sai sister ShivaSankari recently .Please read her mail forwarded below. Jai Sai Ram .
Dear Manisha Sister,
I wish to share yesterday's experience with you.
Yesterday morning I read your article "Baba's love-Experience of Sai devotee Rishabh" explaining how his sister got additional plate of halwa prasad which she was refused the previous time. When I read that I had a thought see how baba is planning even smaller things for us. This thought ran in my mind for some time. Then I forgot.
Yesterday evening I went to Mylapore Baba temple.Baba was so beautifully decorated in Red Satin cloth. Once my darshan was over, I stood in the prasad queue. I got Pongal as prasad (Mylapore temple pongal will be very tasty). I always have a habit of having some for myself and taking some for my family members. Yesterday they gave me less pongal than they normally offer.
I thought "Why baba, you have given me less pongal?". Then i kept that inside my bag for my family and stood in the queue again to get some more for myself. This time when my turn came, the pongal was left less in that vessel. It was sufficient only for 3 devotees including me, then they have to take next prasad vessel. The volunteer who was distributing prasad kept all the left out pongal in a same bowl and offered me. Immediately I said him, "Sorry I cannot have this much, give me little only". He said,
"No BABA is giving you this today, you may not get this again tomorrow, so you have to take it".After this how can I deny, so I took and came to other side.
There I saw a middle age couple having prasad. They got only less in their bowls. I had a thought running in my mind, "Can I ask them to share mine". Before I could open my mouth, that uncle looked at me deeply and said, "You need not give it to others. Baba has given this to you, you take it. He is in different forms, you need to understand that. Accept all HIS tests. HE is testing you now, dont worry HE will give you everything. Accept HIS will".
He said this and moved away from that place. He was too serious when he was saying this. His wife told if you cannot have fully, dont waste take it your family members. So again I kept this in my bag and returned. In my way back I went to my aunt's house who stays close to my place to give some prasad to them. There they were all having prasad- Sweet Kozhukattai which my uncle got from Vinayakar temple (yesterday it was sangadahara sadhurthi). They gave me that. I felt it was again Sai's prasad in HIS different form else how could I think of visiting them at this hour .
Though these are small incidents but thinking deeply, we can realise HIM in every happenings. Please post this as you get time.
Our family have realized HIS presence so many other times which I will share in near future.
Thanks & Regards
Sivasankari Thiyagarajan.
