Me and my family wish you all the readers visiting this blog a very Happy Sai blessed Diwali.
I was thinking that on this great day I should put a message from Sai Satcharitra instead of me writing long greeting message .
Praying to our dear Sainath ,and seeking for HIS divine message for all the children ,I randomly opened the book and found these two message .After reading these I had nothing to think or say but to bow myself at HIS Holy feet and thank HIM endlessly for HIS Divine message.
"Be wherever you like, do whatever you choose, remember this well that all what you do is known to Me. I am the Inner Ruler of all and seated in their hearts. I envelope all the creatures, the movable and immovable world. I am the Controller - the wirepuller of the show of this Universe. I am the mother - origin of all beings - the Harmony of three Gunas, the propeller of all senses, the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. Nothing will harm him, who turns his attention towards Me, but Maya will lash or whip him who forgets Me. All the insects, ants, the visible, movable and immovable world, is My Body or Form".
"There will never be any dearth or scarcity, regarding food and clothes, in any devotees’ homes. It is my special characteristic, that I always look to, and provide, for the welfare of those devotees, who worship Me whole-heartedly with their minds ever fixed on Me. Lord Krishna has also said the same in the Gita. Therefore, strive not much for food and clothes. If you want anything, beg of the Lord, leave worldly honours, try to get Lord’s grace and blessings, and be honored in His Court. Do not be deluded by worldly honor. The form of the Deity should be firmly fixed in the mind. Let all the senses and mind be ever devoted to the worship of the Lord, let there be no attraction for any other thing; fix the mind in remembering Me always, so that it will not wander elsewhere, towards body, wealth and home. Then it will be calm, peaceful and carefree. This is the sign of the mind, being well engaged in good company. If the mind is vagrant, it cannot be called well-merged."


Sai Ram. Excellent advice from Baba. Keeping Him always in our mind (He is there anyway in our heart) is the best Diwali gift that we can give to ourselves and to Him. Sai Ram.