Happy Thursday and happy Baba's day ,
It gives me immense pleasure to share a good news with all Sai devotees.
Sai Baba has blessed this blog to enable it to publish Biography of Pujya Shri B.V Narsimha Swami ji first time on the web through this blog .And it is only the blessing of Sai baba that translation of the same biography are being published in Tamil from this auspicious day .
Now Tamil devotees can read the content with more ease and happiness and know in detail about Pujya B.V Narsimha Swami ji .I feel it is again the blessing of Shri Sainath that He has chosen this blog as a via media to let all the Sai devotee know about the life history of one of his CHOSEN prominent sevak Shri B.V Narsimha Swami ji .

I would like to share with my readers how this happened .Just 3 days back I received a mail from Shri Jayaram ji and it was heartening to read the content of the mail .Respected pen named as Santhipriya alias Jayaram ji had shown interest in translating and compiling the stories of B.V Narsimha swami ji in Tamil language .How can I describe my happiness !! my sole aim is to spread each and everything about Shirdi Sai Baba , his life history and everything related to HIM .

I would like to introduce the readers with blessed person who has made this possible for all Tamil readers by attaching below his introduction in his own words.

"As per Santhipriya alias Jayaramanji he used to do pranam to Nrasimha swamiji before going to school in school days He resided close to Sai mandir in Chennai and was eager to write in Sai site and waited for an opportunity so long. He says epecially he was in search of life story of Sri. Narasimha swami ji, when by chance happened to see this site and articles on Narsimha Swami ji available on this site alone. Perhaps swamiji wanted to get his story aired by him in Tamil in some web, hence feel this opportunity has been given to him. "This page has been shifted to New Website in Tamil .
To read in Tamil click Here.
Photo source: Nimesh Patel .


Manisha sister Congrats for uploading tamil version of Narasimhaji's life history I feel my Sai has fulfilled my wish through Jayaramji and through you. By the grace of Sai, When we started writing about Narasimhaji I had a longing to contribute the same in tamil for tamil devotees and now I am so happy and thankful to both of you and my Koti pranams to my Sadguru Sai for fulfilling all our wish.