Happy Baba's day and Happy Thursday to all ,
Baba's blessing are always showering around us ,we have to have the heart to feel them ,have the eye to see them ,wisdom to understand and the speech to share them ...the more vigilant we become the more we see HIS love and grace in our life .Leelas of Baba are innumerable so are HIS ways of blessings.Even a dream proves to be HIS blessing if percepted rightly.Same happened in case of Sai devotee Ashalatha sister .Please read her Sai experience given below.
Sairam Manishaji
In my previous post I had shared my blissful experiences in Shirdi, and this post explains the Leela experienced by me well before my Shirdi darshan.
This happened some time in the beginning of Mar 2008, I had a blissful dream. I was in Shirdi with my mom and I was so shocked because as per our schedule we are supposed to go to Tirupathi Balaji and after a day's break we were to go to Shirdi Sai.
So I questioned my Mom "how come you brought me to Shirdi directly?" . She said "not to worry about the schedule ,but how you want to have darshan of Sai!!.During my converstaion I was immediately reminded that I have not brought anything with me for Sai. And so
I told my mom, - “Oh mom how can I go empty handed to see my Sai,”?
Mom said - "There are shops and you still have the opportunity to buy anything you want for Sai".
I said – then, “please take me to a shop where I can find shawls", she took me to a near by shop there we found Sai’s Pratima and Shawls on display and she herself picked up a violet shawl which was a self printed material.
I said, “Mom this shawl looks too small and before I could complete ,immediately my mom tried to check the size with one of the pratima of Sai in display and fount the pratima was a smaller one, I said "mom our Sai is not this small he is really big you please find a saree that will be apt for Sai".
Then we found a yellow mustard silk saree which is also a self printed material with lot of work and was looking like gold, we liked it and thought of buying it and that was the end of the dream.
I got up and felt immensely happy that I was in Shirdi last night but at the same time I really got confused. As to What is Saima trying to tell me from this dream? Do we need to go to Shirdi and then proceed to Tirupathi?
With all the Sai experience till date I had been given some or the other proof after every blissful dream by Sai ma, I thought since we have couple of months to go to Shirdi , let’s wait to know what Sai wants us to understand from this dream.
All the bookings had been done only after taking the consent of Sai. (It is our practice that we take all major/complicated decisions by picking up chits like Y/N and go by the chit whichever falls close to the lotus feet of our Sai as HIS answer And till date all the decisions made this way had only ended up as a blessing by Baba).
That day morning my husband went to check the mail box, we usually check mails at the end of the day, but his friend who recently got married in India and was working in another state in U.S. had come back after his wedding had called us the previous evening and said that they had couriered a packet of sweets and so they want us to check the mail as the sweets were bought in India and may get spoiled if not consumed at the earliest.
We got their courier but the box seemed to be bigger than expected. To our surprise we found something golden color inside the packet. We guessed may be they have sent dress for kids. [ because before going for the wedding the bridegroom (my husband’s friend) was asking for my husband’s suit size as he wanted to buy one for my husband he calls my husband as “anna” (brother) we were saying -no and he was like atleast give me the dress size of kids.].
This happened some time in the beginning of Mar 2008, I had a blissful dream. I was in Shirdi with my mom and I was so shocked because as per our schedule we are supposed to go to Tirupathi Balaji and after a day's break we were to go to Shirdi Sai.
So I questioned my Mom "how come you brought me to Shirdi directly?" . She said "not to worry about the schedule ,but how you want to have darshan of Sai!!.During my converstaion I was immediately reminded that I have not brought anything with me for Sai. And so
I told my mom, - “Oh mom how can I go empty handed to see my Sai,”?
Mom said - "There are shops and you still have the opportunity to buy anything you want for Sai".
I said – then, “please take me to a shop where I can find shawls", she took me to a near by shop there we found Sai’s Pratima and Shawls on display and she herself picked up a violet shawl which was a self printed material.
I said, “Mom this shawl looks too small and before I could complete ,immediately my mom tried to check the size with one of the pratima of Sai in display and fount the pratima was a smaller one, I said "mom our Sai is not this small he is really big you please find a saree that will be apt for Sai".
Then we found a yellow mustard silk saree which is also a self printed material with lot of work and was looking like gold, we liked it and thought of buying it and that was the end of the dream.
I got up and felt immensely happy that I was in Shirdi last night but at the same time I really got confused. As to What is Saima trying to tell me from this dream? Do we need to go to Shirdi and then proceed to Tirupathi?
With all the Sai experience till date I had been given some or the other proof after every blissful dream by Sai ma, I thought since we have couple of months to go to Shirdi , let’s wait to know what Sai wants us to understand from this dream.
All the bookings had been done only after taking the consent of Sai. (It is our practice that we take all major/complicated decisions by picking up chits like Y/N and go by the chit whichever falls close to the lotus feet of our Sai as HIS answer And till date all the decisions made this way had only ended up as a blessing by Baba).
That day morning my husband went to check the mail box, we usually check mails at the end of the day, but his friend who recently got married in India and was working in another state in U.S. had come back after his wedding had called us the previous evening and said that they had couriered a packet of sweets and so they want us to check the mail as the sweets were bought in India and may get spoiled if not consumed at the earliest.
We got their courier but the box seemed to be bigger than expected. To our surprise we found something golden color inside the packet. We guessed may be they have sent dress for kids. [ because before going for the wedding the bridegroom (my husband’s friend) was asking for my husband’s suit size as he wanted to buy one for my husband he calls my husband as “anna” (brother) we were saying -no and he was like atleast give me the dress size of kids.].
We had no clue that they would buy a saree for me which was exactly matching with my previous night Shirdi dream. I was so surprised seeing the proof of my dream .When my husband called our friend he said ya,” since you guys did not give the size to buy the suit my parents went to the silk weaver to buy saree for relatives and they bought one for your wife too".
Now I was in a fix, because according to my dream I was buying saree for Sai and here I am recieving ,so I immediately went to Sai and asked him (through chit) "Sai you want me to offer this saree in Shirdi or should I take it as a blessing from you?"
Sai Baba's reply -blessed me to wear the saree.
So I thought I will wear this saree in Shirdi. Just then we came to know that a Sai mandir is getting inaugurated in Irving and the prathistapana of Baba was to take place on 13th of April, I got excited to wear the saree on the auspicious day ,then again I thought I will reserve it for Shirdi itself. What a miracle after the prathishta of Sai’s pratima, abhishekam was conducted and after all this Baba was ready to wear his shawl and the priest requested a volunteer to get the shawl from the room and the shawl given to the priest was just the same violet color with self print(recall my dream) as I saw in my dream.
No need to say that I was wearing this saree in Shirdi on Thursday for a long time not at all feeling uncomfortable inspite of its heaviness. I also wore the same saree on Sai’s punnyathithi this year and filled thoughts through out the day with the blissful experiences I had in Shirdi. Of course, many at times it has happened that my dress color was going with the shawl color of Sai, and I used to feel happy like a kid. But this is the most heart touching one. No words to express my gratitude to my eternal father and just remain silent with my tears to wash his lotus feet for all the blessings he had showered on me, without whom I am nothing.
May Sai be with all of us always, bless us, guide us always and show such Leelas to purify our mind and soul and help us to dive deep into the ocean of Sai.
