Here in continuation with Saddhu bhaiya is a very interesting incident for readers .
Saddu Bhayya had three sons. The eldest was Ananda Rao, then Laxman Rao and Shankar Rao. Saddu Bhayya took samadhi in 1937. The photograph sent by Baba was in Bhamingaon unattended.
One day Laxman Rao got a vivid dream in which Baba said
" I came to your home through this photograph, and you have discarded Me. If you don't come and free Me within two days My leg will be eaten away".

Laxman Rao was shocked at this dream, but couldn't understand it. He went to the court as usual but was restless the whole day and could not do a jot of work.
That night he had the same dream.
In which Baba said "you have not heeded My warning, if you don't come and set Me free. My leg will be eaten away by termite (white ants)'-.
This dream terrified Laxman Rao the very next day he went to court and applied for leave. Hastily he went to the house in Bhamingaon. When he opened the door he was shocked to see that termite had eaten the wooden frame, and had just invaded the photograph below Baba’s big toe.
Laxman Rao At once he took down the photograph and cleaned it. Then he took the photograph to his home in Indore.

There he got it re cleaned and re-framed and kept it in his home. Daily puja was performed. Now Baba in that photograph is being tended to with tender loving care by Vanitha (Laxman's daughter).