Happy Vaishaki Poornima to all .
Once again beautiful pencil sketch has been drawn by Kouwshigan ji and shared with all of us .For the details of the sketch I am attaching mail of Kouwshigan ji below.Jai Sai Ram .

Happy Vaishaki Poornima to all ,
I would like to share a hand made portrait of Baba ,done with pencil on a paper .I dedicate this creation to our beloved Baba on the VAISHAKI Poornima Day, a special holy day in Sri Lanka as well as abroad.By the impression of Baba's original painting (attached here above), I created this pencil sketch. Hope I have touched the base as much as I could!
To download the pecil sketch in large file size click Here.
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Om Sairam
You are maintaining a very good blog.
Why there is no live darshan relay for last two days?What is the reason?
Sairam Ji
Thanks for your kind words.
Sometime due to slow net or server issue from the Sansthan website the Live darshan does not come .I am sure it shall be rectified soon .Please keep visiting the website and you shall see direct darshan of Saima.
At the Feet of my Sathguru Sai
Om sai baba. I went 4 times for his darshan, I suffered left leg pain I fell down 4 times my leg became swells and I have pain I can't walk I feel pain I suffered like this for 7 years sai showed one homeyopathi doctor he is professor I took medicine for 7 years before that I am bed redden with sais grace my pain reduced he is there to take care of his devotee thanks baba