It was in 1916 Narke returned to Shirdi after a long spell of absence,as soon as He arrived Shirdi He started enquiring , who were doing what service to Baba??And he was told by a devotee that Vaman Rao Patel was doing the service of begging food in the village on behalf of Baba . Hearing this Narke felt a bit jealous.
"If that is so why should I not be given that work", He thought to himself, but said nothing.
It was time for darshan and Narke had no time to undress and go for darshan so he went in full suit, boot, trousers, coat and hat to Baba's Masjid.
Devotee were asking Baba for permission to send Vaman Rao with begging bowl and it was asked 3 times , suddenly Baba pointed to Narke and
said "Let this man go and beg for food with that bowl to-day".
Narke went in full suit that day and begged. And later for four months he went begging at noon for Baba's sake i.e., for food for Baba in ordinary costume. People could not understand why he was chosen for this??
But we know he had that desire and it was read by baba , Baba as his innermost soul, Antaryami noticed it and gave the opportunity of serving him in that way. In the early post on Narke a mention was made on same behaviour of Baba reading Narke's mind ,not on His but all His Devotee who ever it may be .I Would also like to mention that this honour of begging for food on his behalf at noon time was reserved by Baba for very few.And what a fortunate soul was Shri G.G Narke to be the chosen one!!