It is heartfelt desire of each and every child of Sai maharaj to be with HIM and be in close proximity with Him like one to one,when one is visiting Shirdi .
Due to heavy rush devotees do not get adequate time to stand and look at Baba's pratima to their hearts content .We all know if we are given a chance we would not leave the sanctum santorium and would love to be there looking at our kind deva all the time.
To each and every devotee Baba is listening and seeing .One cannot say Baba does not listen .If our earnestness to be with HIM is strong and deep it makes HIM Pull us more closer to HIM as rightly said in Aarti "जैसा भावः तैसा अनुभव".Same one gets to feel .
This even I have felt so many time when I have touched the holy soil of Shirdi .Be it with Dwarkamayi,Samadhi Mandir ,Gurusthan,Chavadi all are very important to Sai children and to have contended darshan of Baba in each place one need to have lot of love for Him and than reach out to HIM with full devotion .He shall do miracle and His darshan shall become a life time memory to cherish .Same happened with Sai devotee Meena Ji .Below is attached her experience.
Sai Ram Manishaji,
I would like to share my first experience with Baba the first time I visited Shirdi in 2004 January. I was not sure whether I should write about my experience or not but today after reading your recent post on Tarkhad family, I decided I should write no matter how small or silly it may appear. It is my small token of SAI Service for my One and Only Father, Mother, Guru, Protector, Savior, Everything. Jai Sai Ram .
This happened in January 2004 when my son was only 8 months old. My husband and my mother-in-law wanted to visit Shirdi and have darshan of Baba. At that time, I was not very keen on visiting Shirdi. Not because I'm not religious but I was very sick with fever, cold, cough etc. And I had a small baby with me. So, I told my husband that he should go on his own with my mother-in-law (MIL).
However, after lot of insistence from my husband and MIL and also taking lot of medicines, I finally decided to join them to Shirdi along with my son. We arrived in Shirdi on Thursday evening well ahead of the kakad arthi time. I had heard a lot about Kakad arthi through our family and friends etc and was glad that I'll be able to watch it this time.
But in my heart of heart, my strongest desire was to see Sai Baba's statue standing close by and feel the power, glow and life in HIS eyes. I had heard that Sai statue in Shirdi is One of a kind and we can feel HIS love and kindness as it is so real. We went and stood in line in a big room and waited for over an hour or even more. When I was waiting, I thought since there was a line, people would be sent in an order inside Samadhi Mandir to witness Baba's Arthi.
But, when the doors got opened, people rushed from everywhere and went past us. I could not run as I was already sick and had my 8 month old son with me. So, though I reached Shirdi in time for kakad arthi and waited in line, I did not get to see the arthi and in the end just got a glimpse of Baba's Murthi from a distance. I was really disappointed and after the visit, we left to our hotel room. After eating dinner, we slept.
My final thoughts for the night were myself saying to Baba "I came to you with all my sickness and having waited for over an hour in line, I did not get to see you the way I wanted (ie standing close to Baba's statue and have HIS darshan face to face). All this because I had the baby with me. If not, even I'd have pushed others and ran to the front to see arthi and would have gotten your darshan from close proximity.
Early next morning i.e. Friday), my MIL woke me up when I was still sleeping on the bed and she requested me to join her to the temple one more time before we left Shirdi in the afternoon. I woke up and told her I was not interested to visit the temple again due to my experience yesterday evening and went back to deep sleep.
Now, my mother-in-law woke me up again a couple of minutes later and said she was scared to go alone and requested me again to accompany her. This time, I just got up in a second, had a bath, got ready in minutes.
While getting ready, something flashed across my mind and I started recollecting about what had just happened with me and realized I had a dream.
After I refused to go with my MIL the first time, I slept and Baba came in my dreams for few minutes. He said "You are angry with me because you did not get my darshan the way you wanted yesterday. But come now, I will give you darshan the way you want it.".
Needless to say, me and my MIL went to the temple again and this time, I got to see Baba from very close proximity and spent an hour looking at his kind gaze. Thus SAI blessed me in my dream first, then gave me a wonderful darshan in reality and blessed me. My pranams at the feet of my Sadguru. Shri Sacchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Thank you,


Loved meena ji's experience, I had tears in my eyes..I had a similar experience this time I visited shirdi. My sister forwarded this blog to me after reading meena ji's experience. My darshan was not good and my 10 mth old son cried a lot, I was very upset. Then when we came home my mother suggested we visit the Shergoan Sai Baba Mandir, its about an hour from my house. So the day we were visiting the temple on the way i took a short nap and Sai Baba's statue flashed in front of my eyes and the shawl colour was bright yellow..and i woke up..and a thought crossed my mind..what colour shawl would sai baba be wearing?.... Then we entered the temple and i was shocked to see that the shawl was indeed BRIGHT YELLOW...i was so overwhelmed...and my darshan was excellent..from somewhere a panditji came and he guided us through the temple..he showed us around, he gave us udi and sai baba's calender..for me it was as if sai baba was showing me the temple..and then the panditji removed a shawl and draped it over me...i was so happy..it was the best moment of my life.
I just know that if you have complete faith in sai he will fulfill all your wishes and when you are really troubled just leave everything on sai and have full faith that sai will do the best for you.
Manisha ji thanks a lot for this wonderful blog.